OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

Hammered how?
The dems gained fewer seats in the house during the midterms than in multiple decades.
I hardly see that as a win.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

She's right. Government shutdown--means no state of the Union address until the government is reopened.

This should get Trump moving--just the thought of him not getting the limelight that he thinks he deserves should get the government reopened in short order.

TrumpEgoc.jpg only means he cannot use the House chamber if he wants a venue.

Well he can use another venue and see how many people will show up for it I guess. Maybe a tent on the White House lawn would work---:auiqs.jpg:
This is more like Nancy acting like a fronthole. The more this goes on the more men will not die for these women. Not one of those catholicmkids will go near one of the whores at the womens march. And those whores offer nothing for competition even with good jobs. You better start realizing that. Your buddies the African American male group that harassed, demeaned and threatened the Catholic kids appear to not be to intellectual. The Asians are our competition. And they when energized for violence are not fearful like the propaganda beat down white males with help from their own. They will just get rid of them. This is 60 years since the great society. That is a long time in human history. Tens of trillions of dollars spent and ther should be better results then what we have. What is worse is African Americans are still suffering also.
You parrots have been programmed to have a go-to response of "FAKE NEWS!"


Yes , you and the other uninformed lefties are very sad. The Constituiton allows Trump to call Congress into session. Piglosi vastly overplayed her hand. Trump will deliver the address whether you like it or not. And no, the dimbos can NOT stop him. Just keep digging that hole deeper as 2020 turns into a runaway win for Trump.
I'm sorry, tard, but the SOTU is not a national emergency. :lol:

Which propagandist is filling you tards' heads with this hilarity?

Trump can give the SOTU on the White House lawn and then he can claim he had the biggest SOTU crowd in history.

"Even bigger than Lincoln!"

Again, look in the mirror for your retard. Piglosi is POWERLESS to stop Trump from giving the address. Your fear of seeing the Angel Moms and the families, and your refusal to negotiate will be put front and center. You lose. As usual. This will be just another nail in the dimbocraps coffin for 2020.

He can give any address he wants. He just can't do it in the House until Nancy says he can.

Nancy is going to learn the hard way how little power she actually has. The public blowback against her is already starting. The moron just ensured Trump's win in 2020. Tough her ego likely won't allow Piglosi to be left out of the whole thing. She best remember, Trump can refuse to allow her into any venue he speaks at.
Actually, Trump is learning the hard way that the 3 branches of govt. are all equal. Pelosi rattled Trumps cage today & it's about time that someone stood up to The Child Emperor!

Btw dipshit, Dotard better wise up or his next 2 years at the hands of Pelosi are going to be really looooong!
Trump went into a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat and is taking it out on Americans with extortion and denying citizens government services. Fuck Trump the two-bit gangster wannabe.
Trump went into a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat and is taking it out on Americans with extortion and denying citizens government services. Fuck Trump the two-bit gangster wannabe.

Trump got slapped around by Ann Coulter and shut down Government to show he is a tough guy
Trump can deliver his SOTU at Covington Catholic High School.

"I got a bigger SOTU crowd than Lincoln!"
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.
That's right, and there is nothing in constitutional law that says that it has to be in the House of Representatives.
I would expect her to do this. She hates America to the core. I'm just glad she's in the spotlight for everyone to see her hatred for this country.

Don’t see her taking sides with Putin over the United States

Taking sides? We've been warring it up in the ME for 18 years along with running covert ops in Ukraine to overthrow their govt in Russia's backyard. What sides are you talking about?
Sure sounds like the Putin side there Igor
Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

Hammered how?
The dems gained fewer seats in the house during the midterms than in multiple decades.
I hardly see that as a win.
Oh, make no mistake about it. It was a definitive win for the democratic party and DJT lost the House and sorely. Now, stack it up against all other midterms you want. POTUS lost the house. Checks and balances in play, finally.
Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

Hammered how?
The dems gained fewer seats in the house during the midterms than in multiple decades.
I hardly see that as a win.

Trump is waiting for right-wing media to advise him on shutdown and is 'trapped'

The people of California aren't going to like the payback that's coming.

But not enough that they dump Pelosi.

They'd rather pay a 70% state income tax to cover what they're going to lose.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

She's right. Government shutdown--means no state of the Union address until the government is reopened.

This should get Trump moving--just the thought of him not getting the limelight that he thinks he deserves should get the government reopened in short order.

TrumpEgoc.jpg only means he cannot use the House chamber if he wants a venue.

Well he can use another venue and see how many people will show up for it I guess. Maybe a tent on the White House lawn would work---:auiqs.jpg:
This is more like Nancy acting like a fronthole. The more this goes on the more men will not die for these women. Not one of those catholicmkids will go near one of the whores at the womens march. And those whores offer nothing for competition even with good jobs. You better start realizing that. Your buddies the African American male group that harassed, demeaned and threatened the Catholic kids appear to not be to intellectual. The Asians are our competition. And they when energized for violence are not fearful like the propaganda beat down white males with help from their own. They will just get rid of them. This is 60 years since the great society. That is a long time in human history. Tens of trillions of dollars spent and ther should be better results then what we have. What is worse is African Americans are still suffering also.

Might want to check out the FZ or maybe the Rubber Room. WTH was that all about....smh
She just bitch slapped him haha. He found his match thr fat orange bully.
I don't know how you think that was a win for Pelosi. It may have felt good to you, but she looks bad.

Just wait.. Those 47 democrats who have agreed to vote with republicans in the house to force a deal are going to make her look really bad.. Right now she is just an idiot.. after this she will no longer be speaker.

This is not going to end well for democrats as now Pelosi looks like a petulant child throwing a tantrum and has lost all civility. This just re-enforces the belief of most Americans that this is a politcial tantrum by democrats.

Dementia patients display the same symptoms.
I know my mother did until we got her medication adjusted.
She'd dig her heels in over the stupidest shit.
For example,she wasn't taking her meds so we put them next to mine so we could keep track.
She would take them back upstairs and scream and holler that she could take care of herself when it was patently obvious she couldnt.
Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

Hammered how?
The dems gained fewer seats in the house during the midterms than in multiple decades.
I hardly see that as a win.
Oh, make no mistake about it. It was a definitive win for the democratic party and DJT lost the House and sorely. Now, stack it up against all other midterms you want. POTUS lost the house. Checks and balances in play, finally.

You still have no power.
The house is the pee wee league in politics.
Harry Reid and Democrats rued the day they used the nuclear option. Looks like history is about to repeat itself. throw another little tantrum PeLousy ....yes? why don't you, huh?


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