Official Impeachment Day Thread

Because the Democrats are putting on a show. Trump will be acquitted in the Senate and this will go down as the biggest Dem-flop in modern history. It's all grandstanding, nothing more. They've been saying they were going to impeach him since the day he was elected. Nobody is surprised by this.

I agree. But some Republicans can impeach Donald Trump because 90% Democrats have impeached Trump. There are some charges against Trump.
If the President is not removed from office than why all the "impeachment drama" and BBC news showing impeachment live for 12 hours ?

Because the Democrats are putting on a show. Trump will be acquitted in the Senate and this will go down as the biggest Dem-flop in modern history. It's all grandstanding, nothing more. They've been saying they were going to impeach him since the day he was elected. Nobody is surprised by this.

At age 60, Donald Trump paid $130,000 for sex with a pornstar/prostitute (Stormy Daniels). What is Donald Trump teaching worldwide men and woman who work hard for $3000/month or $6000/month.

Donald Trump should not have been the U.S President in the first place.
Kavinaugh and the other guy who never opens his mouth

I admit I'd like to see Trump replace Clarence Thomas (the one who can't talk; not really a good sign for a justice, IMO). He's 71 and rumored to want to retire; that would make an estimated six appointments by Trump, all told. It's a black seat, but they can probably find someone. What am I saying: they presumably have a live list, right now.

Actually, if you think about it, early spring would be a GREAT time for Clarence Thomas to retire. Trump could appoint another black; the Dems would be covered with confusion; Trump would get a lot of black votes for re-election.
Circe WTF difference would it make?? You want to beat a dead horse to death??
Do what? lol being great haha
Trump's approval up another 5%.

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.
Newt tried to impeach him

wrong, the house of representatives did impeach him for perjury and obstruction of justice on a bi-partisan basis. If he did not have a dem majority in the senate at that time, he would have been removed, or pull a Nixon and resign. The only bi-partisan thing yesterday was the no votes.
It was straight partisan for impeachment.

It was bi-partisan, to NOT impeach.
True Says a lot about all the coward republicans afraid to feel Trumps wrath , making their jobs more important than their country

what it says is that there are 3 democrats who are not licking pelosi's old tired flabby ass, and have the guts to buck their party and do the right thing.
Do what? lol being great haha
Trump's approval up another 5%.

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.

On election day, President Clinton won a decisive victory over Dole. In the popular vote, he out-polled Dole by over 8.2 million votes. Bill Clinton had a 8.5% popular vote margin, and a 220 electoral vote margin.

Repubtards were furious that they couldn't defeat Clinton, so they had Newt Gingrich lie, cheat & steal to impeach him. Newt Gingrich became the first & Only US Representative in History to get Censured for his Crimes!

clinton was impeached for his own lying cheating and stealing. Newt allowed both sides full participation in those impeachment hearings, unlike the circus run by Schiff and Nadler (pencil neck and toad boy)
'Donald Trump is set to become 3rd US president to be impeached'

The 1st President to be POLITICALLY Impeached for admitted biased political party gain without any crime being identified, without evidence of a crime, and without any witnesses of a crime having been presented.

The 1st Impeachment of a President called for and promised BEFORE the President's inauguration...

The most successful President in HALF A CENTURY...

An Impeachment that consisted of non-stop political coup attempts over a 3.5 year period during which the largest criminal scandal in US history.

and the crooked dems will pay for that next November, bigly.
If the President is not removed from office than why all the "impeachment drama" and BBC news showing impeachment live for 12 hours ?

Because the Democrats are putting on a show. Trump will be acquitted in the Senate and this will go down as the biggest Dem-flop in modern history. It's all grandstanding, nothing more. They've been saying they were going to impeach him since the day he was elected. Nobody is surprised by this.

At age 60, Donald Trump paid $130,000 for sex with a pornstar/prostitute (Stormy Daniels). What is Donald Trump teaching worldwide men and woman who work hard for $3000/month or $6000/month.

Donald Trump should not have been the U.S President in the first place.

the people of the USA disagree with you.
They understand that every human being is flawed and imperfect and makes mistakes, what they care about is that he is keeping his promises and getting the job done for THIS country.
Do what? lol being great haha
Trump's approval up another 5%.

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.

On election day, President Clinton won a decisive victory over Dole. In the popular vote, he out-polled Dole by over 8.2 million votes. Bill Clinton had a 8.5% popular vote margin, and a 220 electoral vote margin.

Repubtards were furious that they couldn't defeat Clinton, so they had Newt Gingrich lie, cheat & steal to impeach him. Newt Gingrich became the first & Only US Representative in History to get Censured for his Crimes!

clinton was impeached for his own lying cheating and stealing. Newt allowed both sides full participation in those impeachment hearings, unlike the circus run by Schiff and Nadler (pencil neck and toad boy)
Trump ,his lawyer those under subpoena were invited to come What you have a problem with is not have listened to tump when he ADMITTED impeachable crimes Your cowardly senate says getting a foreign country to help you bash a leading candidate in your election is not impeachable and preventing witnesses from testifying isn't either I hope we both live long enough to see the shit republicans threw at the fan comes back to hit them in their lying faces
Trump's approval up another 5%.

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.

On election day, President Clinton won a decisive victory over Dole. In the popular vote, he out-polled Dole by over 8.2 million votes. Bill Clinton had a 8.5% popular vote margin, and a 220 electoral vote margin.

Repubtards were furious that they couldn't defeat Clinton, so they had Newt Gingrich lie, cheat & steal to impeach him. Newt Gingrich became the first & Only US Representative in History to get Censured for his Crimes!

clinton was impeached for his own lying cheating and stealing. Newt allowed both sides full participation in those impeachment hearings, unlike the circus run by Schiff and Nadler (pencil neck and toad boy)
Trump ,his lawyer those under subpoena were invited to come What you have a problem with is not have listened to tump when he ADMITTED impeachable crimes Your cowardly senate says getting a foreign country to help you bash a leading candidate in your election is not impeachable and preventing witnesses from testifying isn't either I hope we both live long enough to see the shit republicans threw at the fan comes back to hit them in their lying faces
Since when does the accused have to provide evidence of their innocence? Lol you don’t live in the Soviet union little buddy lol
'Donald Trump is set to become 3rd US president to be impeached'

The 1st President to be POLITICALLY Impeached for admitted biased political party gain without any crime being identified, without evidence of a crime, and without any witnesses of a crime having been presented.

The 1st Impeachment of a President called for and promised BEFORE the President's inauguration...

The most successful President in HALF A CENTURY...

An Impeachment that consisted of non-stop political coup attempts over a 3.5 year period during which the largest criminal scandal in US history.

and the crooked dems will pay for that next November, bigly.
Trump ASKED for help Weren't you listening?

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.

On election day, President Clinton won a decisive victory over Dole. In the popular vote, he out-polled Dole by over 8.2 million votes. Bill Clinton had a 8.5% popular vote margin, and a 220 electoral vote margin.

Repubtards were furious that they couldn't defeat Clinton, so they had Newt Gingrich lie, cheat & steal to impeach him. Newt Gingrich became the first & Only US Representative in History to get Censured for his Crimes!

clinton was impeached for his own lying cheating and stealing. Newt allowed both sides full participation in those impeachment hearings, unlike the circus run by Schiff and Nadler (pencil neck and toad boy)
Trump ,his lawyer those under subpoena were invited to come What you have a problem with is not have listened to tump when he ADMITTED impeachable crimes Your cowardly senate says getting a foreign country to help you bash a leading candidate in your election is not impeachable and preventing witnesses from testifying isn't either I hope we both live long enough to see the shit republicans threw at the fan comes back to hit them in their lying faces
Since when does the accused have to provide evidence of their innocence? Lol you don’t live in the Soviet union little buddy lol
IF I was accused of shooting somebody and my case was in court and I was somewhere else wouldn't I want to prove it in a court of law?? Trump is a fn crook all his life Why hide those under subpoena why hide documents?? Why hide his taxes ??
'Donald Trump is set to become 3rd US president to be impeached'

The 1st President to be POLITICALLY Impeached for admitted biased political party gain without any crime being identified, without evidence of a crime, and without any witnesses of a crime having been presented.

The 1st Impeachment of a President called for and promised BEFORE the President's inauguration...

The most successful President in HALF A CENTURY...

An Impeachment that consisted of non-stop political coup attempts over a 3.5 year period during which the largest criminal scandal in US history.

and the crooked dems will pay for that next November, bigly.
Trump ASKED for help Weren't you listening?

he said "russia if you are listening" It was a JOKE you fricken idiot.
Do what? lol being great haha
Trump's approval up another 5%.

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.
Newt tried to impeach him

wrong, the house of representatives did impeach him for perjury and obstruction of justice on a bi-partisan basis. If he did not have a dem majority in the senate at that time, he would have been removed, or pull a Nixon and resign. The only bi-partisan thing yesterday was the no votes.

If he did not have a dem majority in the senate at that time, he would have been removed, or pull a Nixon and resign. The only bi-partisan thing yesterday was the no votes.

The Republicans had a majority in the Senate. They needed to get 67 votes.
clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.

On election day, President Clinton won a decisive victory over Dole. In the popular vote, he out-polled Dole by over 8.2 million votes. Bill Clinton had a 8.5% popular vote margin, and a 220 electoral vote margin.

Repubtards were furious that they couldn't defeat Clinton, so they had Newt Gingrich lie, cheat & steal to impeach him. Newt Gingrich became the first & Only US Representative in History to get Censured for his Crimes!

clinton was impeached for his own lying cheating and stealing. Newt allowed both sides full participation in those impeachment hearings, unlike the circus run by Schiff and Nadler (pencil neck and toad boy)
Trump ,his lawyer those under subpoena were invited to come What you have a problem with is not have listened to tump when he ADMITTED impeachable crimes Your cowardly senate says getting a foreign country to help you bash a leading candidate in your election is not impeachable and preventing witnesses from testifying isn't either I hope we both live long enough to see the shit republicans threw at the fan comes back to hit them in their lying faces
Since when does the accused have to provide evidence of their innocence? Lol you don’t live in the Soviet union little buddy lol
IF I was accused of shooting somebody and my case was in court and I was somewhere else wouldn't I want to prove it in a court of law?? Trump is a fn crook all his life Why hide those under subpoena why hide documents?? Why hide his taxes ??

you would not show up in a kangaroo court like the one run by the house dems. If it was a fair hearing with equal time, questions, and witnesses from both side he would have sent his reps, but like Obama, Clinton, and every other president he exercised his constitution rights of executive privilege. Why didn't Holder testify, why was he held in contempt of congress on fast an furious?

the double standard from you libs is mind boggling.

I have explained the tax issue many times, if you still don't get it you never will.
Trump's approval up another 5%.

Presidential Bill Clinton's Job Approval polling was 73% when Repubtards Impeached him for lying about having sex. Trump only has 44% approval & never won the popular vote.

clinton only got those numbers because he worked with Newt to get things done, where is the dem version of Newt to work with Trump? certainly not old crazy nancy.

as to the vote, Clinton never got more than 44% of the PV.
Newt tried to impeach him

wrong, the house of representatives did impeach him for perjury and obstruction of justice on a bi-partisan basis. If he did not have a dem majority in the senate at that time, he would have been removed, or pull a Nixon and resign. The only bi-partisan thing yesterday was the no votes.

If he did not have a dem majority in the senate at that time, he would have been removed, or pull a Nixon and resign. The only bi-partisan thing yesterday was the no votes.

The Republicans had a majority in the Senate. They needed to get 67 votes.

correct, I forgot that that was before crooked Harry Reid changed the rules to ram obamacare up our collective asses.

thanks for reminding me.

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