OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

So... I wonder which Justice will retire or die next? We may get another two before the end of Trump's first term.
Hopefully Ginsburg wakes up one morning dead.
You piece of shit.
Like, “All Honkies are like animals” piece of shit?
Milkweed is a moron of epic proportions. His thoughts are juvenile at best. He is on the ignorant side of every issue. Other than that I’m sure he’s a nice neighbor.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?

Go. to. the. fucking. police.

And you wonder why nothing gets done about this shit?
Oh really? First of at all times it's a he said she said thing. Secondly talking to the police you need to not just relive the story and deal with the fact that a lot of times the person would get away. You also have to deal with a sense of both shame and anger. I pleaded with her to go to the police, or to be allowed to take care of it myself. She burst out crying. So tell me "hero", how would you react?

The police's job is to figure that shit out. Maybe the asshole has a history, maybe there were other accusations.

You. Go. To. The. Fucking. Police.

Even if not proven in your own case, it's on record and if the asshole tries it again, that becomes a pattern on record and they can prosecute his ass.
At what price to her? She is the victim you know. Usually I don't mind opinions, I'm on this board after all. But do you have ANY inkling of the emotional toll this takes? He get's away, what does that mean for her psychological? From your position behind a computer, talking to a complete stranger it seems perfectly clear. IT IS NOT.

Guess what? By not reporting it he's gotten away with it 100%. It's the same mentality that causes crime in the hood to explode. Not my problem, it will just go away.

Sorry, but when shit happens to you, it's happened, the best thing to do is to at least try to let the system nail the guy.

Again, one accusation being on record could lead to others coming forward, and once a pattern is established, with reliable testimony from multiple people, the person can be convicted.

My points all along. If you don’t stand up then, you can’t stand up now with credibility
Just wondering.....are you progressives greasing up tonight?? The bumpy is looming....grab the last of the KY while you can! Today was an even bigger joke than I thought it would be.:flirtysmile4:
Today proved that Kavanaugh has the temperament and judgment of a like him because he reminds you of yourself...

Today proved that Judge Kavanaugh is a man to be admired! he is credible sincere,strong and truthful! GOD Bless him and his family!

Confirm now! :clap:

Really? What made you conclude so?

I found him not to be responsive; he had stock answers to most questions, was arrogant and if he were on the bench in a trial court, I would challenge him on every occasion.

He came across as dishonest today; as he was even before the allegation of sexual misbehavior ever occurred.

See: "The basis for a CCP §170.6 challenge affidavit to be filed with the Court is that the party or attorney believes that (1) the challenged judge is prejudiced against such party or attorney or his or her interest, and (2) that the party or attorney cannot have a fair and impartial trial before that judge."
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…

I suspect a bigger backlash against Republicans if they try to steamroll an approval without bearing all the evidence
He's been nominated since July. That's more than enough time for Feinstein to mention this. But it so happened to be last week? After all this time especially when she herself knew it seemed false.
That is only two months

Garlands nomination was held up for almost a full year
Because Garland wasn't as accomplished like Kavanaugh.
Sorry that Garland did not attempt to rape women but that is not a required accomplishment.
Gaslight much?
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…

See you in November.

Republicans were too cowardly to even ask their own questions

That’s is how much they fear the election in five weeks

Oh fuck you !!
You know perfectly well why they didn't mother fucker !

They knew you bastards would throw out the "old white men ganging up on the little innocent female victim" card the moment the hearing got going.


What would have made them say that?
Senate Dems on the Judiciary Committee could have revealed Ford's letter to Chairman Chuck Grassley 60 days ago and the FBI could have conducted and completed a confidential investigation two or three weeks ago. But the Democrats didn't do that. They held onto this flimsy accusation until after the hearings and just as the Senate was going to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

So it was pure hypocrisy for Democratic members of the committee to ask Kavanaugh if he would now call for an FBI investigation. Where was their desire for an FBI investigation 60 days ago, or when they had their private interviews with him, or during the hearings? Sheer hypocrisy.

Simply because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford asked to remain anonymous. Then, through no fault of her own, her name was leaked.

Yeah we don't do things like that in a free country.

In free countries, the accused gets to face and question his accuser. The burden of proof is on the ACCUSER.
So... I wonder which Justice will retire or die next? We may get another two before the end of Trump's first term.
Hopefully Ginsburg wakes up one morning dead.
You piece of shit.
Like, “All Honkies are like animals” piece of shit?
Milkweed is a moron of epic proportions. His thoughts are juvenile at best. He is on the ignorant side of every issue. Other than that I’m sure he’s a nice neighbor.
Wait till he pretends a word or sentence doesn’t exist.
There are times I’m convinced he’s not only a racist but experiencing hallucinations of omission.
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…

See you in November.

Republicans were too cowardly to even ask their own questions

That’s is how much they fear the election in five weeks

Oh fuck you !!
You know perfectly well why they didn't mother fucker !

They knew you bastards would throw out the "old white men ganging up on the little innocent female victim" card the moment the hearing got going.


What would have made them say that?
Because they have nothing else to play. This is all about losing in 2016.
So... I wonder which Justice will retire or die next? We may get another two before the end of Trump's first term.
Hopefully Ginsburg wakes up one morning dead.
You piece of shit.
Thank you. That means absolutely nothing coming from you. It does however show your desperation and inability to be honest and objective. You have nothing.
You just wished somebody dead and you think Asclepias is not honest or objective? I think calling somebody a piece of shit over that is both honest and objective,if a little bit understated.
She has outlived her usefulness. She is a dithering fool. Her ideology is horrible. She is the true piece of shit. I couldn’t care less what you or milkweed think.
Senator Kamla Harris mentioned in a form of a question to Brett Kavanaugh about an FBI Investigation. Mentioning that "it is necessary for the FBI to do a background check on any and all Federal employees". And even asked if he was willing to subdue himself to an FBI investigation
They answered that had you had your head on during the hearing.

You liberals will soon rue the day you slimed Brett Kavanaugh

Weird thing is Kavanaugh will hurt the working class and the Trump supporter. See his wikipedia entry, one mean judge.

Hurt the working class?

How so?

The working class has not been hurt by any Judges that follows the U.S. Constitution. So, not even sure how you come up with.

(Oh's a joke...right? Lol)
midcan is a commie. He means Kavanaugh is anti-commie.
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…

See you in November.

Republicans were too cowardly to even ask their own questions

That’s is how much they fear the election in five weeks

Oh fuck you !!
You know perfectly well why they didn't mother fucker !

They knew you bastards would throw out the "old white men ganging up on the little innocent female victim" card the moment the hearing got going.

They hid behind a woman because they didn’t want to face the voters

Nope, they knew how you mother fuckers and your entire MSM that is in the back pocket of the DNC would twist it.
So... I wonder which Justice will retire or die next? We may get another two before the end of Trump's first term.
Hopefully Ginsburg wakes up one morning dead.
You piece of shit.
Like, “All Honkies are like animals” piece of shit?
Milkweed is a moron of epic proportions. His thoughts are juvenile at best. He is on the ignorant side of every issue. Other than that I’m sure he’s a nice neighbor.
Wait till he pretends a word or sentence doesn’t exist.
There are times I’m convinced he’s not only a racist but experiencing hallucinations of omission.
He is definitely a racist.
WASHINGTON – The Senate could confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as soon as Tuesday if he clears the Judiciary Committee on Friday and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready – meaning he has the votes.

"I don’t think they’ve met their burden of proof," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "I think it’s time to vote.”

“The longer that the nomination remains open we know that more and more of these scurrilous, anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made," he said. "Unfortunately, that’s part of the 'search and destroy' process that, frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate."

Brett Kavanaugh: How quickly could he be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Expect at least three more liberals to come forward before then...

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