Of 953,000 Jobs Created In 2013, 77%, Or 731,000 Are Part-Time

A part time job is a part time job, but people who only want a part time job are not "CONVERTED" to part time jobs from full time jobs, and ZH is claiming that EVERY part time worker was "CONVERTED" to that part time job, which is an absolute LIE, no matter how you want to parse it.

Come on, admit it, Zero Hedge snookered you.

They are claiming Obamas jobs number is bullshit, and it is. The jobs market is not really improving like Obama and his cronies want to make believe it is
But if that were actually true then Zero Hedge would not need to cook the numbers, now would they!!! Cooking the numbers betrays the fact that Zero Hedge knows they are lying and the job market is improving better than you say it is.

The whole administration and their stupid lap dog media attempts to makes things look better than they really are. the economy stinks, 5 yrs in and it friken stinks, there is no recovery we are just coasting along in frikin Obamaland limbo
They are claiming Obamas jobs number is bullshit, and it is. The jobs market is not really improving like Obama and his cronies want to make believe it is
But if that were actually true then Zero Hedge would not need to cook the numbers, now would they!!! Cooking the numbers betrays the fact that Zero Hedge knows they are lying and the job market is improving better than you say it is.

The whole administration and their stupid lap dog media attempts to makes things look better than they really are. the economy stinks, 5 yrs in and it friken stinks, there is no recovery we are just coasting along in frikin Obamaland limbo
You wish!
But if that were actually true then Zero Hedge would not need to cook the numbers, now would they!!! Cooking the numbers betrays the fact that Zero Hedge knows they are lying and the job market is improving better than you say it is.

The whole administration and their stupid lap dog media attempts to makes things look better than they really are. the economy stinks, 5 yrs in and it friken stinks, there is no recovery we are just coasting along in frikin Obamaland limbo
You wish!

Obama's an impediment to any recovery, the energy industry alone would be creating 10s of thousands of new, good paying jobs, but this idiot president wont let it happened. He's joke and so are people like you with your weak attempts at defending him
Just like before, I never posted in those threads, which is, of course, why you post no link.

you never posted n them? ...:lol: so what ya got right now, 6 inches? hold on tight ed......honestly, you're warped:cuckoo:
Yeah, I never posted in them, and YOU know it, which is why you post no link. And why are you obsessed with how many inches I have, you sick pervert?

Here I found one for you, show me where I posted anything. :asshole:


what does this have to do with our argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal?:eusa_eh: you seem to be able to read when it suites you? :eusa_shhh:

I am not going to go back 3 years to find it,:rolleyes: I just don't care that much, I see you do which goes back to my original comments to you....but, you just can't help yourself, internet/penis envy seek help Ed.
you never posted n them? ...:lol: so what ya got right now, 6 inches? hold on tight ed......honestly, you're warped:cuckoo:
Yeah, I never posted in them, and YOU know it, which is why you post no link. And why are you obsessed with how many inches I have, you sick pervert?

Here I found one for you, show me where I posted anything. :asshole:


what does this have to do with our argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal?:eusa_eh: you seem to be able to read when it suites you? :eusa_shhh:

I am not going to go back 3 years to find it,:rolleyes: I just don't care that much, I see you do which goes back to my original comments to you....but, you just can't help yourself, internet/penis envy seek help Ed.
I never had an argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal! you are not going back because you know it never happened. It is an imaginary argument and an imaginary glorious victory in your perverted mind, but it never happened in reality. Grow up child and start living in the real world.
Yeah, I never posted in them, and YOU know it, which is why you post no link. And why are you obsessed with how many inches I have, you sick pervert?

Here I found one for you, show me where I posted anything. :asshole:


what does this have to do with our argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal?:eusa_eh: you seem to be able to read when it suites you? :eusa_shhh:

I am not going to go back 3 years to find it,:rolleyes: I just don't care that much, I see you do which goes back to my original comments to you....but, you just can't help yourself, internet/penis envy seek help Ed.
I never had an argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal! you are not going back because you know it never happened. It is an imaginary argument and an imaginary glorious victory in your perverted mind, but it never happened in reality. Grow up child and start living in the real world.

*shrugs* you never had the reconciliation discussion either I suppose? Or the Bush non 2009 budget argument too? whatever ed.....

I guess that fits if you're ego or self image is so threatened by an internet chat board, you never acknowledge anything that didn't end up the way you wanted it to...you simply vaporize them in your head. Man, being you must be a full time job ...:sad:
what does this have to do with our argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal?:eusa_eh: you seem to be able to read when it suites you? :eusa_shhh:

I am not going to go back 3 years to find it,:rolleyes: I just don't care that much, I see you do which goes back to my original comments to you....but, you just can't help yourself, internet/penis envy seek help Ed.
I never had an argument on robert kennedy and thimerosal! you are not going back because you know it never happened. It is an imaginary argument and an imaginary glorious victory in your perverted mind, but it never happened in reality. Grow up child and start living in the real world.

*shrugs* you never had the reconciliation discussion either I suppose? Or the Bush non 2009 budget argument too? whatever ed.....

I guess that fits if you're ego or self image is so threatened by an internet chat board, you never acknowledge anything that didn't end up the way you wanted it to...you simply vaporize them in your head. Man, being you must be a full time job ...:sad:
How can I vaporize what exists only in your perverted mind???

Post the link if you are so sure your fantasies are real!!!
That's right, you could legitimately say the 19,000 were "CONVERTED" to part time, but the 84,000 were not converted to part time because part time was all they wanted. But Zero Hedge, not the household survey, is counting the 84,000 who only want to work part time as "CONVERTED" to part time which is bullshit.
Get it?

No, you can't legitimately say anything, because you really don't have a clue of what is going on. Zero Hedge counts TOTAL part-time employment. This include BOTH workers in part-time employment for both economic and non economic reasons. You still confused yourself into believing that this data is completely different from the number of part-time employment. It's not.

If you can't understand this, then I can't help you.
That is what I have been saying and that is exactly why their numbers are dishonest!!!!!! Talk about not having a clue, you are milking the dumb act too much!

Zero Hedge is claiming that full time workers are being "CONVERTED" to part time workers, but people who do not want to work full time and choose to work part time are not being "CONVERTED" and should not be included in an HONEST calculation.

You are a perfect example of why there will always be High Misinformation Voters!

That's not what they are claiming. They have only said that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society. This doesn't mean that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers, but more part-time jobs are being created than full-time jobs. A mere fourth grader can understanding this. You'd have to be incredibly inept to think this meant anything else.

Also, there is no statistical category for employees working full-time who do not want full-time work, you rather clueless individual. There are no other statistics to look at. The household survey contains all the numbers you need when considering which percentage of jobs created were part-time or full-time. All things considering, you're a very good reason why I do not drink the tap water in America...
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No, you can't legitimately say anything, because you really don't have a clue of what is going on. Zero Hedge counts TOTAL part-time employment. This include BOTH workers in part-time employment for both economic and non economic reasons. You still confused yourself into believing that this data is completely different from the number of part-time employment. It's not.

If you can't understand this, then I can't help you.
That is what I have been saying and that is exactly why their numbers are dishonest!!!!!! Talk about not having a clue, you are milking the dumb act too much!

Zero Hedge is claiming that full time workers are being "CONVERTED" to part time workers, but people who do not want to work full time and choose to work part time are not being "CONVERTED" and should not be included in an HONEST calculation.

You are a perfect example of why there will always be High Misinformation Voters!

That's not what they are claiming. They have only said that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society. This doesn't mean that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers, but more part-time jobs are being created than full-time jobs. A mere fourth grader can understanding this. You'd have to be incredibly inept to think this meant anything else.

Also, there is no statistical category for employees working full-time who do not want full-time work, you rather clueless individual. All things considering, you're a very good reason why I do not drink the tap water here...
First of all, claiming that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society means exactly that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers against their will.

And nobody but YOU said anything about full time workers who do not want full-time work. You may not be drunk on tap water, but you are certainly brain damaged from something.
That is what I have been saying and that is exactly why their numbers are dishonest!!!!!! Talk about not having a clue, you are milking the dumb act too much!

Zero Hedge is claiming that full time workers are being "CONVERTED" to part time workers, but people who do not want to work full time and choose to work part time are not being "CONVERTED" and should not be included in an HONEST calculation.

You are a perfect example of why there will always be High Misinformation Voters!

That's not what they are claiming. They have only said that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society. This doesn't mean that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers, but more part-time jobs are being created than full-time jobs. A mere fourth grader can understanding this. You'd have to be incredibly inept to think this meant anything else.

Also, there is no statistical category for employees working full-time who do not want full-time work, you rather clueless individual. All things considering, you're a very good reason why I do not drink the tap water here...
First of all, claiming that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society means exactly that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers against their will.

No, it doesn't. That's just your bad comprehension rationalising issues above your level of understanding. You can't turn what is actually being said and turn it into whatever you'd like it to mean. That's intellectually dishonest.

And nobody but YOU said anything about full time workers who do not want full-time work. You may not be drunk on tap water, but you are certainly brain damaged from something.

You just said it here. In addition to not being able to read what other people post, you can't even read your own post. Congrats...

Zero Hedge is claiming that full time workers are being "CONVERTED" to part time workers, but people who do not want to work full time and choose to work part time are not being "CONVERTED" and should not be included in an HONEST calculation.
Obama's new economy...

When the payroll report was released last month, the world finally noticed what we had been saying for nearly three years: that the US was slowly being converted to a part-time worker society. This slow conversion accelerated drastically in the last few months, and especially in June, when part time jobs exploded higher by 360K while full time jobs dropped by 240K. In July we are sad to report that America's conversation to a part-time worker society is not "tapering": according to the Household Survey, of the 266K jobs created (note this number differs from the establishment survey), only 35% of jobs, or 92K, were full time.

Obamacare Full Frontal: Of 953,000 Jobs Created In 2013, 77%, Or 731,000 Are Part-Time | Zero Hedge

Amazing how people will ignore the cause and effect here. In June, where 162K jobs were 'added,' far below 250K need to substantial growth, 65% were to part-time workers. The vast majority of the job growth in June were to the increasingly PT, low pay and no benefits retail, restaurant and bar industries.

New jobs disproportionately low-pay or part-time
That's not what they are claiming. They have only said that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society. This doesn't mean that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers, but more part-time jobs are being created than full-time jobs. A mere fourth grader can understanding this. You'd have to be incredibly inept to think this meant anything else.

Also, there is no statistical category for employees working full-time who do not want full-time work, you rather clueless individual. All things considering, you're a very good reason why I do not drink the tap water here...
First of all, claiming that a full time society is being converted into a part-time society means exactly that full-time workers are turning into part-time workers against their will.

No, it doesn't. That's just your bad comprehension rationalising issues above your level of understanding. You can't turn what is actually being said and turn it into whatever you'd like it to mean. That's intellectually dishonest.

And nobody but YOU said anything about full time workers who do not want full-time work. You may not be drunk on tap water, but you are certainly brain damaged from something.

You just said it here. In addition to not being able to read what other people post, you can't even read your own post. Congrats...

Zero Hedge is claiming that full time workers are being "CONVERTED" to part time workers, but people who do not want to work full time and choose to work part time are not being "CONVERTED" and should not be included in an HONEST calculation.
Talk about not being able to read what other people post, I'm talking about PART TIME workers who do not want to work full time, and you read FULL TIME workers who don't want to work full time. :cuckoo:

Time for you to seek drug counseling.

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