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Of Trump or Obama WHO has created more jobs???

Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......
Wrong the numbers were given to you by known liars and fake news:
Example you just said 30 months which is false, the close numbers given by fake news was Obama in 3+years (cherry picked) and
Trump 2 1/2 years.
Furthermore your logic fails to notice that you are playing 2 sides of an argument, if Obama's job creation was so robust, then why did Trump match and will surpass it? If everyone's working in Obama terms, then job creation is harder to create, in bashing Bush you give Obama credit for creating obvious jobs dead cat bouncing off a recession from soldiers coming home etc which is not as hard as creating from what you are deluded into saying was robust employment.
Hence you want it both ways.
You needed fake news about numbers, because you can't beat
the low unemployment percentages.
*Epic failed argument*

Another example of Trump delusion syndrome.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

What "HUGE" subsidies? Where are your facts? Provide the links but until then you are proving the ignorance of Obamatrons!

The US ranked the worst out of the G7 countries, spending over $26 billion a year propping up fossil fuels.

Time for the US to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Congress just passed an $867 billion farm bill. Here's what's in it. - T

Okay. While we're at it, let's end the subsidies for wind and solar. Let's let the market decide.

So when are the Oil companies paying back the $1.1 Trillion for the Iraq War...
And don't give us the bullshit it wasn't for Oil...
No one was saying to invade Sudan at the time...

Oil gets huge subsidies...

When is coal paying for the damage to the environment?

Cost of New E.P.A. Coal Rules: Up to 1,400 More Deaths a Year
Clean coal’s dirty secret: More pollution, not less

So giving money huge money to oil and coal is good..


So once again... the devil is in the details!

The five-year legislation largely continues current farm and nutrition policy and is projected to cost $867 billion over a decade.
Farm bill headed to Trump after landslide House approval
Idiots like you thought it was for ONE year didn't you??? That works out to $86.7 billion /year. NOT $867 Billion as you lead people who
don't do further research LIKE I did to conclude.
But that's why people like you are so ill informed! You are lazy! You expect other people to take care of your crap... just like these people do!
View attachment 274978
I think you need to be directing that to Ted.
This guy predicted Trump Delusion Syndrome.

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression
By Robert Samuelson
December 21, 2016

There is no mystery about Barack Obama's greatest presidential achievement: He stopped the Great Recession from becoming the second Great Depression. True, he had plenty of help, including from his predecessor, George W. Bush, and from the top officials at the Treasury and Federal Reserve. But if Obama had made one wrong step, what was a crushing economic slump could have become something much worse.

In the coming weeks, we'll be swamped with analyses of Obama's legacy. His foreign policy will be critiqued, as it is already. Once in the White House, Donald Trump may trash some of Obama's favorite policies: the Affordable Care Act, the program on climate change, the Dodd-Frank law on financial regulation. All this may wrongly foster the notion that Obama accomplished almost nothing.

Put this down to partisanship, selective memories or both. It is Obama's unfortunate fate that the high-water mark of his presidency occurred in the first months, when the world flirted with financial calamity. The prospect of another Great Depression - a long period of worsening economic decline - was not far-fetched.

In its just-released annual report, the White House's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) explains why. Recall the dreadful numbers.

In the first quarter of 2009, as Obama was moving into the White House, monthly job losses averaged 772,000. The ultimate decline in employment was 8.7 million jobs, or 6.3%. Housing prices and stock values were collapsing. From their peak in February 2007 to their low point, housing prices dropped 26%. Millions of homeowners were "underwater" - their houses were worth less than the mortgages on them. Stock prices fell roughly by half from August 2007 to March 2009.

What separates then from now is that, after 18 months or so, spending turned up in 2009 while it continued declining in the 1930s. This difference reflected, at least in part, the aggressive policies adopted to blunt the downturn. The Fed cut short-term interest rates to zero and provided other avenues of cheap credit; the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), enacted in the final months of the Bush administration, poured money into major banks to reassure the public of their solvency.

Still, Obama's role was crucial. Against opposition, he decided to rescue General Motors and Chrysler. Throwing them onto the tender mercies of the market would have been a huge blow to the industrial Midwest and to national psychology. He also championed a sizable budget "stimulus." Advertised originally as $787 billion, it was actually $2.6 trillion over four years when the initial program was combined with later proposals and so-called "automatic stabilizers" are included, says the CEA.

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression | RealClearMarkets
Recession started by Dems Todd-Frank's loose lending- social program? But that busts both your party and your former socialist suggestions.
Brilliant, you busted your former arguments!

Of course being brought into conflict with Terrorists is also to blame and that source of blame can go back to Clinton's poor foreign policy and handling of known terrorists like Bin Laden who he let slip away in 98.
Bin Laden caused 911 which caused the start of our stock crashes which harmed the economy and financial institutes. SINCE IT'S NOW KNOWN BY HILLARY'S EMAILS that they took money from the Saudis in pay to play schemes then their greed could have been to blame for letting Bin Laden slip away as favor to Saudis and thus leading to 911, financial collapse=recession.

No, those things didn't start the recession. This is more Trump Delusion Syndrome nonsense.
You just proved you have no idea about how the economy works, yet you decide to argue about it with delusions then deflect to claim I have delusions. Your ad hominem replies only prove your bigotry and not your positions.

Fact: Banks take the holdings and invest it in the markets and in lending. When Dodd and Frank made loose lending risky and the markets crashed, the Financial institutions lost money on both sides of their income stream and their bankruptcy caused a snowball affect in market downturn which snowballed every industry which people are also invested in. This is why it occured so fast and furious.
Learn about what you are talking about before throwing your 2 cents in.
Last edited:
This guy predicted Trump Delusion Syndrome.

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression
By Robert Samuelson
December 21, 2016

There is no mystery about Barack Obama's greatest presidential achievement: He stopped the Great Recession from becoming the second Great Depression. True, he had plenty of help, including from his predecessor, George W. Bush, and from the top officials at the Treasury and Federal Reserve. But if Obama had made one wrong step, what was a crushing economic slump could have become something much worse.

In the coming weeks, we'll be swamped with analyses of Obama's legacy. His foreign policy will be critiqued, as it is already. Once in the White House, Donald Trump may trash some of Obama's favorite policies: the Affordable Care Act, the program on climate change, the Dodd-Frank law on financial regulation. All this may wrongly foster the notion that Obama accomplished almost nothing.

Put this down to partisanship, selective memories or both. It is Obama's unfortunate fate that the high-water mark of his presidency occurred in the first months, when the world flirted with financial calamity. The prospect of another Great Depression - a long period of worsening economic decline - was not far-fetched.

In its just-released annual report, the White House's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) explains why. Recall the dreadful numbers.

In the first quarter of 2009, as Obama was moving into the White House, monthly job losses averaged 772,000. The ultimate decline in employment was 8.7 million jobs, or 6.3%. Housing prices and stock values were collapsing. From their peak in February 2007 to their low point, housing prices dropped 26%. Millions of homeowners were "underwater" - their houses were worth less than the mortgages on them. Stock prices fell roughly by half from August 2007 to March 2009.

What separates then from now is that, after 18 months or so, spending turned up in 2009 while it continued declining in the 1930s. This difference reflected, at least in part, the aggressive policies adopted to blunt the downturn. The Fed cut short-term interest rates to zero and provided other avenues of cheap credit; the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), enacted in the final months of the Bush administration, poured money into major banks to reassure the public of their solvency.

Still, Obama's role was crucial. Against opposition, he decided to rescue General Motors and Chrysler. Throwing them onto the tender mercies of the market would have been a huge blow to the industrial Midwest and to national psychology. He also championed a sizable budget "stimulus." Advertised originally as $787 billion, it was actually $2.6 trillion over four years when the initial program was combined with later proposals and so-called "automatic stabilizers" are included, says the CEA.

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression | RealClearMarkets
Recession started by Dems Todd-Frank's loose lending- social program? But that busts both your party and your former socialist suggestions.
Brilliant, you busted your former arguments!

Of course being brought into conflict with Terrorists is also to blame and that source of blame can go back to Clinton's poor foreign policy and handling of known terrorists like Bin Laden who he let slip away in 98.
Bin Laden caused 911 which caused the start of our stock crashes which harmed the economy and financial institutes. SINCE IT'S NOW KNOWN BY HILLARY'S EMAILS that they took money from the Saudis in pay to play schemes then their greed could have been to blame for letting Bin Laden slip away as favor to Saudis and thus leading to 911, financial collapse=recession.

No, those things didn't start the recession. This is more Trump Delusion Syndrome nonsense.
You just proved you have no idea about how the economy works, yet you decide to argue about it with delusions then deflect to claim I have delusions. Your ad hominem replies only prove your bigotry and not your positions.

Fact: Banks take the holdings and invest it in the markets and in lending. When Todd and Frank made loose lending risky and the markets crashed, the Financial institutions lost money on both sides of their income stream and their bankruptcy caused a snowball affect in market downturn which snowballed every industry which people are also invested in. This is why it occured so fast and furious.
Learn about what you are talking about before throwing your 2 cents in.

When Todd and Frank

I think you mean Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......
The lower the unemployment rate, the fewer jobs that get filled.
Trump has been in "office" for 30 months, so compare how many jobs have been created in the first 30 months in office between these 2 presidents???

Its time to review one's cultist mentality with a strong dose of reality......
Wrong the numbers were given to you by known liars and fake news:
Example you just said 30 months which is false, the close numbers given by fake news was Obama in 3+years (cherry picked) and
Trump 2 1/2 years.
Furthermore your logic fails to notice that you are playing 2 sides of an argument, if Obama's job creation was so robust, then why did Trump match and will surpass it? If everyone's working in Obama terms, then job creation is harder to create, in bashing Bush you give Obama credit for creating obvious jobs dead cat bouncing off a recession from soldiers coming home etc which is not as hard as creating from what you are deluded into saying was robust employment.
Hence you want it both ways.
You needed fake news about numbers, because you can't beat
the low unemployment percentages.
*Epic failed argument*

Another example of Trump delusion syndrome.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
Once again asshole

Obama was against fracking, drilling, pipeline

Obama tried to prevent thousands of jobs in South Carolina with a new Boeing plan

His Obama care was a job killer

His assnine EPA with thousands of new rules and regulations was a job killer.

Unemployment went up with his shovel ready jobs .

You could go on and on about Obama being a anti business president

Trump has a unnecessary trade war because he was too dumb to sign TPP..

Some off you guys are a laugh, Obama inherited an economy going off a cliff after a GOP idiotic decades of deregulation and stepped in and saved it...

Trump inherits a economy which is on rise and borrows money like a drunken sailor to give to his rich buddies and look at the result:


What the fuck does that have to do with my post?

I am sick of you dumb mother fuckers.

Once again tell us what the fuck did the magic negro do to create private sector jobs

He was anti bussiness
Wrong the numbers were given to you by known liars and fake news:
Example you just said 30 months which is false, the close numbers given by fake news was Obama in 3+years (cherry picked) and
Trump 2 1/2 years.
Furthermore your logic fails to notice that you are playing 2 sides of an argument, if Obama's job creation was so robust, then why did Trump match and will surpass it? If everyone's working in Obama terms, then job creation is harder to create, in bashing Bush you give Obama credit for creating obvious jobs dead cat bouncing off a recession from soldiers coming home etc which is not as hard as creating from what you are deluded into saying was robust employment.
Hence you want it both ways.
You needed fake news about numbers, because you can't beat
the low unemployment percentages.
*Epic failed argument*

Another example of Trump delusion syndrome.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
Last time I checked this Gov't had 2 main parties, so are you admitting Republicans do all the work that you give blame to one and not both?
Hmmm this is a pattern for you, because it's like with Your "selective recognition" of Obamas race, when your bigotry blames white people for everything you forget that Obama has 2 parts and in your bigotry you chose which race he is as it suits your narrative. Must be nice having a race card, all I got is this Anti semitic card to work with.
Wrong the numbers were given to you by known liars and fake news:
Example you just said 30 months which is false, the close numbers given by fake news was Obama in 3+years (cherry picked) and
Trump 2 1/2 years.
Furthermore your logic fails to notice that you are playing 2 sides of an argument, if Obama's job creation was so robust, then why did Trump match and will surpass it? If everyone's working in Obama terms, then job creation is harder to create, in bashing Bush you give Obama credit for creating obvious jobs dead cat bouncing off a recession from soldiers coming home etc which is not as hard as creating from what you are deluded into saying was robust employment.
Hence you want it both ways.
You needed fake news about numbers, because you can't beat
the low unemployment percentages.
*Epic failed argument*

Another example of Trump delusion syndrome.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?

They say "prestigious study", but then you link to EPI.

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

He'd have passed Cap and Trade and other stupid policies that would have wasted more money and made the recovery even weaker.

Economically, he was horrendously clueless.
Last edited:
Another example of Trump delusion syndrome.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
Last time I checked this Gov't had 2 main parties, so are you admitting Republicans do all the work that you give blame to one and not both?
Hmmm this is a pattern for you, because it's like with Your "selective recognition" of Obamas race, when your bigotry blames white people for everything you forget that Obama has 2 parts and in your bigotry you chose which race he is as it suits your narrative. Must be nice having a race card, all I got is this Anti semitic card to work with.

Whites have played the race card since at least 7-4-1776. And you just played one now. You see, those half white, half black folks who commit crimes are never considered for their white half. And most like you who still think Obama was born in Kenya, didn't consider his white half then. Now as this topic was about the economy and you bring up race, once again, you played the race card. The consequences of public policy in our communities is apparent. So are the psychological scars. So what you need to do is limit your rants to the thread topic. And the fact is Trump has done nothing and you are going to learn that the hard way.
Another example of Trump delusion syndrome.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?

They say "prestigious study", but then you link to EPI.

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

He'd have passed Cap and Trade and other stupid policies that would have wasted more money and made the recovery even weaker.

Economically, he was horrendously clueless.

That's funny!

I damn sure did. And really, you conservatives need to be quiet about the economy.
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?

They say "prestigious study", but then you link to EPI.

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

He'd have passed Cap and Trade and other stupid policies that would have wasted more money and made the recovery even weaker.

Economically, he was horrendously clueless.

That's funny!

I damn sure did. And really, you conservatives need to be quiet about the economy.

Yeah, EPI, buncha union twats.
Not prestigious.
"when you're a bully victim, your options are suicide or revenge" - Trump

Trump is being bullied by the media, and he takes revenge!
See you are a bigot, not just your rants of hate towards people you deem disabled, but anyone who has an opinion you can't refute or exposes you= means you personally lash out and stereotype & group them, which means you prejudice against a group even if those people aren't of that group.
Example: AOC calling detention center officers and agency head as being racist when the head is Latino as well as many guards she called racist.
You call people delusional for being patriots supporting their country, their President, their laws. Once again that's a double negative: lawless anti gov't ranters can't tell people who want their country stable and well, that wanting success is delusional.....no wanting your country to fail is=you are the person you are fingering at in that deflection(mirror).

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
Last time I checked this Gov't had 2 main parties, so are you admitting Republicans do all the work that you give blame to one and not both?
Hmmm this is a pattern for you, because it's like with Your "selective recognition" of Obamas race, when your bigotry blames white people for everything you forget that Obama has 2 parts and in your bigotry you chose which race he is as it suits your narrative. Must be nice having a race card, all I got is this Anti semitic card to work with.

Whites have played the race card since at least 7-4-1776. And you just played one now. You see, those half white, half black folks who commit crimes are never considered for their white half. And most like you who still think Obama was born in Kenya, didn't consider his white half then. Now as this topic was about the economy and you bring up race, once again, you played the race card. The consequences of public policy in our communities is apparent. So are the psychological scars. So what you need to do is limit your rants to the thread topic. And the fact is Trump has done nothing and you are going to learn that the hard way.
You missed the point, then doubled down on your bigotry.
If you aren't a bigot then then those you accuse aren't. To solve "REAL" racism REQUIRES acknowledging prejudices by all races and creeds and not through ignoring your own projections.
It also requires intellectual honesty in recognizing in every action is a reaction, every cause an affect, therefore your actions causing reactions you hate can't be displaced blame anymore then flicking someone's ear a hundred times causes a smack back st a certain point can be pointed towards the harassed victim of the flicked ear.
You support ear flickers and have become an ear flicker, but there is not yet a meetup group called Ear Flickers Anonymous, so maybe just maybe AA can help you with your addiction to deflective bigotry.
Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.
Ho hum. Yawn**** Democrats never give up trying to push the LIE of Obama creating a good economy and passing that off to Trump. Only thing being passed off is BS from Democrats to us.

The years 2009-2015 were what's called recoil years. When economies spring back into shape after a severe recession. This is normal and it would have happened no matter who was president. In 2016, the rebound wore out and the economy was in Obamas hands. He flunked on it. GDP sunk badly down to 1.2%. (not exactly a "strong economy" ) It was only after Trump took over that GDP rose back up again - all the way to 4.2%. All that booming economy came from Trump, not a smidgin of it from Obama.

And lowering unemployment by 1% is a big reduction. Unemployment changes are usually measured in fractions of a %. And how about the lowest unemployment in US history for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled people ? All Trump accomplishments. American voters would be crazy to re-elect this man.
Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.
Ho hum. Yawn**** Democrats never give up trying to push the LIE of Obama creating a good economy and passing that off to Trump. Only thing being passed off is BS from Democrats to us.

The years 2009-2015 were what's called recoil years. When economies spring back into shape after a severe recession. This is normal and it would have happened no matter who was president. In 2016, the rebound wore out and the economy was in Obamas hands. He flunked on it. GDP sunk badly down to 1.2%. (not exactly a "strong economy" ) It was only after Trump took over that GDP rose back up again - all the way to 4.2%. All that booming economy came from Trump, not a smidgin of it from Obama.

And lowering unemployment by 1% is a big reduction. Unemployment changes are usually measured in fractions of a %. And how about the lowest unemployment in US history for blacks, Hispanics, and disabled people ? All Trump accomplishments. American voters would be crazy to re-elect this man.

Excuses. 1 percent is huge but the 5-6 percent Obama cut it had nothing to do with Obama.

Yeah, we understand.

Nah. The simple fact is that nothing Trump did initiated the economy he took credit for. Trump came to office with 4.7 percent unemployment and it has been reduced by 1 point. We have had 10 years of economic growth, 7.5 of those under Obama. So for you to make the comments you make shows you are delusional or suffer from psychosis. This appears to be a similar trait in nearly all of the Trump supporters in this forum. If you were to say Trump was handed a strong economy and in much of his first 2 years, it appears his policies have maintained what he was handed, you would not be called delusional. But you, nor the rest of those with Trump Delusion Syndrome are able to say that.

But what you are probably going to see in the next 2 years are the long term results of Trumps policies. And if he gets re elected, you are going to learn a very tough lesson.

You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?

They say "prestigious study", but then you link to EPI.

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

He'd have passed Cap and Trade and other stupid policies that would have wasted more money and made the recovery even weaker.

Economically, he was horrendously clueless.

That's funny!

I damn sure did. And really, you conservatives need to be quiet about the economy.

Yeah, EPI, buncha union twats.
Not prestigious.

Since what you think of them is irrelevant....
Trump has a unnecessary trade war because he was too dumb to sign TPP..

Some off you guys are a laugh, Obama inherited an economy going off a cliff after a GOP idiotic decades of deregulation and stepped in and saved it...

Trump inherits a economy which is on rise and borrows money like a drunken sailor to give to his rich buddies and look at the result:
What a pile of crap. My previous post explains How Obama's economy was SINKING in 2016, and Trump rescued it.

And the trade war is totally necessary. 4 fool US presidents gave our huge/wealthy MARKET away to China, scott free, so they could come here and flood our stores with Made in China stuff, at the expense of US businesses. Finally, we got a president who took steps to stop the bleeding, Get the Chinese junk out of our stores (it's slowly going), replace them with US made stuff, and get US business humming again inside the US.

Some companies (including WalMart) have closed up shop in China, and are returning to the US. This is not only necessary, it was necessary 25-30 years ago, when the globalist lunatics George H Bush and Bill Clinton gave China unrestricted access to our MARKET. When you have something unique and valuable, you don't just give it away, unless you're an idiot. If I have a new Cadillac, I don't trade to somebody for a 1985 Plymouth.

And this isn't even mentioning the Mexico fiasco.
Excuses. 1 percent is huge but the 5-6 percent Obama cut it had nothing to do with Obama.

Yeah, we understand.
You DON'T understand evidently, or pretend not to. Again, 2009-205 was not Obama. What happened could have happened if Ariana Grande was president.
You know what? I'm going to agree with you partially! We did have 10 years of growth. But through NO help from Obama!
Please take a few minutes and ponder WHAT could have happened IF the dumb shit Obama wasn't so against America and American businesses!
Think what the economy would have done IF Obama's dumb ass attitude about "bankrupt" businesses, "oil dependence" and
putting at least a half a million people out of work in health care insurance by his dumb single payer opinion.
Think what the economy would be if dumb ass Rules and REGULATIONS that cost businesses over $1.2 TRILLION a year weren't put in place by Obama's efforts!
Obama's regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion
The Obama administration issued a record number of new regulations on its way out the door in 2016, leaving an administrative state that saps the economy of nearly $2 trillion a year, according to a new report being released Wednesday.
Obama’s regulations in 2016 to drain economy by $2 trillion

View attachment 274979

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy
Prestigious Study PROVES That Republicans Hold Blame For Sluggish Economy (STATS)

Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?

They say "prestigious study", but then you link to EPI.

No, you start thinking about what would have happened if republicans had not obstructed as they did.

He'd have passed Cap and Trade and other stupid policies that would have wasted more money and made the recovery even weaker.

Economically, he was horrendously clueless.

That's funny!

I damn sure did. And really, you conservatives need to be quiet about the economy.

Yeah, EPI, buncha union twats.
Not prestigious.

Since what you think of them is irrelevant....

Prestigious....Fucking hilarious!!!

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