Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

So you finally admit that what you said was incorrect. Good for you. You’re learning.
So, when he said that I claimed homicide and murder to be the same thing, was that a lie? I noticed you ran away from that one.

You’re not very objective, are ya? You’re just blindly going to support whatever people on your side say.

The truth isn’t important to you.
So, when he said that I claimed homicide and murder to be the same thing, was that a lie? I noticed you ran away from that one.

You’re not very objective, are ya? You’re just blindly going to support whatever people on your side say.

The truth isn’t important to you.
I have no respect for's that. Anyone who can't debate without resorting to the epithets and ad hominem attacks that you resort to in the majority of your posts, will never have any form of respect here.
I have no respect for's that.
So no answer. A blatantly obvious lie and you can’t call it for what it is.

Says a lot about your inability to distinguish between truth and lies, now doesn’t it?

You’ve been very helpful. Thanks again.
I wasn’t able to access your article, but I did a little digging into this story. I don’t see anything about having his neck kneeled on.

Additionally, in looking at the autopsy, “Timpa died within 20 minutes of police officers' arrival, of ’cocaine and the stress associated with physical restraint’”.

Additionally, “…three medical examiners, including one hired by Mr. Timpa’s family, said they did not believe the officers acted recklessly.”

Looks like this guy actually died from drugs, not from being choked out. But I do agree that the police officers acted immaturely, joking as this guy faded away.
Well, that’s part of the double standards. When it’s the white victim, he died from drugs…..when it’s the black victim, it wasn’t the drugs but the knee to the neck.

Tell us Lisa, what happened too him? Would that be white on white crime?
You mean the cop who killed Timpa? Not only wasn’t he charged with a crime, he recently was promoted. Had the victim been a low-life, defiant, violent ex-felon, but black, it would have gone to trial and he’d be serving 30 years. But a whitey? Eh
Who claimed they were, but since this country was founded white lives have damn sure been more valuable than black lives.
Yeah, but that was the past. NOW the penalty for killing a Black is more severe than killing a “lesser” white. Just look at the auto-caps. Libs are casting whites as so inferior, that “Black” is automatically capitalized and the lowly white is lower-cased.
Well, that’s part of the double standards. When it’s the white victim, he died from drugs…..when it’s the black victim, it wasn’t the drugs but the knee to the neck.
That’s from the autopsy reports.

Are you saying that the medical examiners lied?
It has to be approved by the House.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 17:

[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–And . . .
Thanks, but the criminal-coddling leftists seem to be moving ahead with their efforts to get more criminals back on the streets. I’ll keep an eye open as to how this unfolds.
That’s from the autopsy reports.

Are you saying that the medical examiners lied?
In this politicized environment where blacks are protected - did you see how Sheila Jackson-Lee wants a law making it a hate crime to criticize a black - there was pressure to blame Chavin to the maximum possible. There wasn’t such pressure in the white guy’s case.
In this politicized environment where blacks are protected - did you see how Sheila Jackson-Lee wants a law making it a hate crime to criticize a black - there was pressure to blame Chavin to the maximum possible. There wasn’t such pressure in the white guy’s case.
You didn’t answer the question. Are you saying that the medical examiners lied in their reports?

When it’s a white guy, they said the drugs killed him. When it’s a black guy, they said the knee killed him. Do you think the medical examiners lied?
You didn’t answer the question. Are you saying that the medical examiners lied in their reports?

When it’s a white guy, they said the drugs killed him. When it’s a black guy, they said the knee killed him. Do you think the medical examiners lied?
I have to do research and will get back with you.
You didn’t answer the question. Are you saying that the medical examiners lied in their reports?

When it’s a white guy, they said the drugs killed him. When it’s a black guy, they said the knee killed him. Do you think the medical examiners lied?
OK….there’s some doubt in the Floyd case because the medical examiner said there was “a fatal amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s system,” which could be interpreted to mean he would have died anyway. But because of the political environment in which cops are the bad guys and blacks are oppressed, innocent victims, the charge and the jury interpreted it in the worst possible way for Chauvin, and the sentence was the maximum as well.

Chauvin was the sacrificial lamb in the narrative of ”whites bad” (particularly white cops) and blacks victims of racist oppression.
Still waiting on you to back up this lie. Quote me.

Or did you mean to say something different here as well?

Again, I'm not doing this back and forth thing you love to do so much. It's too high school for me and I've been out of high school a very long time. That's besides the fact it's completely boring to other participants in the discussion. I know it's boring as hell to read the same thing a dozen times when it only needs to be said once.
OK….there’s some doubt in the Floyd case because the medical examiner said there was “a fatal amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s system,” which could be interpreted to mean he would have died anyway. But because of the political environment in which cops are the bad guys and blacks are oppressed, innocent victims, the charge and the jury interpreted it in the worst possible way for Chauvin, and the sentence was the maximum as well.

Chauvin was the sacrificial lamb in the narrative of ”whites bad” (particularly white cops) and blacks victims of racist oppression.

Almost the truth. But I’ll tell you what it really is. It is up to you to decide.

You are almost right. Chauvin was sacrificed. But not to Blacks. The Media. Or the evil left. He was sacrificed to rural middle class America.

Chauvin had almost two dozen complaints against him. Many of them were upheld. In other words the investigation found he did it. He did what he was accused of. Only one resulted in discipline.

People knew him to be an unusually rough and brutal police officer. One who would use the knee technique even though it was prohibited. They complained before Floyd. Nothing was done.

Then Floyd died. On camera. In formally living color. Of those previous complaints that were swept under the rug. The Department has been silent. Because the Department doesn’t want to admit they at most slapped his wrist while patting him on the back.

Now a public death and the outrage of not only the city but the nation. And suddenly the Leaders of the department who swept the previous abuses under the rug are stampeding to the cameras to express their outrage and shock at the actions of Chauvin. He doesn’t represent the professionalism or integrity of the rest of the officers in the department.

Chauvin was sacrificed. But he was thrown to the wolves to let the public believe the Department doesn’t do that regularly and would never permit an officer to behave that way. They threw him to the wolves to cover their own asses.
OK….there’s some doubt in the Floyd case because the medical examiner said there was “a fatal amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s system,”…
“Some doubt“

The medical examiner clearly indicated what the cause of death was. I’ve posted his testimony here and I’ll be happy to provide it for you again as well.

Do you think the medical examiner lied or not? Do you think the medical examiners are wrong? That’s what this ultimately comes down to.
So no answer. A blatantly obvious lie and you can’t call it for what it is.

Says a lot about your inability to distinguish between truth and lies, now doesn’t it?

You’ve been very helpful. Thanks again.
Not my responsibly, one way or another to support or deny your opinion.

Maybe you could show me where I'm obligated to respond to your dilemma.

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