Ocasio-Cortez-Cortez is the World’s Dumbest Human.

More genius:

She was asked what her plans are.

"Well, I think a lot of it has to do with changing our strategy around governance, you know. There is a lot of inside baseball, and inside the beltway, as you know, you always hear that term thrown around. But there are very few organizers in Congress and I do think that organizers operate differently. It’s a different kind of strategy and what it is is really about organizing and really thinking about that word ‘organizing’, segmenting people, being strategic in their actions and really bringing together a cohesive strategy of putting pressure on the chamber instead of only focusing on pressure inside the chamber,"
Utter ignorance of history, our government, and the Constitution:

"It is well past time we eliminate the Electoral College, a shadow of slavery’s power on America today that undermines our nation as a democratic republic,"
Our Founding Fathers got it right, the first time.

Solving simple poverty solves for a right wing host of right wing problems, automatically.

Congress should Insist on being full of Faith in the execution of a federal doctrine and our State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.
Utter ignorance of history, our government, and the Constitution:

"It is well past time we eliminate the Electoral College, a shadow of slavery’s power on America today that undermines our nation as a democratic republic,"

my <brilliant> take on Alexandria : She is a FRONT DESK
GIRL for a less than honest organization------hidden in the

BACK. Even she is clueless as to what is going on back
there----ie she is something like a MAFIA MOLL. for slugs like
Bernie Sanders and Linda Sarsour and Louis Farakhan and (maybe)
'reverend' al Sharpton. She does speak like a pseudo educated
ditsy blond dame--------but she is even better-----she is a
"person of color" (sorta)
Our Founding Fathers got it right, the first time.

Solving simple poverty solves for a right wing host of right wing problems, automatically.

Congress should Insist on being full of Faith in the execution of a federal doctrine and our State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.

What the heck is that? Is it English?
We can see who FOX has told the rubes to hyperventilate about.

They must be scared. Excellent.
We can see who FOX has told the rubes to hyperventilate about.

They must be scared. Excellent.

I don't watch Fox News, and I'm not afraid of her. That's the lie you tell yourself to make you feel better. Leftists have to lie to everyone, including themselves because the truth never agrees with them.

We love her, she's a non-stop gaff machine who shows the world exactly how ignorant the left is. That's why this thread is full of her gaffs and stupidity.
We can see who FOX has told the rubes to hyperventilate about.

They must be scared. Excellent.

You need some remedial training in vocabulary. The proper sentiments to have regarding Occasional Cortex are: amusement, disgust, and horror.
Last edited:

Unbelievable. We should have a Civics Literacy requirement to run for office.

She shows how mindless and ignorant the left is. Her supporters are probably just as stupid as she is. All she has to do to win is to"

1. Not be white.
2. Demand free healthcare.
3. Demand a living wage.
4. Condemn capitalism.
5. Believe in AGW.

They won't care how stupid she is, they'll put her in office.
Our Founding Fathers got it right, the first time.

Solving simple poverty solves for a right wing host of right wing problems, automatically.

Congress should Insist on being full of Faith in the execution of a federal doctrine and our State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.

What the heck is that? Is it English?
Our President is the chief law enforcement officer and head of the executive branch of Government.

Our Welfare clause is General not Common.

Solving simple poverty in our Republic could be solved by executive order.
Our Founding Fathers got it right, the first time.

Solving simple poverty solves for a right wing host of right wing problems, automatically.

Congress should Insist on being full of Faith in the execution of a federal doctrine and our State laws regarding the concept of employment at will.

What the heck is that? Is it English?
Our President is the chief law enforcement officer and head of the executive branch of Government.

Our Welfare clause is General not Common.

Solving simple poverty in our Republic could be solved by executive order.

What does that have to do with the ditz from NY?
E wry single time this woman opens her mouth, stupid comes out. Among the many umb shit things she has already said, there’s this now:

WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez States That 'Soccer Moms With Two Vans' Are A Thing Of The Past

The middle class is growing, not gone.
You should spell check or at the very least proof ready your OPs that are aimed at insulting another persons intelligence. When you have typos everywhere it waters down your arguement.

My phone screws up a lot of my posts and you are correct, I should check them before I hit post.

Are you so stupid that you cannot tell the difference between typos and a complete lack of knowledge on government or economics?
E wry single time this woman opens her mouth, stupid comes out. Among the many umb shit things she has already said, there’s this now:

WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez States That 'Soccer Moms With Two Vans' Are A Thing Of The Past

The middle class is growing, not gone.
You should spell check or at the very least proof ready your OPs that are aimed at insulting another persons intelligence. When you have typos everywhere it waters down your arguement.

My phone screws up a lot of my posts and you are correct, I should check them before I hit post.

Are you so stupid that you cannot tell the difference between typos and a complete lack of knowledge on government or economics?
I have typos all the time, especially when I use my phone. I’m just saying that you should be extra careful with the posts you make that go after other people’s intelligence. If you sounds stupid while calling somebody else’s stupid than you aren’t really making a strong point good. No what I mean?

Unbelievable. We should have a Civics Literacy requirement to run for office.

She shows how mindless and ignorant the left is. Her supporters are probably just as stupid as she is. All she has to do to win is to"

1. Not be white.
2. Demand free healthcare.
3. Demand a living wage.
4. Condemn capitalism.
5. Believe in AGW.

They won't care how stupid she is, they'll put her in office.

Oh, and live in NYC. Doesn't work if you aren't surrounded by hordes of ignorant, slavering leftists.

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