Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Ladies and Gent.....we are fucked....that bs conference the clown meat gave today....we are fucked. All I gotta say is, keep you eyes and ears and mouth closed when around "certain" ppl and stay home if you can...we are fucked...Pence in charge of this shit??????? OMG we are fucked

This may indeed be God's way of paying us back for Trump, I just hope his supporters who love seeing kids in cages, are hit the hardest!!
Wow! While nObama was president there was Ebola and Mers. But the Fake News goes on full assault over another case of the flu!
I think I follow...eating weird animals can make you virus.

I still wouldn't be surprised if it came from that biological germ lab. All it takes is one mistake. These people have been eating that crap for hundreds/thousands of years.
This soon to be pandemic is a sure sign of global warming....viruses thrive in warm moist environments and as the planet heats up, the more lingering these viruses remain among us. History has shown that most pathogens start during warm times of the season. Its only gonna get worse people if you keep ignoring the signs and science.

Pandemics are a good thing they weed out the weak ones. The remaining survivors go on to establish a stronger gene pool.

When blonde blue eyed babies began to die, you keep that in mind....few minorities live among Chinese ppl in this country...they pretty live around white folk, just sayin........

Interesting point actually....

China is nearly homogenous....not quite but almost.
We on the other hand are well mixed in most of our population centers....
How it will work out is anyone's guess.

This thing is not virulent but it makes up for that by being extremely even though the death rate is less than the average promises to hit really big numbers which will make even a 2 percent death rate catastrophic.

Northern California has 1st coronavirus case of unknown origin, CDC says

OMG one case possibly in the USA and now the economy loses trillions. It’s manipulation bullshit
Wow! While nObama was president there was Ebola and Mers. But the Fake News goes on full assault over another case of the flu!
You belong in a nut house and not here. USMB, legal resources tell me promoting a panic is illegal.
Get your shit together USMB
You’ve become a septic tank display board for the mentally ill who actually want people to die and relish in the suffering and anxiety it creates
That’s not freedom of expression. That’s freedom to be a low life gutter snipe
Now there is a case in Northern California in a person who did not travel to any of the affected countries.

What I would like to know is how the local lab there was able to detect it. Does every lab in America already have the gene sequence somehow?

CT provides best diagnosis for COVID-19

In a study of more than 1,000 patients published in the journal Radiology, chest CT outperformed lab testing in the diagnosis of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The researchers concluded that CT should be used as the primary screening tool for COVID-19.

In the absence of specific therapeutic drugs or vaccines for COVID-19, it is essential to detect the disease at an early stage and immediately isolate an infected patient from the healthy population.

Still, I would like to know how they know it isn't a false positive.
I checked the Dow right after it opened and it was down 500 points.

My first thought was that couldn't be right.

But it appears it is.
OMG one case possibly in the USA and now the economy loses trillions. It’s manipulation bullshit
If someone has COVID-19 and they have not traveled to any of the infected countries, then that is the next stage of contagion.

Worse, a person is contagious before they show any symptoms, so that one person could have infected many other people by now. If that person has school age children, they could infect their entire school and then its all over for that town and the US.

We will have to wait and see what develops.

I'm hoping it is a false positive.
Good stuff

SiG's blog last night, this excerpt and ensuing discussion, sourced to commenter and fellow-blogger LL:

"President Xi went on the record, essentially saying that it was an accidental release from their own bug factory yesterday.
Total horseshit. Xi has said no such thing.

Stupid dumb fucks parroting stupid conspiracy theories are NOT helping.
I listened to Trump's presser last night on the radio.

My first impression was that he sounded the most presidential I have ever heard him. And I am a Never-Trumper.

But then he went off the rails toward the end, making really stupid claims. Damn it. Someone should have pulled him off the podium sooner.
The problem for the markets is that, though total deaths are going down, the number of countries that have to institute quarrantine protocols, etc, is going up.

That hurts business opportunity more than the actual death count to a great extent.

A Romanian man this morning tested positive for Covid19 after returning from a hunting trip with an Italian guy that was not showing symptoms.

Now both are Covid19 positive. The Romanian authorities are now watching traffic between Romania and Italy like hawks.

This has the side effect of slowing commerce, which reduces profits just from the added time of doing business, etc.

Seeing this kind of interference in business, for good reason, makes investors want to shift their money to unaffected parts of the global economy or go to safe havens like Bonds and crypto.

This means sell off on Wall Street to retrieve capital.
The problem for the markets is that, though total deaths are going down, the number of countries that have to institute quarrantine protocols, etc, is going up.

That hurts business opportunity more than the actual death count to a great extent.

A Romanian man this morning tested positive for Covid19 after returning from a hunting trip with an Italian guy that was not showing symptoms.

Now both are Covid19 positive. The Romanian authorities are now watching traffic between Romania and Italy like hawks.

This has the side effect of slowing commerce, which reduces profits just from the added time of doing business, etc.

Seeing this kind of interference in business, for good reason, makes investors want to shift their money to unaffected parts of the global economy or go to safe havens like Bonds and crypto.

This means sell off on Wall Street to retrieve capital.
Jim, it will effectively go around the world before a vaccine can be produced and distributed. Even then, it will be with us forever, a new paradigm along with the existing flu viruses we contend with and vaccinate for now. Get by this year and it will work out.
Markets will adjust and settle down. The wall street crowd has always been a twitchy herd.
You are my age or better. I suspect you adjusted your mix to cover your ass, as I did several years ago after that financial crowd tanked the economy.
Did you see on your taxes this year that it specifically asks about activity with crypto currency? Boy how times change from when we were kids.
I just checked the price of oil.

Crude oil futures are now at $46. That is going to send Russia into recession. That will have ripple effects.

The problem for the markets is that, though total deaths are going down, the number of countries that have to institute quarrantine protocols, etc, is going up.

That hurts business opportunity more than the actual death count to a great extent.

A Romanian man this morning tested positive for Covid19 after returning from a hunting trip with an Italian guy that was not showing symptoms.

Now both are Covid19 positive. The Romanian authorities are now watching traffic between Romania and Italy like hawks.

This has the side effect of slowing commerce, which reduces profits just from the added time of doing business, etc.

Seeing this kind of interference in business, for good reason, makes investors want to shift their money to unaffected parts of the global economy or go to safe havens like Bonds and crypto.

This means sell off on Wall Street to retrieve capital.
Jim, it will effectively go around the world before a vaccine can be produced and distributed. Even then, it will be with us forever, a new paradigm along with the existing flu viruses we contend with and vaccinate for now. Get by this year and it will work out.
Markets will adjust and settle down. The wall street crowd has always been a twitchy herd.
You are my age or better. I suspect you adjusted your mix to cover your ass, as I did several years ago after that financial crowd tanked the economy.
Did you see on your taxes this year that it specifically asks about activity with crypto currency? Boy how times change from when we were kids.
I'm taking vitamin C and have been giving it to my wife. If our kids get COVID-19, they are young enough to shake it off.

My wife has a suppressed immune system, so she is vulnerable.
With all the rumors and conspiracy theories I am seeing about this event, it appears stupidity is more contagious among humans than this virus.

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