OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

1USMBomanbad (copy 1) (copy 1)_edited-1.jpg
Dear Mr. President:

When I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shut down.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.

Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.


Nancy Pelosi
/——/ The Swamp sure hates Trump.
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.
In the House he needs permission.
Dear Mr. President:

When I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shut down.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.

Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.


Nancy Pelosi
I love it. Troll the troll.
Pelosi Goes Full 'Immature' / 'Partisan Obstructionist' In Childish Un-Precedented / Historic Refusal To Let President Give SotU From House Floor.

Last week Pelosi LIED HER ASS OFF by claiming DHS and the SS could not provide security for the SotU speech, causing both agencies to quickly come out publicly to declare what Pelosi had said was WRONG / FALSE.

Her attempt to sneak out of the country after that failed, so now Pelosi has just gone full-blown 'Immature' / 'Petty Partisan'.

Nancy Pelosi, seeking to deny the President of the United States the opportunity to give the SotU Speech on time from the House floor due to petty partisanship and political hatred, is a DISGRACE.

After lying to the country, getting caught, attempting to sneak out of the country rather than do her job, and now refusing to allow the President to give the SotU speech to the country before the House, Nancy Pelosi is an EMBARASSMENT to the position of Speaker, to the House, and to the entire United States.

Trump sends letter to Pelosi pledging to go ahead with State of the Union address
Trump’s letter isn't an invitation.
Dear Mr. President:

When I extended an invitation on January 3rd for you to deliver the State of the Union address, it was on the mutually agreed upon date, January 29th. At that time, there was no thought that the government would still be shut down.

In my further correspondence of January 16th, I said we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened and I hope that we can still do that.

I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.

Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened.


Nancy Pelosi
/——/ The Swamp sure hates Trump.
Nah, Pelosi's childish insults are just a distraction for Democrats so she can claim she did everything she could to stop America from having a secure southern border, but watching the people suffer because of the shutdown was just too much for her and that's why she is agreeing to fund the smart fence.
You parrots have been programmed to have a go-to response of "FAKE NEWS!"


Yes , you and the other uninformed lefties are very sad. The Constituiton allows Trump to call Congress into session. Piglosi vastly overplayed her hand. Trump will deliver the address whether you like it or not. And no, the dimbos can NOT stop him. Just keep digging that hole deeper as 2020 turns into a runaway win for Trump.
I'm sorry, tard, but the SOTU is not a national emergency. :lol:

Which propagandist is filling you tards' heads with this hilarity?

Trump can give the SOTU on the White House lawn and then he can claim he had the biggest SOTU crowd in history.

"Even bigger than Lincoln!"

Again, look in the mirror for your retard. Piglosi is POWERLESS to stop Trump from giving the address. Your fear of seeing the Angel Moms and the families, and your refusal to negotiate will be put front and center. You lose. As usual. This will be just another nail in the dimbocraps coffin for 2020.

He can give any address he wants. He just can't do it in the House until Nancy says he can.

Nancy is going to learn the hard way how little power she actually has. The public blowback against her is already starting. The moron just ensured Trump's win in 2020. Tough her ego likely won't allow Piglosi to be left out of the whole thing. She best remember, Trump can refuse to allow her into any venue he speaks at.

Trump's 30% already doesn't like Pelosi. The blow back against her has been as high as it can get for a while. It's not like Trump is willing to do anything to increase his support, or opposition to her.
Wait, first Pelosi said it was due to "security concerns" and now that she's been proven to be a big fat liar she finally admits she's just being petulant over funding for the border fence.
That's OK. Trump lies everyday and you don't care.
Trump has outplayed dems since his election.
I expect it will continue.
No, POTUS has not outplayed democrats since the election. Remember, he lost the house. With that kind of track record and a total of some 400 seats won nationally by democrats, and the state level. That's democrats winning, not DJT. That's not outplaying. That is losing. Sorely.

LOL....barry lost well over a thousand seats.
And it's going to happen again once Americans get reacquainted with dem malfeasance.
Good to know you have the ability to see the future. The future just caught up with you and POTUS. Republicans and DJT lost the House. Bigly.
The Repubs have had decades to correct a lot of things. And did very little. I know it is not easy. As we live in a nation where anyone who is married and the wife is stay at home are the evil of the world. Each election cycle got a bit worse. You are the Venezuela Party now. When empowered you will spend trillions to get a new auto company after the ones we have are out of business or under others control. And you will be so emboldened to build a new 1980 Ford Pinto. Your five year plans will bring great improvements.

Lot of stuff in that comment. Not sure where it all came from. And a whole lot of assumptions in it.
If you look at things strictly, that does not mean others do. The divorce rate is incredible. There are people who make big loans for their marriages who are still paying them off while they are divorced. Believe me, I am not the spokesman for great marriages. However marriages with a stay at home parent give a child a better chance to be successful in real terms. In this modern age we have lost the parents in the neighborhood correcting children who act our of line when playing or in the streets. Extreme feminist have done their job. Logically the system will fail and we will end up a century or more back in our gender relationships. Why? Because most males will not defend women anymore in beat downs. I see videos of women beating guys who can not do a thing back for fear of going to jail by your rules. There have been many men destroyed by women in this age. So I would watch blue areas destroyed and not care. And there are red areas the same way.
Sounds like a bs story. He should just do the speech at a different location, and exclude Chancy. They don’t need to attend anything.

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Obama was a big piece of shit worthless asshole that had no business being the President of the US. A disaster for this country. Elected by idiots for all the wrong reasons.

The Republicans in Congress had no respect for the shithead but they respected the office of the President.

This asshole Pelosi has no respect for anything. She is being an asshole over the President trying to secure the border of the US, which is what he was elected to do.

Democrats have reached a new low in this country. This mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing the Moon Bats to go even more crazy than they already were. Bat shit crazy.
At first, a soft coup.
Now, a soft civil war.

America has arrived at the Gov't it deserves.
Congrats....for everyone!!!
Crooked Donnie is being punished for bad behavior

Maybe when he is a good boy and reopens Government, he can come to Congress
Is it true he can disband and reconvene congress? If he can have the SOTU at a rally point with them all there. Pelosi realyl is a fronthole. Many of us would give Putin information as to why not?
Will he pass out MAGA hats?
The real hate is anyone who is threatened by anyone else. Most of everything we are talking about is are we part of globalism or are we a sovereign nation. Tell us what you are. With over 7.5 billion people in the world do you believe that everyone is going to live how you do? Put them all here. Reduce your living standards by 80% at least. Then show your proud arrogance. I know it sucks.

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