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Soros heavily invested in Brazillian oil, 2 weeks later obama gave them $10 billion

It barely made the news and none of you said shit about it.

Obama murdered an American, minor citizen w/o a trial, but it was ok since his dad was a dick

any human would consider that suffering, but you're a lying dick that was never a rep.

we pegged you long ago

Thumb up your ass,

Not seeing the issue with Brazilian oil, exactly. How did they give them 10 billion? Do you have a link from that from a non-crazy website?

Yeah, if you are a minor American Citizen hanging around a terrorist training camp in a foreign country, you are probably not going to have people worried about you that much. And if Bush killed him, you'd be cheering from the rafters.

Soros heavily invested in Brazillian oil, 2 weeks later obama gave them $10 billion

It barely made the news and none of you said shit about it.

Obama murdered an American, minor citizen w/o a trial, but it was ok since his dad was a dick

any human would consider that suffering, but you're a lying dick that was never a rep.

we pegged you long ago

Thumb up your ass,

Not seeing the issue with Brazilian oil, exactly. How did they give them 10 billion? Do you have a link from that from a non-crazy website?

Yeah, if you are a minor American Citizen hanging around a terrorist training camp in a foreign country, you are probably not going to have people worried about you that much. And if Bush killed him, you'd be cheering from the rafters.

I love being proven right.

but you needn't have done so, it's no secret.

but props on staying this long, most of your co-workers get run off.

Soros heavily invested in Brazillian oil, 2 weeks later obama gave them $10 billion

It barely made the news and none of you said shit about it.

Obama murdered an American, minor citizen w/o a trial, but it was ok since his dad was a dick

any human would consider that suffering, but you're a lying dick that was never a rep.

we pegged you long ago

Thumb up your ass,

Not seeing the issue with Brazilian oil, exactly. How did they give them 10 billion? Do you have a link from that from a non-crazy website?

Yeah, if you are a minor American Citizen hanging around a terrorist training camp in a foreign country, you are probably not going to have people worried about you that much. And if Bush killed him, you'd be cheering from the rafters.

I love being proven right.

but you needn't have done so, it's no secret.

but props on staying this long, most of your co-workers get run off.

So you aren't going to prove your claim that Obama gave Soros money, right?

That wasn't even my original point, which you kind of missed.

Okay, let's pretend Soros is paying me to do this.

Um, what's he getting out of the deal, exactly?

Soros heavily invested in Brazillian oil, 2 weeks later obama gave them $10 billion

It barely made the news and none of you said shit about it.

Obama murdered an American, minor citizen w/o a trial, but it was ok since his dad was a dick

any human would consider that suffering, but you're a lying dick that was never a rep.

we pegged you long ago

Thumb up your ass,

Not seeing the issue with Brazilian oil, exactly. How did they give them 10 billion? Do you have a link from that from a non-crazy website?

I think he must mean this crap, the loan from the Ex-Im Bank to Petrobras.

I remember that story too -- Glenn The Beck was so making it up that he kept calling the company "peh-TRO-bis" rather than the way it's actually pronounced, "PET-ro-bras".

Of course, who needs fact when you've got myth to run with...
Okay, yeah, but not really. The people who backed McCain and Romney are the 1%ers.

The rank and file never wanted either one of them.

But the 1%ers have done pretty good under Obama. 93% of the money gained in the "Recovery" went to the top 1%.

...and that's when I decided to stop backing the GOP.


I never "Stopped" backing the GOP. I will still vote for a REpublican if he's the better candidate. While I did vote for Obama and Duckworth this last election, down ballot I voted for Republicans for Country Sheriff, county board, etc.

Deany became a Republican Hater when Reagan stopped funding mental hospitals; Bucs90 said it was because the Tea Party killed first responders; Starkey well he's a reactionary,; what's your story, well this week's story anyway. You claim you're a Republican and will vote for one if he's a "better candidate"

Can you name a candidate?
Thanks, man.

Keeping up with the nutter conspiracy theories so I don't have to.

Well, this isn't my first message board :lol: -- I remember that fake story at the time and checked it out then. You'd think a poster who wanted to use it would have had time to vet his own stuff -- in four and a half years.

Guess he's gone now...
...and that's when I decided to stop backing the GOP.


I never "Stopped" backing the GOP. I will still vote for a REpublican if he's the better candidate. While I did vote for Obama and Duckworth this last election, down ballot I voted for Republicans for Country Sheriff, county board, etc.

Deany became a Republican Hater when Reagan stopped funding mental hospitals; Bucs90 said it was because the Tea Party killed first responders; Starkey well he's a reactionary,; what's your story, well this week's story anyway. You claim you're a Republican and will vote for one if he's a "better candidate"

Can you name a candidate?

Yeah. John Mccain in 2008.
Mark Kirk in 2010.

Of course, in the crazy that you guys live in, these guys are RINO's... .
I started a thread on this earlier and I'm certain very few people understood what I said. Basically, Soros through Obama's OFA pays people to post here. They think they're clever and thought-provoking, but in reality they're just funny. They all read from the same script, well except Starkey. He's unique because he claims he's a "Republican" I said before that Starkey was either a paid shill or a complete lunatic -- or both.

The OFA Script

Post on a Bulletin Board and say you are/were a Republican. Give some specifics regarding your Republican creds. Then say that there was some specific incident that made you turn in disgust from the Republican Party. DO NOT SAY YOU SUPPORT OBAMA!! This is critical. We are attempting to undermine their faith and belief system, so saying you support Obama will instantly end any identification they might feel toward your particular story.

Post the things wrong with the Republican Party, e.g. their reactionary nature, the Tea Party extremism, Conservatism in general. Any solution you offer must be to make the Republican Party more like the Democrat Party

Remember, you were a Republican, you do not support Obama specifically but you think all his ideas have some merit

Translation: When CrusaderFrank gets his ass handed to him, the other person hasta be a plant! They hasta be!

Link to OFA script, oh paranoid one?
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I'm just curious Frank.

Now, let's agree that Soros, and for that Matter the Koch Brothers, are smart guys. Which means they spend their money smartly.

I'm just not seeing how these smart rich guys are getting a good return on investment paying people to post their opinions on a site like USMB.

Mind you. Love USMB. Love bantering with you guys, except for the six or seven of you I have on Ignore. But I'm just not seeing how Soros would be getting his money's worth paying people to post here when only a few hundred people follow this site and most of them are pretty set in their opinions to start with.

Now, here's the thing. I've talked exactly about why I left the GOP. And frankly, yeah, the Religious Crazies and the TeaTards are part of it, but the biggest factor was when my last employer fired me because I had medical issues. IN short, the facts of my life had changed, and I changed to accommedate.

I am sorry to say, had I not gotten sick, had I not had to fight for years with an insurance company, had I not lost a job unfairly- I might be just as much a right-wing asshole as I was in 2006.

And shame on me, really. If I were a better person, I'd have cared when other people were suffering.

If they don't pay you enough, stop posting.
I started a thread on this earlier and I'm certain very few people understood what I said. Basically, Soros through Obama's OFA pays people to post here. They think they're clever and thought-provoking, but in reality they're just funny. They all read from the same script, well except Starkey. He's unique because he claims he's a "Republican" I said before that Starkey was either a paid shill or a complete lunatic -- or both.

The OFA Script

Post on a Bulletin Board and say you are/were a Republican. Give some specifics regarding your Republican creds. Then say that there was some specific incident that made you turn in disgust from the Republican Party. DO NOT SAY YOU SUPPORT OBAMA!! This is critical. We are attempting to undermine their faith and belief system, so saying you support Obama will instantly end any identification they might feel toward your particular story.

Post the things wrong with the Republican Party, e.g. their reactionary nature, the Tea Party extremism, Conservatism in general. Any solution you offer must be to make the Republican Party more like the Democrat Party

Remember, you were a Republican, you do not support Obama specifically but you think all his ideas have some merit

It is possible, Jake is merely playing the Devil's Advocate??? :confused:

Is it possible that people with Down's syndrome secretly run the world?

Yep, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Look at the negative return people got from backing McCain and Romney: they lost whatever they put into the campaign and their businesses are lagging behind what they could be making in a US economy as opposed to a European Socialist economy that we have now

Okay, yeah, but not really. The people who backed McCain and Romney are the 1%ers.

The rank and file never wanted either one of them.

But the 1%ers have done pretty good under Obama. 93% of the money gained in the "Recovery" went to the top 1%.

The rank and file backed the people you keep calling terrorists, what does that say about you?

Look at the negative return people got from backing McCain and Romney: they lost whatever they put into the campaign and their businesses are lagging behind what they could be making in a US economy as opposed to a European Socialist economy that we have now

Okay, yeah, but not really. The people who backed McCain and Romney are the 1%ers.

The rank and file never wanted either one of them.

But the 1%ers have done pretty good under Obama. 93% of the money gained in the "Recovery" went to the top 1%.

The rank and file backed the people you keep calling terrorists, what does that say about you?

It tells me that I don't need Crazy Pills like you do.

Shit, dude, that didn't make a lick of sense.

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