Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

After 2 to 3 months of protests,there isn't a place in this Nation where this killing incident was not known.

The jury pool anywhere in the nation would result in the same results, everyone interviewed knows about it, and likely had an opinion on it....

So then it goes to the next step, find jurors who can set their opinion aside, and decide with the facts presented in court.....
Then that alone means he cannot get a fair trial anyway - thanks to the BLM savages who rampaged the nation. (They were more than “protests.”) Their actions have tainted the jury pool.

So what’s the answer when savages burn, loot, and murder across the country over an unintentional death of a violent ex-felon who was freaking out on drugs after having committed yet another crime - and the suspect can no longer get a fair trial, which by law he is entitled to?
Then that alone means he cannot get a fair trial anyway - thanks to the BLM savages who rampaged the nation. (They were more than “protests.”) Their actions have tainted the jury pool.

So what’s the answer when savages burn, loot, and murder across the country over an unintentional death of a violent ex-felon who was freaking out on drugs after having committed yet another crime - and the suspect can no longer get a fair trial, which by law he is entitled to?
Sorry, considering the 40 million worldwide/24 million in the U.S. peacefully protesting, the few that rioted, and damage done, were small comparison.

Except in your rightwing, propaganda world....:rolleyes:

As with all notorious cases, you find jurors who can set aside their thoughts, for evidence presented in the trial.

You can NOT let the criminals all off, without trial, just because they are famous, or their alleged crimes are publicly known and talk of the town...
Sorry, considering the 40 million worldwide/24 million in the U.S. peacefully protesting, the few that rioted, and damage done, were small comparison.

Except in your rightwing, propaganda world....:rolleyes:

As with all notorious cases, you find jurors who can set aside their thoughts, for evidence presented in the trial.

You can NOT let the criminals all off, without trial, just because they are famous, or their alleged crimes are publicly known and talk of the town...
Sorry, but your attempt to downplay the extensive damage and death caused by the BLM savages as a “few” doesn’t work among normal people.

And I didn’t say we should let criminals off. I don’t think, for example, that we should let Biden get away with his crimes. But in the case of Chavin, nothing wrong with a judge vacating the verdict and sentence and assigning something more in line with what other - even worse - criminals get.

Of course, that won’t happen because any judge would fear for his and his family’s lives, given the violent, threatening actions of BLM savages. This shows what we cannot allow violent mobs to demand a sacrificial lamb.
All deaths are labeled a homicide. Homicide and murder are two different things.

Not even close.

A Homicide is a specific term. It means a person died because of the actions, or inaction of another. It is why the defense Coroner had said he would have called the death undetermined instead of a homicide.

Of course this was Chauvins best argument, and it failed miserably. The Coroner did not and could not specifically say it was a drug overdose. But said that the drugs, high blood pressure, enlarged heart, and Carbon Monoxide from the patrol car were contributing factors.

Under Cross examination he admitted that he had no information on carbon monoxide from the car. No information on how much was there where Floyd was laying. No information on if the amount exceeded the EPA’s safe limit. Then the fellow took a big hammer and drove the final nail in the coffin for Chauvin. He said as a Doctor he would not and could not advise someone to maintain the position kneeling on Floyd as long as Chauvin had.

The Defense had hung their hopes on this Coroner because he had ruled a similar death to be undetermined in Baltimore. The case of Anton Black, who died in similar circumstances in 2018.

His findings in that case were outside the norm and as a result the Defense Expert had to retire. Baltimore ended up paying Black’s family $5 million.
A Homicide is a specific term. It means a person died because of the actions, or inaction of another. It is why the defense Coroner had said he would have called the death undetermined instead of a homicide.

I already posted the difference with a link. You need to read all the posts before you respond.
Sorry, considering the 40 million worldwide/24 million in the U.S. peacefully protesting, the few that rioted, and damage done, were small comparison.

Oh great, another Summer of Love perosn. 2 billion dollars in damages and 20 lives lost but that was small pigeons, whatever that's supposed to mean. People break into the Capitol and take selfies at Piglosi's desk, that was the worst attack on America since 911.
After 2 to 3 months of protests,there isn't a place in this Nation where this killing incident was not known.

The jury pool anywhere in the nation would result in the same results, everyone interviewed knows about it, and likely had an opinion on it....

So then it goes to the next step, find jurors who can set their opinion aside, and decide with the facts presented in court.....

Nobody in their right mind would take the job as juror in that case unless their mind was already made up before they entered the court room. It's not a matter of who knows about this case, it's a matter of a biased jury and witnesses.
I like these two posts together because it perfectly and concisely demonstrates that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Why would all deaths be labeled homicides? Are all deaths due to being killed by another person?

If Grandma has a heart attack and dies, will that always be labeled a homicide?

Only if you caused her to have a heart attack by over medicating her.
Oh great, another Summer of Love perosn. 2 billion dollars in damages and 20 lives lost but that was small pigeons, whatever that's supposed to mean. People break into the Capitol and take selfies at Piglosi's desk, that was the worst attack on America since 911.
The double standards of these Lefties is blinding, isn’t it? The BLM savages and looters killed 30 people, including a retired police captain trying to protect a friend’s business, and it’s “small pigeons,” while a Grandma (on chemo) walked into the Capital who was invited by a police officer was put in jail.

The double standards of justice are beyond blatant. People who are violent - even murderous - are ”small pigeons” because they are supporting a leftist position, while people who did no harm or damage are rotting in jail, being mistreated, and still awaiting trial, because they support a position on the right.
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The double standards of these Lefties is blinding, isn’t it? The BLM savages and looters killed 30 people, including a retired police captain trying to protect a friend’s business, and it’s “small pigeons,” while a Grandma (on chemo) walked into was the Capital by a police officer was put in jail.

The double standards of justice are beyond blatant. People who are violent - even murderous - are ”small pigeons” because they are supporting a leftist position, while people who did no harm or damage are rotting in jail, being mistreated, and still awaiting trial, because they support a position on the right.

The hypocrisy would be laughable if not so pathetic.

Trump held a rally, a small group of that rally decided to violate our laws by breaking into the Capitol. They spent 2 years and Lord knows how much money trying to blame Trump for the actions of other people.

Riots broke out coast to coast, the now Vice President Tweeted for her followers to contribute to an account to bail out the rioters so they could riot even more. Crickets.
The hypocrisy would be laughable if not so pathetic.

Trump held a rally, a small group of that rally decided to violate our laws by breaking into the Capitol. They spent 2 years and Lord knows how much money trying to blame Trump for the actions of other people.

Riots broke out coast to coast, the now Vice President Tweeted for her followers to contribute to an account to bail out the rioters so they could riot even more. Crickets.
I could go on and on about lefty hypocrisy. Look at how the FBI launched a raid from air, and sea, and land against Trump.

OTOH, and with Garland’s knowledge, the DOJ and FBI HID the fact that Biden had classified documents in his possession, in various places, moved them around, and for six years.
I could go on and on about lefty hypocrisy. Look at how the FBI launched a raid from air, and sea, and land against Trump.

OTOH, and with Garland’s knowledge, the DOJ and FBI HID the fact that Biden had classified documents in his possession, in various places, moved them around, and for six years.

Remember too they say Trump tried to steal an election, and they knew about these documents before the last election keeping it hidden from the public like the MSM hid the story of Hunter's laptop from the pubic which according to polls, did change the election. The FBI even paid social media to keep it off their platform entirely.
I have serious doubts whether he murdered anybody. The officer didn't come up with this technique last minute. I'm sure he used it with other suspects during his career without injury or fatalities. He just used it on the wrong person this time because Floyd had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.
Too bad a State Jury and Federal Jury weren't buying that bullshit you are selling and yes Chauvin had NUMEROUS complaints against him in the past. This may have been the first time he actually murdered someone.

18 complaints in 19 years, and a murder conviction​

And the jury knew that there was a large, angry mob of black people outside the courthouse, threatening to riot and burn and assault and murder if Chavin wasn’t made the sacrificial lamb.

The case should have been moved to where he could get a fair trial.
Yea that's what it was, I guess the same thing happened during his Federal murder trial. If you don't go on somewhere with that bullshit, they proved during BOTH trials that this POS murdered Floyd. Sorry, that racist don't like that. The good old days are changing when racist cops could murder black folks and then a stacked jury of racist would let them off.
Nobody in their right mind would take the job as juror in that case unless their mind was already made up before they entered the court room. It's not a matter of who knows about this case, it's a matter of a biased jury and witnesses.

Nonsense. Look. Let’s be honest. Your facts just aren’t. You can’t find a single Coroner who said it was an overdose. You insist it is fact that it was an overdose. Police Policy prohibited what Chauvin did because the practice was dangerous. You insist it wasn’t dangerous.

The only expert for the defense is discredited nationally because his findings in over 100 cases were not based upon scientific evidence or data.

I know you keep bringing up your vast experience watching Cops. And recognizing that experience you declare that there is hidden truth. But you ignore the established facts in favor of this hidden truth.

You can’t find a juror who will say they were afraid of the attention. You can’t find evidence of bias in the courts. The Judge let the defense do pretty much whatever they wanted in an effort to give a fair trial.

But that isn’t enough. You pretend the facts don’t exist. Fact. Chauvin knelt on Floyd for more than nine minutes. Fact. Chauvin continued kneeling when Floyd lost consciousness. Fact. Chauvin continued kneeling when no pulse could be found.

Your truth? Chauvin had nothing to do with the death. Your evidence? Your experience watching TV shows about police.

You construct increasingly insane theories to justify your bias. The prosecutors charged because of scary Black people. The Judge denied the request for a change of venue. Not because juries anywhere in the state would have seen the same information before the trial but because of scary black people the Defense couldn’t find a single Coroner to support your theory of overdose. Why? Scary Black People. The Coroner the defense did find wouldn’t say it was an overdose. Not because the facts. But because of scary black people.
Oh that's what it was, they had NO CHOICE. Smfh.

Logical choice no. If somebody gets you in an ally pointing a gun because he wants your money, you have a choice. Give it to him and take a chance you won't get killed, or get shot and he takes your money anyway. See, that's not a logical choice.

As a juror or witness for the officer, you can side against him and not worry about your safety or the safety of your family, or you can side with the officer and have to live in fear for the next couple of years, and possibly face serious harm or death.

Like I said, logical choice and illogical choice.
What happened to the cop who knelt on the white guy’s neck until he was dead? And what was the cop’s name? And what was the victim’s name? (You wouldn’t know without googling. It’s possible you don’t even know about the case.)

Sorry, but black lives are NOT more valuable than white lives (especially if the black in question is a violent ex-felon), and the only reason you even care is because the worthless lowlife happened to have dark skin.
Nonsense. Look. Let’s be honest. Your facts just aren’t. You can’t find a single Coroner who said it was an overdose. You insist it is fact that it was an overdose. Police Policy prohibited what Chauvin did because the practice was dangerous. You insist it wasn’t dangerous.

The only expert for the defense is discredited nationally because his findings in over 100 cases were not based upon scientific evidence or data.

I know you keep bringing up your vast experience watching Cops. And recognizing that experience you declare that there is hidden truth. But you ignore the established facts in favor of this hidden truth.

You can’t find a juror who will say they were afraid of the attention. You can’t find evidence of bias in the courts. The Judge let the defense do pretty much whatever they wanted in an effort to give a fair trial.

But that isn’t enough. You pretend the facts don’t exist. Fact. Chauvin knelt on Floyd for more than nine minutes. Fact. Chauvin continued kneeling when Floyd lost consciousness. Fact. Chauvin continued kneeling when no pulse could be found.

Your truth? Chauvin had nothing to do with the death. Your evidence? Your experience watching TV shows about police.

You construct increasingly insane theories to justify your bias. The prosecutors charged because of scary Black people. The Judge denied the request for a change of venue. Not because juries anywhere in the state would have seen the same information before the trial but because of scary black people the Defense couldn’t find a single Coroner to support your theory of overdose. Why? Scary Black People. The Coroner the defense did find wouldn’t say it was an overdose. Not because the facts. But because of scary black people.

And yet you failed to answer my earlier question: Had Floyd not been loaded with deadly narcotics, and officer Chauvin did the exact same thing, would Floyd be alive today? Now, you can answer anyway you want to try and support your stance, but we both know the answer to that question even if you won't admit it here.

I have no dog in this race other than being a pro-police citizen. All I would like to see is a fair unbiased trial which I don't believe this was. Had they done that in the first place we wouldn't even be discussing it right now. I would have no defense for the officer because the witnesses would not be in fear of their safety or lives, the jurors would not have been in fear of safety or their lives, and yes, even the judge not in fear of safety or his life.

I digress: Two years ago my 94 year old Uncle died from colon cancer. The claim of the VA is when he got there in his final days, he tested positive for covid. He died a few weeks later and they marked his death as a covid death with terminal cancer as a secondary cause. His sons protested the death certificate, and when the doctor called, he told them to take a number because a lot of families complained about the same thing.

My Uncle was bed ridden and never went anywhere. After they claimed he tested positive, anybody that came near him was tested or quarantined including my father. In other words, there was no way for my Uncle to have caught covid.

So how do you go about proving a doctor could have lied? How do you go about proving he didn't really die from covid and actually died from colon cancer? You can't, because that is left up to the discretion of the doctor no matter what he concludes.
Too bad a State Jury and Federal Jury weren't buying that bullshit you are selling and yes Chauvin had NUMEROUS complaints against him in the past. This may have been the first time he actually murdered someone.

18 complaints in 19 years, and a murder conviction​

Lowlife scum will often make false accusation against a police officer in retaliation to being arrested. It's meaningless.

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