OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

Oh, make no mistake about it. It was a definitive win for the democratic party and DJT lost the House and sorely. Now, stack it up against all other midterms you want. POTUS lost the house. Checks and balances in play, finally.

You still have no power.
The house is the pee wee league in politics.

House does have power and is not pee wee league. If that was not the case, POTUS would not be dealing with Pelosi and the democratically controlled congress. POTUS lost the house. Bigly.

I'm loving it personally.
Pelousy is up there grandstanding and Trump will just side step her.
Even dems are telling her to shut up and deal.

Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.
Leader McCarthy just signed and submitted a resolution that would permit President Trump to deliver his address in the Capitol on January 29th.:clap:

Mitch McConnell? Not sure what you mean. Have a link?

McCarthy !!!!!!

not McConnell !!!!! :102::rolleyes:

here is the written resolution

Thank you. It was a question. No need for the exclamation points. Doesn't the Senate and House have to agree to this invitation?
You still have no power.
The house is the pee wee league in politics.

House does have power and is not pee wee league. If that was not the case, POTUS would not be dealing with Pelosi and the democratically controlled congress. POTUS lost the house. Bigly.

I'm loving it personally.
Pelousy is up there grandstanding and Trump will just side step her.
Even dems are telling her to shut up and deal.

Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
He needs to give the speech somewhere else. Another venue. And use the event to tear the communist Democrats entirely new orifices.
This speech will happen somewhere and if in this new setting I don't have to see Republicans jumping up giving standing ovations like a hyperactive jack-in the-boxes every five minutes and Democrats sitting there arms folded looking like they have been sucking on lemons 24/7 for the past two years I'm going to call that a win.
I think we would all agree that Obama was the biggest piece of shit President this country ever had. A disaster for the country and as first class asshole.

All the Republicans in the House and Senate knew that, however, they did not disrespect the Office of the President by not allowing him to have a SOTU address even thought it must have made them sick to listen to his lies and hatred.

I think he was a craptastic President, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say he was the worst, if only because he has a lot of competition.

His competition for being the worst would have been Slick Willy, LBJ and that asshole FDR.
House does have power and is not pee wee league. If that was not the case, POTUS would not be dealing with Pelosi and the democratically controlled congress. POTUS lost the house. Bigly.

I'm loving it personally.
Pelousy is up there grandstanding and Trump will just side step her.
Even dems are telling her to shut up and deal.

Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
Good to know you have the ability to see the future. The future just caught up with you and POTUS. Republicans and DJT lost the House. Bigly.
I'm loving it personally.
Pelousy is up there grandstanding and Trump will just side step her.
Even dems are telling her to shut up and deal.

Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
Good to know you have the ability to see the future. The future just caught up with you and POTUS. Republicans and DJT lost the House. Bigly.

You mean barely....
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:


It would be ideal if no Dims show up.

None of them does anything all day anyway.
Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
Good to know you have the ability to see the future. The future just caught up with you and POTUS. Republicans and DJT lost the House. Bigly.

You mean barely....
Nope. A clear majority. And I don't need you to tell me what I mean.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

Apparently the Orange Shit Gibbon was under the highly misinformed idea that it was up to him to decide that he could himself to the House to give the SOTU without Speaker Pelosi's input.

He was of course, as he is in most matter WRONG. The Speaker of the House invites the President....the President does not invite himself.

Fuck that 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit.
Dear Mr. President:

When I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shut down.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.

Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.


Nancy Pelosi
Well, at least she is not lying about security problems this time.
I think we would all agree that Obama was the biggest piece of shit President this country ever had. A disaster for the country and as first class asshole.

All the Republicans in the House and Senate knew that, however, they did not disrespect the Office of the President by not allowing him to have a SOTU address even thought it must have made them sick to listen to his lies and hatred.

I think he was a craptastic President, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say he was the worst, if only because he has a lot of competition.

His competition for being the worst would have been Slick Willy, LBJ and that asshole FDR.

Not much of a historian, I take it.

Policywise, Clinton comes out slightly better than Obama, although I think Obama was less embarrassing. Granted, LBJ and FDR were disasters. But let's not forget Carter. Nice man, absymal President. I'm old enough to remember gas lines and the Iran Hostage Crisis and "malaise". And how about Herbert Hoover, who - while technically a Republican - actually initiated many of the programs FDR continued and expanded on which exacerbated the Depression? Or either Grant or Harding, who each presided over incredibly scandal-ridden administrations? Or Buchanan, who proudly made the Dred Scott decision the centerpiece of his administration? Or Andrew Jackson, the first President to ever be impeached and a virulent racist? For that matter, I can name several Presidents who were openly racist (as opposed to the Dem hallucinations of Trump's "racism" now), and who made policy based on it.
The Democrats are now officially losing the PR campaign over the shutdown.

Those who voted for Pelosi as Speaker have to be privately wondering about her sanity. They had the sympathy of the public and now have given it away over a speech that they cannot stop the President from making… AFTER inviting him to make it in their house.

Pelosi may be the most effective legislator the Democrats have ever had.
She and the Democrats are completely tone deaf to the political and public relations realities of the situation

I’m incredibly happy not to be a Democrat; never more so than today.
I'm loving it personally.
Pelousy is up there grandstanding and Trump will just side step her.
Even dems are telling her to shut up and deal.

Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
Good to know you have the ability to see the future. The future just caught up with you and POTUS. Republicans and DJT lost the House. Bigly.
The Repubs have had decades to correct a lot of things. And did very little. I know it is not easy. As we live in a nation where anyone who is married and the wife is stay at home are the evil of the world. Each election cycle got a bit worse. You are the Venezuela Party now. When empowered you will spend trillions to get a new auto company after the ones we have are out of business or under others control. And you will be so emboldened to build a new 1980 Ford Pinto. Your five year plans will bring great improvements.
I think we would all agree that Obama was the biggest piece of shit President this country ever had. A disaster for the country and as first class asshole.

All the Republicans in the House and Senate knew that, however, they did not disrespect the Office of the President by not allowing him to have a SOTU address even thought it must have made them sick to listen to his lies and hatred.

I think he was a craptastic President, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say he was the worst, if only because he has a lot of competition.

His competition for being the worst would have been Slick Willy, LBJ and that asshole FDR.

Not much of a historian, I take it.

Policywise, Clinton comes out slightly better than Obama, although I think Obama was less embarrassing. Granted, LBJ and FDR were disasters. But let's not forget Carter. Nice man, absymal President. I'm old enough to remember gas lines and the Iran Hostage Crisis and "malaise". And how about Herbert Hoover, who - while technically a Republican - actually initiated many of the programs FDR continued and expanded on which exacerbated the Depression? Or either Grant or Harding, who each presided over incredibly scandal-ridden administrations? Or Buchanan, who proudly made the Dred Scott decision the centerpiece of his administration? Or Andrew Jackson, the first President to ever be impeached and a virulent racist? For that matter, I can name several Presidents who were openly racist (as opposed to the Dem hallucinations of Trump's "racism" now), and who made policy based on it.
How does Reagan, Bush I, Bush II fit into your analysis?
Good. Glad you are loving it. Just remember, it's not supposed to be a winner take all, half court basketball game. If you can.

POTUS has not been able to side step the courts and will not side step an equal branch of government.

And by the way, despite how much I don't like "Pelousy." Her name is Nancy Pelosi.

Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
Good to know you have the ability to see the future. The future just caught up with you and POTUS. Republicans and DJT lost the House. Bigly.
The Repubs have had decades to correct a lot of things. And did very little. I know it is not easy. As we live in a nation where anyone who is married and the wife is stay at home are the evil of the world. Each election cycle got a bit worse. You are the Venezuela Party now. When empowered you will spend trillions to get a new auto company after the ones we have are out of business or under others control. And you will be so emboldened to build a new 1980 Ford Pinto. Your five year plans will bring great improvements.

Lot of stuff in that comment. Not sure where it all came from. And a whole lot of assumptions in it.

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