Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

And yet you failed to answer my earlier question: Had Floyd not been loaded with deadly narcotics, and officer Chauvin did the exact same thing, would Floyd be alive today? Now, you can answer anyway you want to try and support your stance, but we both know the answer to that question even if you won't admit it here.

I have no dog in this race other than being a pro-police citizen. All I would like to see is a fair unbiased trial which I don't believe this was. Had they done that in the first place we wouldn't even be discussing it right now. I would have no defense for the officer because the witnesses would not be in fear of their safety or lives, the jurors would not have been in fear of safety or their lives, and yes, even the judge not in fear of safety or his life.

I digress: Two years ago my 94 year old Uncle died from colon cancer. The claim of the VA is when he got there in his final days, he tested positive for covid. He died a few weeks later and they marked his death as a covid death with terminal cancer as a secondary cause. His sons protested the death certificate, and when the doctor called, he told them to take a number because a lot of families complained about the same thing.

My Uncle was bed ridden and never went anywhere. After they claimed he tested positive, anybody that came near him was tested or quarantined including my father. In other words, there was no way for my Uncle to have caught covid.

So how do you go about proving a doctor could have lied? How do you go about proving he didn't really die from covid and actually died from colon cancer? You can't, because that is left up to the discretion of the doctor no matter what he concludes.

It depends on the mechanics of the death in your Uncle’s case. If his lungs were full of fluids then it was probably Covid as that was the method of death. Suffocation from lungs full of fluids.

But we are talking apples and horse apples, a common trick you use.

I explained it was the totality of the circumstances of the death that is reflected in the determination. And here, you are worse than your VA Doctor. All you want to focus on is drugs in his system and ignore everything else.

I’ll use some of your media to help explain. Remember the opening scene of Lethal Weapon? The girl who jumped off the building? Remember how they determined it was murder? Someone had loaded drain cleaner in the pills she had taken. Even if she hadn’t jumped or was pushed, the cops didn’t know, she would still be dead.

Let’s say they put the guy on trial who loaded the pills with drain cleaner. He argues the pills didn’t kill her she committed suicide before he could murder her. Would that be a valid argument?

Your standard here is insane. It is like those horrible Nurses who kill their terminal patients. They are going to die anyway so the Nurse was justified in ending them earlier.

Your argument is that Chauvin had no effect on the death of Floyd. That is an unsupportable position. I don’t know if Floyd would be alive today. But I do know from the evidence that Floyd died as a result of Chauvin’s actions.

When you admit you can’t find a single expert witness, and there is no shortage of them, to say that Chauvin had no effect on the death, you claim it is because of scary black people. Nonsense.

I named another person who died in similar circumstances. I pointed out that over 400 other Coroners have called on investigators to re-examine the death determinations of the Defense Expert. I even linked to a story where those investigators have questions about a hundred cases, now believing that the findings were wrong.
He’s entitled to a new trial in a different venue. The problem is, he may not get one for the same reason that he was overcharged and given such a ridiculously long sentence for an unintentional homicide: fear of another summer of violence BLM savages.
How exactly was he overcharged?
Show me where I said that murder and homicide are the same thing you fucking liar.
My my, you need a session with Politeness Man

Oh great, another Summer of Love perosn. 2 billion dollars in damages and 20 lives lost but that was small pigeons, whatever that's supposed to mean. People break into the Capitol and take selfies at Piglosi's desk, that was the worst attack on America since 911.
I've lived through the Rodney king/LA Riots and Liberty City in Miami. Peaceful, was absent.

And know and saw what your right wing propaganda media did to scare you and politically manufacture the so called enormous riot crisis you were lead to believe....without showing you the millions and millions and millions of peaceful citizens who gathered daily, to protest Floyd's unnecessary, cold hearted killing...

considering the number of protests throughout the nation where millions of citizens gathered several months in a row to protest, fairly peacefully.....

Relatively speaking, the riots and damage overall from the night time looters and thugs, was SMALL.
How exactly was he overcharged?
There are zillions of instances where premeditated murder, rather than unintentional homicide, get the same or even less of a sentence. Right now, the Democrats on the DC council - they’re all Democrats - just pushed through (over the mayor’s veto) a new law lowering the sentences for all sorts of violent criminals. Now this is being done in a city where the crime is rampant, especially in the poor black districts, and the Democrats want to go easier on criminals.

Virtually everywhere you turn, the goal among liberals is to ease up on the criminals. Here in my liberal county, they’ve just reduced the charge to defiant, stoned, belligerent thugs who attack cops from a felony to a little misdemeanor.

The point is: when you look at how criminals are treated, liberals are erring on the side of being soft on them. But in this case, where a cop contributed - unintentionally - to the death of a defiant ex-felon, the book is thrown at him and he gets sent to prison until he is an old man.

This is all because his victim was black, and even though there was no indication that this had a racial component at all, the cop was used as a sacrificial lamb to drum up racial division. As evidence, what was the name of the cop who kneeled on the neck of the white guy until he died (or the name of the white guy)? Nobody knows because.….. whitey doesn’t matter as much as a violent ex-felon who happens to be black.

It‘s the unequal treatment I object to, and the obvious implication that Black Lives Matter more than whites.

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