Zone1 obviously (or maybe not?) God knew we humans have bodies...


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
and so He "built [His] Church" (Mt 16:18) accordingly

It used to be when you'd be at a Catholic Mass, there would be a lot of incense.. lovely statues.. and etc..

Because we have senses.. taste and smell and so on...

All that seems to be gone in the novus ordo more/less...

what a shame...

God gave us the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense and its called discretion. God gave us discretion and we have none now... and that won't be good for us....
God gave us the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense and its called discretion. God gave us discretion and we have none now... and that won't be good for us....

won't be? (that's future tense)

it already isn't good for us. Sometimes it feels the whole nation is GONE.. and in a sense it is because few seem to respect the Constitution anymore. I sometimes think the R party (along with the Christians aligned with it)

are the ONLY thing standing bwtn us and total ruin...
God gave us bodies because we were to be made in his image and likeness.

our bodies are defective, as are our minds/hearts because of sin-- though the old - style Catholic Mass healed not only the mind/soul but the body..

St Paul said that we must undergo many hardships in order to enter Heaven (saying NO to hte body re gluttony and sexual sins..)

and why Jesus said there are FEW who enter
and so He "built [His] Church" (Mt 16:18) accordingly

It used to be when you'd be at a Catholic Mass, there would be a lot of incense.. lovely statues.. and etc..

Because we have senses.. taste and smell and so on...

All that seems to be gone in the novus ordo more/less...

what a shame...

Its clear.......the scriptures declare that the church/kingdom of God, should not go beyond "....what is written/recorded in scripture" -- 1 Cor. 4:6, 2 John 9-11.

We are placed upon this earth to serve and obey God...........why should anyone expect God to serve or entertain men? Our duty is to fear God and obey His commandments. The reason that such men made traditions should not be used in worshiping God is also simple........such practices, Obviously as you just wish for these in order to please and entertain yourself.....not to actually serve and worship God.

Is there authorization to be found in What Is Written/the holy scriptures.......for the use of Incense, Lovely statues....etc., ?

In the book of Ecclesiastes (Eccl. 12:11-12) etc., the preacher is teaching about man's life "under the sun"...i.e, this physical reality called life. All the pursuits of men are based upon "vanity" (1:2)....seeking ends that never appear and always disappoint, that never deliver that which is dreamed of. At the conclusion of this lesson in investigating the meaning of life it states that the purpose of man is to "FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS" .....he is warning us to actually listen to and obey the messages presented in scripture as obedience will lead to a long and fulfilled life as God will see and judge us based upon that which is written (12:13-14)

This is the same conclusion preached by Jesus Christ, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him, the word that I have spoken judge him on the last day......" -- John 12:48

Do we really go to services to worship and serve God or to be entertained? As the apostle Paul demanded, " you not have homes to eat in?" -- 1 Cor. 11:22 If you wish to be so in your private life. If Statues and Incense make you it, but do not expect the God of Creation to be a respecter of person (Rom. 2:11) We labor to obey the will of God........we do not attempt to bend the scriptures to meet our personal objectives. The scriptures should mold our character.........not the inverse.
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Its clear.......the scriptures declare that the church/kingdom of God, should not go beyond "....what is written/recorded in scripture" -- 1 Cor. 4:6, 2 John 9-11.

We are placed upon this earth to serve and obey God...........why should anyone expect God to serve or entertain men?

I don't recall saying otherwise.. You protestants are always throwing up those straw men in front of your eyes and then busy yourselves bashing them

so again. where did I say what you are saying I said?


If you are trying to convert me from my chosen religion or belief system or whatever u call it

you can absolutely forget it... I've seen what's available... I've made my choice... made it a long time ago..

If you want to bash fake Catholicism I will happily join you but the Real deal, forget it.. You don't have the first clue about THAT. If Satan has his way, no one ever will again have such a clue...

He's working on it.

Protestantism is one his greatest tools
I don't recall saying otherwise.. You protestants are always throwing up those straw men in front of your eyes and then busy yourselves bashing them

so again. where did I say what you are saying I said?


If you are trying to convert me from my chosen religion or belief system or whatever u call it

you can absolutely forget it... I've seen what's available... I've made my choice... made it a long time ago..

If you want to bash fake Catholicism I will happily join you but the Real deal, forget it.. You don't have the first clue about THAT. If Satan has his way, no one ever will again have such a clue...

He's working on it.

Protestantism is one his greatest tools
You asked WHY? you are attempting to back away from your own words? If you do not want the answer as addressed by Book, Chapter and Verse........don't ask the question. Its clear that you do not base your doctrine upon "that which is written". Thus, are you really serving God or yourself?
You asked WHY? you are attempting to back away from your own words? If you do not want the answer as addressed by Book, Chapter and Verse........don't ask the question. Its clear that you do not base your doctrine upon "that which is written". Thus, are you really serving God or yourself?

God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). The topic was the use of Statues, Incense, candles....etc., in service/worship to God.

The scriptures pointed out that those who worship God in the church/kingdom of God should not go beyond what is written. (1 Cor. 4:6, 2 John 9-11)

Further......there are various traditions of men propagated by the RCC that are not authorized within the Holy Scriptures.

The Roman Catholic Church does not recognize the Holy Scriptures as the final authority for doctrine.....the church itself as directed by the declared traditions from men that are appointed by other men decree these men have authority over the word of God and can change/evolve doctrine as determined by edicts/orders/laws from the rulers (the clergy). Jesus Christ Himself chastised the leaders of His day for engaging in the same practices as used by the RCC today.......placing Tradition over the revealed word of God.....scripture. (Matthew 23, Mark 7:13)

A list of traditions used by the RCC that is not authorized in the Holy Scriptures. 1. Separating the Clergy (rulers) from the Laity (members).....when the scriptures declare that all members are members of a Royal Priesthood and require no middle man to offer prayer in approaching the throne of Jesus Christ who is our High Priest (1 Peter 2:9, Heb. 5:3-6,10, Heb. 9:11-12). The scriptures declare that Jesus is just to forgive our trespasses (1 John 1:9)

2. The practice of "Lent" is not authorized and was not introduced into the church until around 140 A.D. Lent is never mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. But the scriptures declare that one should never be judged because of special days, holiday, or special Sabbaths. (Col. 2:16-23) there is no special doctrine that directs what you should eat deny yourself over certain holidays...etc.,

3. The wearing of Special l Vestments (RCC gowns and uniform type clothing) fact Jesus speaks against such in (Matthew 23). This custom/traidition is stolen from the Old Testament traditions of the priests dressing in special clothing.
Jesus nailed the old traditions and law to His cross (Col. 2:14)

4. The establishment of REGIONAL elders ...when the church is to be directed by locally appointed elders with each congregation being autonomist (each congregation supporting itself) independent in making decisions for their own local congregation as based upon the word of God.

5. The practice of Sprinkling instead of water baptism and especially the baptizing of infants......who have no knowledge of right and wrong. Children are born innocent as demonstrated in scriptures (Mark 10:15). The sins of the father are not passed unto the sons (Deut. 24:16, Rom. 3:23-25) each is responsible for their own acts of sin.

6. Purgatory as proven previoulsy by Luke 16. is not authorized by the Word of God ........there can be no praying for the dead. Prayers are for the living. (John 9:4) The Dead are awaiting the final judgement and can't change once life is over.......Hades will not give up its dead until Judgement (Rev. 20:13) Death is the separation of Body and Spirit (James 2:26) The race is over at death....and we are to endure while running the race of life (Heb. 12:1, 4-11, 1 Cor 9:24-27)

7. Easter is not authorized in Scripture 8. Christmas is not authorized in scripture.

9. Declaring that a members of Clergy can't marry is not authorized in scriptures. Its best to marry in order to bring your fleshly desires (which are natural to humanity) under control....than commit sexual sins and burn (1 Cor. 7:9), "Better to marry than to burn".

10. The worshiping and praying to Mary as God. Only God is to be worshiped (Luke 4:8)

11. Veneration (respect) for graven images.....Statues is not authorized in Scripture.

12. Rosary beads are not authorized in scripture.

13. Declaring the Pope (a man) as being "infallible".
God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). The topic was the use of Statues, Incense, candles....etc., in service/worship to God.

The scriptures pointed out that those who worship God in the church/kingdom of God should not go beyond what is written. (1 Cor. 4:6, 2 John 9-11)

Protestants do not know the Old Testament well and even when they have read it, even those who have read it over and over do NOT understand much of what is there. The Church Christ founded understands it. And I can see why the Original Church did not want lay people to read that book without a theologian's guidance (clergy).

i have read AND understood it (long story why I say that...)

There are REASONS why the 1st (Jewish) church (synagogue) did what it did and a lot of those practices carried over into the Christian Church that came with Christ's death and Resurrection. Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. "The law" often meant: the Jewish law, the Torah...

In this Old T, we see that the Israelites were Instructed to build the temple a certain way, with gold and other precious materials. I don't have time to go through the whole Old T book item by item but suffice to say that you will find Catholicism there... Yeh, I know.. you don't want to hear that. But just remember, your church, so called, began with the Father of Protestantism, Luther, who came into the world... when?

in the 16th century

Was there no Church before then?

I am not going to respond further if you don't answer that Q

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