Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

Right now, the Democrats on the DC council - they’re all Democrats - just pushed through (over the mayor’s veto) a new law lowering the sentences for all sorts of violent criminals. Now this is being done in a city where the crime is rampant, especially in the poor black districts, and the Democrats want to go easier on criminals.
This has to be approved by the House.
Then that alone means he cannot get a fair trial anyway - thanks to the BLM savages who rampaged the nation. (They were more than “protests.”) Their actions have tainted the jury pool.

So what’s the answer when savages burn, loot, and murder across the country over an unintentional death of a violent ex-felon who was freaking out on drugs after having committed yet another crime - and the suspect can no longer get a fair trial, which by law he is entitled to?
The answer is you cuck whites lay down and take what's coming to you. 😄
You skipped over everything I said: my objection is the unequal punishment when the victim is white - as opposed to the “throw the book at ‘em’ if a cop kills a (defiant, belligerent drugged ex-felon) black man. We now live in A society where people are punished more if their victim is black, due to the hateful anti-white racism libs are pushing.

Ever heard of Tony Timpa? He’s the young WHITE man who had his neck kneeled on by a cop for 14 minutes, until he was dead, while the other cops were laughing in the background. Not only did the cop not serve a single day in prison, nor any of his fellow officers, but he recently got promoted.

Chauvin was hung out to dry because his victim was black. The other cop got promoted, because he victim was ”only” a white.

You skipped over everything I said: my objection is the unequal punishment when the victim is white - as opposed to the “throw the book at ‘em’ if a cop kills a (defiant, belligerent drugged ex-felon) black man.
And I said show me.

You said: “There are zillions of instances where premeditated murder, rather than unintentional homicide, get the same or even less of a sentence.”

So, show me.
Chip on your shoulder, Bro?
Not at all. I'm relaying something as mundane as the weather. It's the Chauvin lovers who seem all in their feels. That dude is fucked. State and Federally fucked and I find it amusing when cosplaying whites come here to larp on about how they're going to do something about it. 😄
What House? This is a local law, and the DC Council voted it in, over the mayors objections.
It has to be approved by the House.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 17:

[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–And . . .
Not at all. I'm relaying something as mundane as the weather. It's the Chauvin lovers who seem all in their feels. That dude is fucked. State and Federally fucked and I find it amusing when cosplaying whites come here to larp on about how they're going to do something about it. 😄
I don't know about all that but Chauvin got shafted.
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Ever heard of Tony Timpa? He’s the young WHITE man who had his neck kneeled on by a cop for 14 minutes, until he was dead, while the other cops were laughing in the background. Not only did the cop not serve a single day in prison, nor any of his fellow officers, but he recently got promoted.
I wasn’t able to access your article, but I did a little digging into this story. I don’t see anything about having his neck kneeled on.

Additionally, in looking at the autopsy, “Timpa died within 20 minutes of police officers' arrival, of ’cocaine and the stress associated with physical restraint’”.

Additionally, “…three medical examiners, including one hired by Mr. Timpa’s family, said they did not believe the officers acted recklessly.”

Looks like this guy actually died from drugs, not from being choked out. But I do agree that the police officers acted immaturely, joking as this guy faded away.
LOL.....everyone has their opinions, Pal. To you, anyone who doesn't agree with you is either a liar or dishonest.
No, everyone who doesn’t agree with me isn’t necessarily lying.

You just can’t help yourself, can you? Very sad.

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