OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

She just bitch slapped him haha. He found his match thr fat orange bully.
I don't know how you think that was a win for Pelosi. It may have felt good to you, but she looks bad.

Just wait.. Those 47 democrats who have agreed to vote with republicans in the house to force a deal are going to make her look really bad.. Right now she is just an idiot.. after this she will no longer be speaker.

This is not going to end well for democrats as now Pelosi looks like a petulant child throwing a tantrum and has lost all civility. This just re-enforces the belief of most Americans that this is a politcial tantrum by democrats.
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I know, Pelosi and Schumer did.


Yep, as soon as Dem's told Trump they would never fund border security fencing under any circumstances they owned it 100% Tissue?

Why should they fund the wall when Mexico's going to pay for it?

Mexico is paying for it. the treasury takes in their payments. Trump needs the bill to get the money for what they paid for.

This has been reported again and again but leftwing idiots are unable to comprehend.

Well then, you'll be able to give us a figure of how much we have gotten from Mexico so far.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
It is petty vindictiveness on Pelosi's part and it was his petty vindictive payback to cancel her flight on Congressional business.
They're both acting like pissed off lunatics.

Actually, she had no business going on a fancy vacation while the government is shut down. Frankly, she has no business going on vacations on the government dime EVER.

REPORT: Nancy Pelosi Charged The Air Force Nearly $200K To Fly Her Family Around The Globe

Seems to me that telling her to keep her wrinkled ass in the country and get it back to work was just good management.

Yep, as soon as Dem's told Trump they would never fund border security fencing under any circumstances they owned it 100% Tissue?

Why should they fund the wall when Mexico's going to pay for it?

Mexico already paid for it and Congress has received the money. You are a bit slow aren't you. :itsok:

Oh really? How much did we get from them?

Yeah really, DUUUUH lmao!

Still waiting for you to tell us how much Mexico has given us for the Wall so far.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
It is petty vindictiveness on Pelosi's part and it was his petty vindictive payback to cancel her flight on Congressional business.
They're both acting like pissed off lunatics.

Actually, she had no business going on a fancy vacation while the government is shut down. Frankly, she has no business going on vacations on the government dime EVER.

REPORT: Nancy Pelosi Charged The Air Force Nearly $200K To Fly Her Family Around The Globe

Seems to me that telling her to keep her wrinkled ass in the country and get it back to work was just good management.
Gee....when I want to go on a vacation, I sign up for Afghanistan too.

Yep, as soon as Dem's told Trump they would never fund border security fencing under any circumstances they owned it 100% Tissue?

Why should they fund the wall when Mexico's going to pay for it?

Mexico is paying for it. the treasury takes in their payments. Trump needs the bill to get the money for what they paid for.

This has been reported again and again but leftwing idiots are unable to comprehend.

Well then, you'll be able to give us a figure of how much we have gotten from Mexico so far.

Hold on let me call Obama...he says Americans will save on average $2,500 a month, oh wait that doesn't sound right :eusa_think:
Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

The GOP gained seats in the Senate and lying Dem's had to pretend to be Trump supporters to get elected in swing House districts.

And cheat. Don't forget that part.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:
Don't care. She's acting like a damn child with this nonsense.
But they did....and let's remember that Orange Co. which used to be a GOP stronghold is solid blue now. :71:

Yes yes, Dem 'ballot harvesting' we got it. :itsok:
Of course....if conservative republicans lose, it's only because someone was cheating......we know that whinefest well.

Ballot Harvesting the left's new label for cheating. How many ballots were harvested from cemeteries?
wow, airing some angst. LOL
Don't you know? It's simply not possible for conservative republicans to lose.............................unless there was some cheating going on.
I don't think they are conservatives, and taking children from their families and putting them in foster care situations without any showing they were neglected or abused makes a little nauseous because I am pretty sure I can imagine some of their outcomes .... and while I didn't vote for Trump in the general, we all share responsibility for what HSA has done.
Yep, as soon as Dem's told Trump they would never fund border security fencing under any circumstances they owned it 100% Tissue?
Why should they fund the wall when Mexico's going to pay for it?

Mexico already paid for it and Congress has received the money. You are a bit slow aren't you. :itsok:
Oh really? How much did we get from them?

Yeah really, DUUUUH lmao!
Still waiting for you to tell us how much Mexico has given us for the Wall so far.

The number is so HUGE it would break the forum if I posted it.
Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

The GOP gained seats in the Senate and lying Dem's had to pretend to be Trump supporters to get elected in swing House districts.

And cheat. Don't forget that part.

Oh I rubbed the left's nose in their 'ballot harvesting' cheating a couple posts later.
She just bitch slapped him haha. He found his match thr fat orange bully.
I don't know how you think that was a win for Pelosi. It may have felt good to you, but she looks bad.
BTW, he doesn't need her invitation to be there and give a speech. oops.

yes, he does.

and he needs McConnell to agree with him being there
no actually he doesn't. it's in the constitution for him to request a meeting at the capital.
"The rules of the 116th Congress are yet to be read (for past Congresses, they've been read in late January), but the 115th Congress' rules explained that the Speaker was unable to entertain any motions that would strike down the clause allowing the president to have access to the Hall of the House. This would make Pelosi powerless to stop Trump from entering the floor."
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Yep, as soon as Dem's told Trump they would never fund border security fencing under any circumstances they owned it 100% Tissue?
Why should they fund the wall when Mexico's going to pay for it?
Mexico is paying for it. the treasury takes in their payments. Trump needs the bill to get the money for what they paid for.

This has been reported again and again but leftwing idiots are unable to comprehend.
Well then, you'll be able to give us a figure of how much we have gotten from Mexico so far.

Hold on let me call Obama...he says Americans will save on average $2,500 a month, oh wait that doesn't sound right :eusa_think:
Look! >>>>> Over there! >>>>> It's Former President Obama!

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