Official Impeachment Day Thread

+ killed the Clinton crime family

Ahh, you mad, your guy is the most illegitimate president in our country's history?

Are you going to throw a party when Trump names replacements for RBG and Breyer?

You guys sure are putting quite a bit of stock in things that have not come to fruition. In the meantime Trump lost the popular vote and has been impeached.

You guys sure are putting quite a bit of stock in things that have not come to fruition.

And in the ones that have.

While the House Impeaches, the Senate Will Confirm 13 More Trump Judges

Yeah, the GOP has confirmed quite a few judges,many of them not qualified.

Doesn't change the fact that no president has lost the popular vote by as much as Trump as well as been impeached. :21:

And just think, that's the guy who'll be replacing RBG and probably a couple more justices.
Ahh, you mad, your guy is the most illegitimate president in our country's history?

Are you going to throw a party when Trump names replacements for RBG and Breyer?

You guys sure are putting quite a bit of stock in things that have not come to fruition. In the meantime Trump lost the popular vote and has been impeached.

You guys sure are putting quite a bit of stock in things that have not come to fruition.

And in the ones that have.

While the House Impeaches, the Senate Will Confirm 13 More Trump Judges

Yeah, the GOP has confirmed quite a few judges,many of them not qualified.

Doesn't change the fact that no president has lost the popular vote by as much as Trump as well as been impeached. :21:

And just think, that's the guy who'll be replacing RBG and probably a couple more justices.

Neat. In the meantime Trump goes down as this country's least favorite yet corrupt president. I'm sure he's taking it well. Maybe he can shoot off another 6 page crybaby:206: rant to Pelosi. :21:
Angelo he might be for 5 more years, BUT if so your republicans and our economic well being are fu-ked The world will look at us as leaders no more

You haven't been watching the stock market, have you? All three indices at record highs day after day after day. And unemployment at an historic low -- 3.5%! Considering the incredible prosperity -- and peace -- President Trump has brought us, pretty mean to impeach him. He sure didn't deserve that.

Somebody here, a smart guy, said the whole impeachment thing was about the Supreme Court: because Trump has surely yet another three picks if he wins re-election, and maybe one or two of them this year. I mean, LOOK at their ages!! The USSC Dems are hanging in like grim death hoping for a Dem president so they can all resign at once, but you can only block Mother Nature so long. If Trump were impeached Pence would go on till the fall and appoint conservatives to the courts, but he's pretty colorless -- he might well not get elected.

And it's not just about the USSC --- Trump has appointed, he said tonight, 145 federal judges! Wow. I see the Dems' problem.

I am not sympathetic.
And just think, that's the guy who'll be replacing RBG and probably a couple more justices.

Five. That's my prediction: I think he'll get to appoint a total of five, including the two he's already done. This should help a lot to stop the courts from law-making weird laws privileging perverts.

Some of these justices are seriously OLD. Late 70s to upper 80s. You can only back off Nature so long.
If I was the speaker of the house I'd wait until October 2020 to send it to the senate! Let the people and the nominees debate the facts and the reality right in the heart of the general election.
And just think, that's the guy who'll be replacing RBG and probably a couple more justices.

Five. That's my prediction: I think he'll get to appoint a total of five, including the two he's already done. This should help a lot to stop the courts from law-making weird laws privileging perverts.

Some of these justices are seriously OLD. Late 70s to upper 80s. You can only back off Nature so long.
You already have the advantage in the SC what difference does it make ?? What laws have they passed privileging perverts?/ Maybe they should get a pussy grabber or 2 You have a couple of perverts on the court now
You have a couple of perverts on the court now

I assume you are referring to the Democrats; we should probably show some respect and pretend we don't notice that. They can't do a lot of harm if they are completely outnumbered, anyway.
You have a couple of perverts on the court now

I assume you are referring to the Democrats; we should probably show some respect and pretend we don't notice that. They can't do a lot of harm if they are completely outnumbered, anyway.
Kavinaugh and the other guy who never opens his mouth 2 perverts But that's ok They're republicans
Kavinaugh and the other guy who never opens his mouth

I admit I'd like to see Trump replace Clarence Thomas (the one who can't talk; not really a good sign for a justice, IMO). He's 71 and rumored to want to retire; that would make an estimated six appointments by Trump, all told. It's a black seat, but they can probably find someone. What am I saying: they presumably have a live list, right now.

Actually, if you think about it, early spring would be a GREAT time for Clarence Thomas to retire. Trump could appoint another black; the Dems would be covered with confusion; Trump would get a lot of black votes for re-election.
Are you going to throw a party when Trump names replacements for RBG and Breyer?

You guys sure are putting quite a bit of stock in things that have not come to fruition. In the meantime Trump lost the popular vote and has been impeached.

You guys sure are putting quite a bit of stock in things that have not come to fruition.

And in the ones that have.

While the House Impeaches, the Senate Will Confirm 13 More Trump Judges

Yeah, the GOP has confirmed quite a few judges,many of them not qualified.

Doesn't change the fact that no president has lost the popular vote by as much as Trump as well as been impeached. :21:

And just think, that's the guy who'll be replacing RBG and probably a couple more justices.

Neat. In the meantime Trump goes down as this country's least favorite yet corrupt president. I'm sure he's taking it well. Maybe he can shoot off another 6 page crybaby:206: rant to Pelosi. :21:

Yup, with 4 or 5 Supreme Court nominees.
Trump's crimes are far worse than Nixon & Clinton combined. His supporters don't care, they just want a dictator that will crush the other side.

Got Evidence?

Of course there is evidence. Why do you embarrass yourself like this. It's been presented over and over. Now, let's get back on track. Here are the two articles of impeachment in laimens words. Either he did these or he didn't do these. Simple as that.

Attempted to trade the powers of his office for favors for his own benefit from a foreign power. Simply put, he withheld a crucial fact to face meeting between him and another head of stated for a "Favor". And he withheld loan guarentees to that same Government for that same Favor. The Favor would not be the problem except it was for his own personal benefit to try and appear to get dirt on his nearest and strongest candidate he was possibly going to be running against in 2020. That means, he solicited a foreign power to meddle in our elections openly. You can cherry pick the evidence but if you consider all the evidence, he's guilty as hell on this one. This is much more serious than anything Nixon did. Nixon tried to protect those that were under him and bungled it. Rump was trying to affect our Elections by enlisting the help from a Foreign Power. And THAT is listed by our Fore Fathers as an Impeachable Offense.

Now, for the equivalent of Nixon on the Coverup. Except it's runs even deeper. Rump tried to hide the phone conversation and the back door dealings with Ukraine over this. He didn't release the funds until AFTER the investigation was started. Him or one of his merry band of criminals tried to hide the phone conversations on a server that was never intended to keep those conversation. It's the old shell game. But an insider tipped the powers that be to this method and Rump decided to release a transcript that left out various parts of the conversation. Congress finally got the whole thing and through investigation and congressional hearings, got it all out in the open. Meanwhile, Rump refused much of the material needed stating it was Executive Privilege. He then instructed a bunch of people to ignore Congressional Subpoenas so that they could not be questions, again, executive privilege. Nixon tried the same routine and was slapped down by the Supreme Court. Rump knows that he can tie things up well into the latter part of his second term in the courts. Had Nixon not resigned, Nixon could very well have been convicted by the Senate for doing less for Obstruction of Justice and removed from office. The mess is even messier than it appears without the testimony of the merry band of criminals and Rump himself.

What's sad about Nixon, Nixon had the election sown up tight. He didn't need the breakin to win. I doubt he authorized it or even knew about it before hand. Afterwards, he tried to protect his people working for him and got bagged. I can understand that. And I voted for him the 2nd time knowing this like MOST Americans did. But the Impeachment went into his second term and would have brought him down anyway. He lost the support of Congress, the Courts and the Military. The only real thing he could do was resign. He showed class in the end.

Rump may have won the 2020 election without any of this but he just can't help himself. He's a Mafia style Don and this is how he does business.

In Rumps case, he instigated the caper from the getgo. Unlike Nixon, Rump demands that the people under him Protect him no matter what. There are some mighty hinky things going on in the Whitehouse these days. And when one of his band of criminals gets in too deep, Rump throws them under the bus. I have never seen a President operate like that. With the possible exception of Reagan of the Iranian Arms deal where he claimed to not know a thing about it and threw the doors open and said (more or less), there they are, take them away. Reagan's Cabinet was loyal all the way to the end though. The same won't be with Rumps merry band of criminals when they finally get around to start picking them up.

There it is. What parts can you disprove without deflection, Hey, look over there or insults.
BBC News: Donald Trump Impeached

Impeached means removed from U.S Presidency/office ? If not why do they impeach the U.S President ?
BBC News: Donald Trump Impeached

Impeached means removed from U.S Presidency/office ? If not why do they impeach the U.S President ?

Impeached does not mean removed from office. The Senate does that. Clinton was impeached but not removed from office.

Think of it this way: In a typical criminal case, a prosecutor presents the case and charges & the jury decides whether the suspect is guilty or not. In an impeachment case the House of Representatives presents the case and charges, and the Senate determines guilt.
Impeached does not mean removed from office. The Senate does that. Clinton was impeached but not removed from office. Think of it this way: In a typical criminal case, a prosecutor presents the case and charges & the jury decides whether the suspect is guilty or not. In an impeachment case the House of Representatives presents the case and charges, and the Senate determines guilt.

If the President is not removed from office than why all the "impeachment drama" and BBC news showing impeachment live for 12 hours ?

I know 48 children were killed in Yemen school bus missile strike. Taking some favours from Ukraine President is nothing?
If the President is not removed from office than why all the "impeachment drama" and BBC news showing impeachment live for 12 hours ?

Because the Democrats are putting on a show. Trump will be acquitted in the Senate and this will go down as the biggest Dem-flop in modern history. It's all grandstanding, nothing more. They've been saying they were going to impeach him since the day he was elected. Nobody is surprised by this.
Pelosi stumbles, face plants, folds like a cheap lawn chair, may not send articles of halfpeachment to Senate. :21:

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