OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I suspect a bigger backlash against Republicans if they try to steamroll an approval without bearing all the evidence

Evidence? Sry....but there is no Evidence.
She was probably thinking of someone else, ya know a bit :cuckoo: (like all you people)
She was scarwed to fly...she scarwed to fwy in an airpwain. She was scarwed of the pwacess...ooooooo....She was so scarwed. Air head fucking California kooky fucking college professor. Totally unbelievable. Discovered this memory in therapy. What a fucking nut! Hope the bitch gets ate by a shark when she is in the water with her beach friends. Oh...she will be too scarwed to swim in the cold water....ooooo she so scarwed.
I suspect a bigger backlash against Republicans if they try to steamroll an approval without bearing all the evidence

Evidence? Sry....but there is no Evidence.
She was probably thinking of someone else, ya know a bit :cuckoo: (like all you people)
She was scarwed to fly...she scarwed to fwy in an airpwain. She was scarwed of the pwacess...ooooooo....Show was so scarwed. Air head fucking California kooky fucking college professor. Totally unbelievable. Discovered this memory in therapy. What a fucking nut! Hope the bitch gets ate by a shark when she in the water with her beach friends. Oh...she will be too scarwed to swim in the cold water....ooooo she so scarwed.
Bet she isn't scared of that gofundme page and how she will be a millionaire soon.
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…
Oh yeah? What's your latest threat now? :sigh2:

It's not a threat...

Get out on Twitter....

You libtards are dead meat....

Americans see you libtards for the scum bags you are....
And again with the threats....seems to be a Rightwing thing, these threats. Yet too much the cowards to follow through.

theyre pretty tough for old women ...
Go. to. the. fucking. police.

And you wonder why nothing gets done about this shit?
Oh really? First of at all times it's a he said she said thing. Secondly talking to the police you need to not just relive the story and deal with the fact that a lot of times the person would get away. You also have to deal with a sense of both shame and anger. I pleaded with her to go to the police, or to be allowed to take care of it myself. She burst out crying. So tell me "hero", how would you react?

The police's job is to figure that shit out. Maybe the asshole has a history, maybe there were other accusations.

You. Go. To. The. Fucking. Police.

Even if not proven in your own case, it's on record and if the asshole tries it again, that becomes a pattern on record and they can prosecute his ass.
At what price to her? She is the victim you know. Usually I don't mind opinions, I'm on this board after all. But do you have ANY inkling of the emotional toll this takes? He get's away, what does that mean for her psychological? From your position behind a computer, talking to a complete stranger it seems perfectly clear. IT IS NOT.

Guess what? By not reporting it he's gotten away with it 100%. It's the same mentality that causes crime in the hood to explode. Not my problem, it will just go away.

Sorry, but when shit happens to you, it's happened, the best thing to do is to at least try to let the system nail the guy.

Again, one accusation being on record could lead to others coming forward, and once a pattern is established, with reliable testimony from multiple people, the person can be convicted.
-Well eventually she destroyed his pending marriage so she got something back. But that's neither here nor there. This serves as another illustration of why sexual assault is so hard to deal with. Here you are talking to somebody you don't know, or care about. Talking from a sense of superiority, because you feel she was wrong to not subject herself to a system that is ill equipped to deal with these kinds of crimes. You feel sufficiently sure in your opinion, to do that. I don't blame you I used to be that arrogant. I can only hope that you never have to find out the hard way how profoundly difficult it is in reality.
-To put this back on track since I'm done talking about this. Why do you feel that time on these accusation allows you to diminish her credibility in a case like this.

It's hard to deal with because we treat it as something other than a plain crime. It's a crime, treat it as a crime. The system doesn't handle them well because people don't come forward enough when it happens. Its a vicious cycle.

I haven't been sexually assaulted, but I have been mugged twice, once by 7 guys surrounding me for my walkman, and the 2nd time by 3 guys, two guys acting like they had guns in their hoodies, and believe me I remember every second of it, and I reported both of them.

The first was the worst because it was a gang jump, and I only got away because I got in a lucky punch and ran off the train.

I've also had a boxcutter to my neck from a crazy classmate, and that's the one I didn't report, and that's the one I regret.
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…
Oh yeah? What's your latest threat now? :sigh2:

It's not a threat...

Get out on Twitter....

You libtards are dead meat....

Americans see you libtards for the scum bags you are....
This seems alot like that "butthurt snowflake" behavior i keep hearing about.
Who does that greasy motherfucker Blumenthal represent? What kind of dummies elect him?
So... I wonder which Justice will retire or die next? We may get another two before the end of Trump's first term.
Hopefully Ginsburg wakes up one morning dead.
You piece of shit.
Thank you. That means absolutely nothing coming from you. It does however show your desperation and inability to be honest and objective. You have nothing.
You just wished somebody dead and you think Asclepias is not honest or objective? I think calling somebody a piece of shit over that is both honest and objective,if a little bit understated.
She has outlived her usefulness. She is a dithering fool. Her ideology is horrible. She is the true piece of shit. I couldn’t care less what you or milkweed think.
Obvious....says more about you then me though. If your just interested in being in your own personal bubble I can't stop you, neither do I want to. People who are unapologetic assholes drive away the people who are honest republicans.
he was a mid level drone at that point. And with Clinton HE WAS ON RECORD AS LYING.

And well all know the next one will face the same type of attack, any little thing rumored in their past will be brought up.

And you didn't answer my last question.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?

Go. to. the. fucking. police.

And you wonder why nothing gets done about this shit?
Oh really? First of at all times it's a he said she said thing. Secondly talking to the police you need to not just relive the story and deal with the fact that a lot of times the person would get away. You also have to deal with a sense of both shame and anger. I pleaded with her to go to the police, or to be allowed to take care of it myself. She burst out crying. So tell me "hero", how would you react?

The police's job is to figure that shit out. Maybe the asshole has a history, maybe there were other accusations.

You. Go. To. The. Fucking. Police.

Even if not proven in your own case, it's on record and if the asshole tries it again, that becomes a pattern on record and they can prosecute his ass.
At what price to her? She is the victim you know. Usually I don't mind opinions, I'm on this board after all. But do you have ANY inkling of the emotional toll this takes? He get's away, what does that mean for her psychological? From your position behind a computer, talking to a complete stranger it seems perfectly clear. IT IS NOT.
She makes hundreds of thousand from book deals and other avenues. She already coll dyed $165k on go gofundme. This is a windfall for this moon bat lying piece of shit.
Senate Dems on the Judiciary Committee could have revealed Ford's letter to Chairman Chuck Grassley 60 days ago and the FBI could have conducted and completed a confidential investigation two or three weeks ago. But the Democrats didn't do that. They held onto this flimsy accusation until after the hearings and just as the Senate was going to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

So it was pure hypocrisy for Democratic members of the committee to ask Kavanaugh if he would now call for an FBI investigation. Where was their desire for an FBI investigation 60 days ago, or when they had their private interviews with him, or during the hearings? Sheer hypocrisy.

Simply because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford asked to remain anonymous. Then, through no fault of her own, her name was leaked.

Yeah we don't do things like that in a free country.

In free countries, the accused gets to face and question his accuser. The burden of proof is on the ACCUSER.
During a job interview? :cuckoo:
The fact anyone believes 15 year olds formed a drug rape ring reveals how fcking stupid they are lol
It's something leftists do, so they assume all the cool kids do it.

Kind of like they assume all the cool kids start having sex at 12.

I find it strange that this man knew 65 females in high school , yet he went to an all male school. I also find it strange the GOP found 65 signatures in one night of the 65 women. Who knows 65 women well enough at one time when they went to an all male high school. Apparently Fords name was not on that list, wonder what other names were not on that list.
Hopefully Ginsburg wakes up one morning dead.
You piece of shit.
Thank you. That means absolutely nothing coming from you. It does however show your desperation and inability to be honest and objective. You have nothing.
You just wished somebody dead and you think Asclepias is not honest or objective? I think calling somebody a piece of shit over that is both honest and objective,if a little bit understated.
She has outlived her usefulness. She is a dithering fool. Her ideology is horrible. She is the true piece of shit. I couldn’t care less what you or milkweed think.
Obvious....says more about you then me though. If your just interested in being in your own personal bubble I can't stop you, neither do I want to. People who are unapologetic assholes drive away the people who are honest republicans.
Not my bubble. Nice try at defection. She is horrendous. I won’t apologize for being against her. Why should I? Do you apologize for what you believe?
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…
Oh yeah? What's your latest threat now? :sigh2:

It's not a threat...

Get out on Twitter....

You libtards are dead meat....

Americans see you libtards for the scum bags you are....
This seems alot like that "butthurt snowflake" behavior i keep hearing about.
Who’s the person on the left? Is she important?
Oh really? First of at all times it's a he said she said thing. Secondly talking to the police you need to not just relive the story and deal with the fact that a lot of times the person would get away. You also have to deal with a sense of both shame and anger. I pleaded with her to go to the police, or to be allowed to take care of it myself. She burst out crying. So tell me "hero", how would you react?

The police's job is to figure that shit out. Maybe the asshole has a history, maybe there were other accusations.

You. Go. To. The. Fucking. Police.

Even if not proven in your own case, it's on record and if the asshole tries it again, that becomes a pattern on record and they can prosecute his ass.
At what price to her? She is the victim you know. Usually I don't mind opinions, I'm on this board after all. But do you have ANY inkling of the emotional toll this takes? He get's away, what does that mean for her psychological? From your position behind a computer, talking to a complete stranger it seems perfectly clear. IT IS NOT.

Guess what? By not reporting it he's gotten away with it 100%. It's the same mentality that causes crime in the hood to explode. Not my problem, it will just go away.

Sorry, but when shit happens to you, it's happened, the best thing to do is to at least try to let the system nail the guy.

Again, one accusation being on record could lead to others coming forward, and once a pattern is established, with reliable testimony from multiple people, the person can be convicted.
-Well eventually she destroyed his pending marriage so she got something back. But that's neither here nor there. This serves as another illustration of why sexual assault is so hard to deal with. Here you are talking to somebody you don't know, or care about. Talking from a sense of superiority, because you feel she was wrong to not subject herself to a system that is ill equipped to deal with these kinds of crimes. You feel sufficiently sure in your opinion, to do that. I don't blame you I used to be that arrogant. I can only hope that you never have to find out the hard way how profoundly difficult it is in reality.
-To put this back on track since I'm done talking about this. Why do you feel that time on these accusation allows you to diminish her credibility in a case like this.

It's hard to deal with because we treat it as something other than a plain crime. It's a crime, treat it as a crime. The system doesn't handle them well because people don't come forward enough when it happens. Its a vicious cycle.

I haven't been sexually assaulted, but I have been mugged twice, once by 7 guys surrounding me for my walkman, and the 2nd time by 3 guys, two guys acting like they had guns in their hoodies, and believe me I remember every second of it, and I reported both of them.

The first was the worst because it was a gang jump, and I only got away because I got in a lucky punch and ran off the train.

I've also had a boxcutter to my neck from a crazy classmate, and that's the one I didn't report, and that's the one I regret.
Well they took away some stuff. Now imaging somebody taking away your self worth. It's NOT a plain crime.

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