Officer Chauvin files for an appeal

Someone lacking in integrity is advising me to get integrity.
So show me you have integrity.

He claimed that I said murder and homicide are the same thing. Was this claim of his a lie?

Here’s your opportunity to show us all how much integrity you have. Try not to shit yourself again this time.

(You won’t call out this lie of his. We both know it. You just want to blindly defend anything he says, even when he lies, because you don’t give a shit about the truth and you have no integrity. Let’s see it. Go on.)
You’re excused now.

How many years did Johannes Mehserle serve for murdering Oscar Grant while he was cuffed lying face down?
How many years did the murderers of Eric Garner serve?

I could go on all day, but what would be the use.

Garner was a fat pig with multiple health issues just like Floyd. What do you want police to do if somebody refused to cooperate with them, just say "Oh, you don't want to be arrested? Okay, maybe we'll come back when you're in a better mood."
In my opinion he is guilty of involuntary manslaughter. There was no intent, but he was certainly reckless and used unnecessary force to detain Floyd.
THE KEY TO THIS CASE - is a provision in the law called "reduced responsibility" in the cause of someone's death.
This is absolutely the case with Chauvin because Floyd's cause of death is at LEAST 50% his own by consuming a fatal dose of a drug and THREE TIMES, refusing medical assistance and lying about whether he took a high does to avoid getting caught.
In the unedited video an officer asked Floyd did he consume any drugs because he was acting "funny". The officer said out loud 'you are worrying me, there is an ambulance right over there - you sure about this? And again Floyd said no.
You can't tell if some drug headed criminal is dying by just listening to him screaming he can't breathe. He was doing that in back of the squad car.
Having an anxiety attack does not equal someone with their full weight on your neck. Tell you what when it happens to you, then I might listen to that bullshit you are telling me.

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