Occupation 101

Here is what I wonder. I know Muslims like servants. We have seen this one who is a converted Sunni demanding me, a Jew, to stand for what should be his own stand.

Why? Islam says that Muslims can only defend other Muslims in the ummah. Let him find his own to protect him. Or, gasp, maybe he will learn to stand up for himself??

It reminds me of the non converted Arabians who call themselves Palestinians, begging for a homeland to be given to them. Rather than do the hard work that every other country that is not Arabian has had to do to create a country.


Careful, infidel, allah in his enmity and hatred is gonna disconnect your internet connection, since allah invented the internet. :lol:

Quran 60:4...
We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone
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Here is what I wonder. I know Muslims like servants. We have seen this one who is a converted Sunni demanding me, a Jew, to stand for what should be his own stand.

Why? Islam says that Muslims can only defend other Muslims in the ummah. Let him find his own to protect him. Or, gasp, maybe he will learn to stand up for himself??

It reminds me of the non converted Arabians who call themselves Palestinians, begging for a homeland to be given to them. Rather than do the hard work that every other country that is not Arabian has had to do to create a country.


Whining and playing victim isn't going to lay any Jewish stereotypes to rest, bubeleh.
I personally was screwed over by Moslems, they refused to pay a boss of mine after we installed structural steel for a building in Orange County California, I have another friend who Moslem neighbors moved their property line onto his property, he had to sue in court.

Clearly, they should all be wiped out.
Profanity and name calling, of the weak or strong, I can see the intellect on the wrong side of justice defining profanity and name calling as such. I can see the intellect on the wrong side of justice calling for peace and restraint, this works for the intellectual tyrant.

The lousy piece of shit bastard wishes to be above the fray with his righteous use of words. Well the righteous rape tiny 12 year old girls, murder homosexuals, stone to death woman who find comfort in a non-moslem arms they wish to demean us if we call them the lousy mother-fuckers that they are.

In all seriousness, there is a time when mere words do not convey the proper response.

There is no Allah, there is no god of Islam, we do not worship the same god.

Rape of children, covering women in cloth so that they cannot see the world, denying woman the rights that a man enjoys.

That is a piece of shit, bigoted, ideology.

One day we will lose our temper with the ignorant moslem culture and the strong will destroy all of Islam.

this should of happened many years ago.

The only problem in the Middle East is no body has the God-dam balls to piss on the rock in Mecca and wake up the fools still caught in an era of 1000 years ago.


Religion of Truth got your Huggies in a bunch, money grip?

Tell em Kalam, Islam is the most tolerant vibrant religion on the face of the earth. Bow down:clap2:
Quran 60:4...
We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone

I was on the road to Cairo. I saw how they treated their own when we had them prisoner. There is no buddy system in Islam. But they want a buddy system of Israeli servants on this forum?

It's not going to happen with this Jew.
Profanity and name calling, of the weak or strong, I can see the intellect on the wrong side of justice defining profanity and name calling as such. I can see the intellect on the wrong side of justice calling for peace and restraint, this works for the intellectual tyrant.

The lousy piece of shit bastard wishes to be above the fray with his righteous use of words. Well the righteous rape tiny 12 year old girls, murder homosexuals, stone to death woman who find comfort in a non-moslem arms they wish to demean us if we call them the lousy mother-fuckers that they are.

In all seriousness, there is a time when mere words do not convey the proper response.

There is no Allah, there is no god of Islam, we do not worship the same god.

Rape of children, covering women in cloth so that they cannot see the world, denying woman the rights that a man enjoys.

That is a piece of shit, bigoted, ideology.

One day we will lose our temper with the ignorant moslem culture and the strong will destroy all of Islam.

this should of happened many years ago.

The only problem in the Middle East is no body has the God-dam balls to piss on the rock in Mecca and wake up the fools still caught in an era of 1000 years ago.


Religion of Truth got your Huggies in a bunch, money grip?

Tell em Kalam, Islam is the most tolerant vibrant religion on the face of the earth. Bow down:clap2:

I'm glad you think so.
Profanity and name calling, of the weak or strong, I can see the intellect on the wrong side of justice defining profanity and name calling as such. I can see the intellect on the wrong side of justice calling for peace and restraint, this works for the intellectual tyrant.

The lousy piece of shit bastard wishes to be above the fray with his righteous use of words. Well the righteous rape tiny 12 year old girls, murder homosexuals, stone to death woman who find comfort in a non-moslem arms they wish to demean us if we call them the lousy mother-fuckers that they are.

In all seriousness, there is a time when mere words do not convey the proper response.

There is no Allah, there is no god of Islam, we do not worship the same god.

Rape of children, covering women in cloth so that they cannot see the world, denying woman the rights that a man enjoys.

That is a piece of shit, bigoted, ideology.

One day we will lose our temper with the ignorant moslem culture and the strong will destroy all of Islam.

this should of happened many years ago.

The only problem in the Middle East is no body has the God-dam balls to piss on the rock in Mecca and wake up the fools still caught in an era of 1000 years ago.


Religion of Truth got your Huggies in a bunch, money grip?

To tell you the truth, yes, I hate to see hate.

The Christian USA works for Islam, what do we get in turn, dead children and propaganda.

I personally was screwed over by Moslems, they refused to pay a boss of mine after we installed structural steel for a building in Orange County California, I have another friend who Moslem neighbors moved their property line onto his property, he had to sue in court.

Trouble with so many moslem people in the middle east is they have never had to work and when they did they forced the women to do all the work.

I bet you its still like that across much of the moslem world, old cultures die hard.

Women don't do jack shit, in the Gulf Countries workers from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc do all the work.
Tell em Kalam, Islam is the most tolerant vibrant religion on the face of the earth. Bow down:clap2:

I'm glad you think so.

Hell yeah son, Islamic countries are the most open minded, tolerant accepting societies on the face of the Earth. The ignorant west can learn much from them:clap2:

Oh no, I think the West clearly sets the benchmark for tolerance. Look no further than USMB, where we're constantly reminded that Makkah should be bombed and that all Muslims should be killed, etc.

Religion of Truth got your Huggies in a bunch, money grip?

Tell em Kalam, Islam is the most tolerant vibrant religion on the face of the earth. Bow down:clap2:

I'm glad you think so.

You think so, because, you're a brainwashed Muzzie robot.

Why I left Islam
By Waleed Al-Husseini
Islam is an authoritarian religion that does not respect the individuals’ freedom of choice, which is easily noticeable from its barbaric verdicts such as stoning the adulterous, pushing the homosexuals off a cliff and killing the apostates for daring to express a different viewpoint. Then there is the plight of other religions’ followers in the Muslim State. Islam urges its followers to fight the infidels until they convert or agree to pay a tax known as "Jizya" per capita in total submission.The sacred texts in Islam also encourage blatant war and conquest of new territories to spread the religion of Muhammad, instead of using peaceful means to convey the message, relying only on a rational argumentative scheme; something that Islam, like any other religion for that matter, evidently lacks. It is simply a terrible insult to human values and a proof of unprecedented dementia.

I was flabbergasted when I learnt the commandments of Islam regarding the alliance and disavowal and the aberrant division of the world into believers and unbelievers, with all the outrageous provisions this implies for the "Dhimmis" and the” Jizya "! A man also has the right to correct his wife by beating her and / or deserting the marital bed if she refuses to submit to his will. She has no choice when it comes to satisfying his sexual desire whenever he feels like it, with no regard whatsoever of her feelings and desires.

I am not a feminist and I am not one of those who defend women passionately against the countless forms of injustice they have suffered for centuries because of religion, but I have a mother, a sister and a lover and I cannot stand for them to be humiliated and stigmatized in this bone-chilling way, because they are my dearest and I love them too much to treat them with this flawed and nauseating manner which debunks undoubtedly the claim that Islam is a religion of equality and freedom! All forms of artistic expressions are banned in Islam: music, singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, acting, but also literature, poetry, philosophy and the use of logic!

Muhammad was no different than barbaric thugs who slaughtered, robbed and raped women, there are many proofs in the Sunnah, I invite you to do your homework before accusing me of lying for the sole purpose of damaging the image of the prophet of Islam. He was a sex maniac, and went around all the laws he has enacted to appease his voracious desire. He has torn humanity and imprisoned the nation with backward and outdated Bedouin laws. He accomplished no miracle that could prove his prophecy; all he had was a book showing strong similarities with the poetry of his contemporaries, full of scientific errors and philosophical dilemmas.
Why I left Islam
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Oh no, I think the West clearly sets the benchmark for tolerance. Look no further than USMB, where we're constantly reminded that Makkah should be bombed and that all Muslims should be killed, etc.

No, not all killed, just the fanatics working against the West, and then we must remove their conflicts and set them back to ebb, rather than flow. Not death. Just remove the flow and send them scurrying back to ebb.

After nine eleven, the deed is done, the war is defined and it has been taken up. It's far bigger than any of us Kalam.

As you said about the encroachment. Time will tell.
No, not all killed, just the fanatics working against the West, and then we must remove their conflicts and set them back to ebb, rather than flow. Not death. Just remove the flow and send them scurrying back to ebb.

So, how does Russia's continued oppression of Chechnya benefit you?
Ropey said:
As you said about the encroachment. Time will tell.

To reiterate. Time will tell. The benefit will be told in time as well. At the moment, it is just another Muslim instigated border conflict.

Another in a long line....
I'm glad you think so.

Hell yeah son, Islamic countries are the most open minded, tolerant accepting societies on the face of the Earth. The ignorant west can learn much from them:clap2:

Oh no, I think the West clearly sets the benchmark for tolerance. Look no further than USMB, where we're constantly reminded that Makkah should be bombed and that all Muslims should be killed, etc.

No, I think Muslim countries are way more tolerant.
Hell yeah son, Islamic countries are the most open minded, tolerant accepting societies on the face of the Earth. The ignorant west can learn much from them:clap2:

Oh no, I think the West clearly sets the benchmark for tolerance. Look no further than USMB, where we're constantly reminded that Makkah should be bombed and that all Muslims should be killed, etc.

No, I think Muslim countries are way more tolerant.

It's even funnier now than when you said it the first time.
Oh no, I think the West clearly sets the benchmark for tolerance. Look no further than USMB, where we're constantly reminded that Makkah should be bombed and that all Muslims should be killed, etc.

No, I think Muslim countries are way more tolerant.

It's even funnier now than when you said it the first time.

Whats so funny about it? are you insulting Muslim countries?:evil:
Oh no, I think the West clearly sets the benchmark for tolerance. Look no further than USMB, where we're constantly reminded that Makkah should be bombed and that all Muslims should be killed, etc.

No, I think Muslim countries are way more tolerant.

It's even funnier now than when you said it the first time.

There is no fun in Islam, Muzzie. Allah is a kill-joy.

Ayatollah Khomeini...
Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Islam-Revolution-Writings-Declarations-Khomeini/dp/0933782039/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1291923953&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: Islam and Revolution 1: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini (9780933782037): Imam Khomeini, Hamid Algar: Books[/ame]
Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious

Zoinks yo, no wonder the Ayatollah never smiled.:eusa_boohoo:

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