OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:
She just bitch slapped him haha. He found his match thr fat orange bully.

I just heard, "Anything a Democrat does is tough and brilliant, just because I agree with them!"
Oh goodie. We have officially entered the era where the opposing parties President will ever make another State of the Union address ever again.
The speaker has to have a very good reason to deny a request from the POTUS. Pelosi doesn't have one. First she lied about the reason. Now that she got caught in the lie she looks even more petty and vindictive.
Let him speak from the Oval Office and the TV Channels show cartoons...

Would be perfect.,..

Pelosi is right the security provided would have to come from people who are being forced to work and not getting paid...

Trump can deliver the speech from his office...
Trump can give the SOTU on the White House lawn, and then claim it was the biggest SOTU crowd in history.

"Even bigger than Lincoln!"
She just bitch slapped him haha. He found his match thr fat orange bully.
I don't know how you think that was a win for Pelosi. It may have felt good to you, but she looks bad.

Just wait.. Those 47 democrats who have agreed to vote with republicans in the house to force a deal are going to make her look really bad.. Right now she is just an idiot.. after this she will no longer be speaker.

This is not going to end well for democrats as now Pelosi looks like a petulant child throwing a tantrum and has lost all civility. This just re-enforces the belief of most Americans that this is a politcial tantrum by democrats.

I'm not aware of 47 House Democrats who have agreed to vote for Trump's wall. You got a credible link?
Poor Donnie

His Union is not in that great shape anyway
"The president cannot speak in front of a joint session of Congress without both chambers' explicit permission. A resolution needs to be approved by both chambers specifying the date and time for receiving an address from the president."

Pelosi denies Trump access to House for State of the Union

"The rules of the 116th Congress are yet to be read (for past Congresses, they've been read in late January), but the 115th Congress' rules explained that the Speaker was unable to entertain any motions that would strike down the clause allowing the president to have access to the Hall of the House. This would make Pelosi powerless to stop Trump from entering the floor."[/QUOTE]

Can the President give a speech on the house floor? You left out this part: "This is where the president might finally arrive at a road block. The House is governed by a detailed set of parliamentary procedures, which make demands of decorum. There are all sorts of rules determining who can speak when and on what, but, in general, as Speaker of the House, Pelosi controls the flow of debate on the House floor. Without express permission from Pelosi, Trump could not start giving a speech in the Hall of the House."

Reporter: "Mr. President, what's that on your desk, sir?"
Trump: "That's my ass. Nancy just handed it to me. Next..."
You left off the part where he emails his ample ass back to her, along with handing her own back to her.
I find it odd that The Democrat Party still advocates for the illegal importation of Brown Slaves to run their plantations, and sweat shops 100 plus years after they lost The Civil War which they fought to keep slavery legal.

This is why I call Pelosi a "Slaver"

It's time to end DACA anyways. The Courts ILLEGALLY extended the deadline.

It's time to end DACA – It's unconstitutional unless approved by Congress

DACA recipients with a work permit set to expire on or before March 5, 2018 would have the opportunity to apply for a two-year renewal if their application was received by USCIS by October 5, 2017.

Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
There has to be a concurrent resolution in order for a joint session of Congress to convene.

Pelosi can simply prevent such a resolution from ever coming up for a vote.

No concurrent resolution, no joint session. No joint session, Trump will be talking to himself in the dark.

Actually, that is false, the President can declare an emergency situation and convene Congress.

Special session - Wikipedia

And that should have been done already. This needs to be resolved, and "nanny nanny boo boo you aren't getting anything you want" isn't an acceptable offer
Wow. The tard is deep in this one.
I don't know how you think that was a win for Pelosi. It may have felt good to you, but she looks bad.
BTW, he doesn't need her invitation to be there and give a speech. oops.

yes, he does.

and he needs McConnell to agree with him being there
no actually he doesn't. it's in the constitution for him to request a meeting at the capital.
I have a copy of the Constitution right here....which Article and section?

"The rules of the 116th Congress are yet to be read (for past Congresses, they've been read in late January), but the 115th Congress' rules explained that the Speaker was unable to entertain any motions that would strike down the clause allowing the president to have access to the Hall of the House. This would make Pelosi powerless to stop Trump from entering the floor.

this one.

Ddi you read this part of your article?

"Can the President Give a Speech Without Invitation?
Say Trump walked out into the Hall of the House. Could he clear his throat and start giving a speech?

This is where the president might finally arrive at a road block. The House is governed by a detailed set of parliamentary procedures, which make demands of decorum. There are all sorts of rules determining who can speak when and on what, but, in general, as Speaker of the House, Pelosi controls the flow of debate on the House floor. Without express permission from Pelosi, Trump could not start giving a speech in the Hall of the House."
You parrots have been programmed to have a go-to response of "FAKE NEWS!"


LOL I'll just accept your invitation to mock you

Pelosi 'manufactured crisis'
Schumer 'manufactured crisis'
NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, NY Times...'manufactured crisis'
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
There has to be a concurrent resolution in order for a joint session of Congress to convene.

Pelosi can simply prevent such a resolution from ever coming up for a vote.

No concurrent resolution, no joint session. No joint session, Trump will be talking to himself in the dark.

He could talk in the Senate and if the dems don't show, that proves how they can't govern. 2020 should be a walk-over...
Listening to tru
That the best you can come up with?

That's weak!
You’re the one with the loony kooky theory that the letter is fake. Is that the best you can come up with?

It wasn't a theory, It was an opinion. And yes it was my best opinion about the fake looking letter at the time.
Oh, he’s flip-flopping. now the letter is suddenly real in his eyes. Did you put on your glasses?


So now honesty is "flip flopping".

At the the time of me writing my first opinion it looked fake. My opinion about it looking fake, has not changed.

I forgot that I need to put things in the simplest of terms or it will confound and confuse you on the left.

I need to treat you like I would my five year old grandchild when I explain things.
You parrots have been programmed to have a go-to response of "FAKE NEWS!"


Yes , you and the other uninformed lefties are very sad. The Constituiton allows Trump to call Congress into session. Piglosi vastly overplayed her hand. Trump will deliver the address whether you like it or not. And no, the dimbos can NOT stop him. Just keep digging that hole deeper as 2020 turns into a runaway win for Trump.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:
Yay Democrats. We have officially entered the era where the opposing parties President will never give another SOTU address.
Dear Mr. President:
When I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shut down.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.

Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.


Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi, the botox bitch is getting desperate to stay relevant. ... :lol: :lol:

She's got your Orange ape cornered and she knows it.
Trump never understood how the levers of power work in D.C.
And he was too lazy to learn.
Nancy not only knows how the levers work, but she's pulling the rights one at just the right time.

Reporter: "Mr. President, what's that on your desk, sir?"
Trump: "That's my ass. Nancy just handed it to me. Next..."
Actually, she just handed her own to herself. He with make the address from elsewhere and it will be front and center the fact she refused to work with anyone to reopen the govt, thus he is not delivering it from the House.
There has to be a concurrent resolution in order for a joint session of Congress to convene.

Pelosi can simply prevent such a resolution from ever coming up for a vote.

No concurrent resolution, no joint session. No joint session, Trump will be talking to himself in the dark.

He could talk in the Senate and if the dems don't show, that proves how they can't govern. 2020 should be a walk-over...
Listening to tru
You’re the one with the loony kooky theory that the letter is fake. Is that the best you can come up with?

It wasn't a theory, It was an opinion. And yes it was my best opinion about the fake looking letter at the time.
Oh, he’s flip-flopping. now the letter is suddenly real in his eyes. Did you put on your glasses?


So now honesty is "flip flopping".

At the the time of me writing my first opinion it looked fake. My opinion about it looking fake, has not changed.

I forgot that I need to put things in the simplest of terms or it will confound and confuse you on the left.

I need to treat you like I would my five year old grandchild when I explain things.
You parrots have been programmed to have a go-to response of "FAKE NEWS!"


Yes , you and the other uninformed lefties are very sad. The Constituiton allows Trump to call Congress into session. Piglosi vastly overplayed her hand. Trump will deliver the address whether you like it or not. And no, the dimbos can NOT stop him. Just keep digging that hole deeper as 2020 turns into a runaway win for Trump.
I'm sorry, tard, but the SOTU is not a national emergency. :lol:

Which propagandist is filling you tards' heads with this hilarity?

Trump can give the SOTU on the White House lawn and then he can claim he had the biggest SOTU crowd in history.

"Even bigger than Lincoln!"
Pelosi first Speaker of The House in History to Dis-Invite The President for SOTU

Trump is the biggest liar IN HISTORY - I wouldnt want that sob there either.
She just bitch slapped him haha. He found his match thr fat orange bully.
I don't know how you think that was a win for Pelosi. It may have felt good to you, but she looks bad.
BTW, he doesn't need her invitation to be there and give a speech. oops.

yes, he does.

and he needs McConnell to agree with him being there
no actually he doesn't. it's in the constitution for him to request a meeting at the capital.
I have a copy of the Constitution right here....which Article and section?
"The President has the power, under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, to call a special session of the Congress during the current adjournment, in which the Congress now stands adjourned until January 2, 1948, unless in the meantime the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Speaker, and the majority leaders of both Houses jointly notify the members of both houses to reassemble. October 17, 1947"

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