OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

This will not go like the filthy Democrats think it will. Trump will ram this up Pelosi's ass.
He needs to. Declare Pelosi to be the new Face of Nation/Democracy-Threatening Party-1st Partisanship.
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
There has to be a concurrent resolution in order for a joint session of Congress to convene.

Pelosi can simply prevent such a resolution from ever coming up for a vote.

No concurrent resolution, no joint session. No joint session, Trump will be talking to himself in the dark.

He'll be talking to americans who see the child like antics of the dems.
She merely demonstrates that indeed, she is blocking the speech for political reasons. She fears what he will say to the nation.

The Democrats are disrupting the country. That is all they're doing. At this point they're no more than disease.

Wherever he speaks Tuesday night, Trump should not mention them at all, but outline the successes of his administration.

The next day he should declare a national emergency, build the wall, and take whatever action he can legally muster to neuter them and make their lives miserable.

He will get nothing more from this new Communist Party. There is no common ground remaining. He should absolutely bury them in Executive orders.
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
There has to be a concurrent resolution in order for a joint session of Congress to convene.

Pelosi can simply prevent such a resolution from ever coming up for a vote.

No concurrent resolution, no joint session. No joint session, Trump will be talking to himself in the dark.

He could talk in the Senate and if the dems don't show, that proves how they can't govern. 2020 should be a walk-over...
Trump shutting down the gummit and giving a speech in the senate chamber to only gopes, and possibly a few dems, show the DEMS cant govern? roflmao
"A shutdown falls on the President's lack of leadership. He can't even control his party and get people together in a room. A shutdown means the President is weak." - Birther Donald J. Trump

Karma is a BITCH!
The Democrat filth fucked up our economy Obama was President and now they are fucking up our border security, government and Presidential traditions. It will not go well for them.

This Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very serious mental illness.

Sorry their bitch lost. Their bitch should have paid more attention in law school when they discussed the part of the Constitutions where the EC picks the President and not the popular vote.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.

"Fucking up Presidential traditions"...with tweetstorms, hurling insults, sleeping with hookers, payoffs, associates going to prison, sucking off a KGB thug on a world stage, hiring the most crooked Administration officials in the country....

Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
The only childlike attitude displayed here would be trump going to the the House of Congress uninvited. Like the vampire he is.
Wait, first Pelosi said it was due to "security concerns" and now that she's been proven to be a big fat liar she finally admits she's just being petulant over funding for the border fence.

Karma is a BITCH!
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.

He can make a speech any time he wants to. He can't do it in the House unless Nancy lets him.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

It's probably a fake letter. She hasn't sat down once to negotiate re-opening the government
Since CNN and other real news outlets are reporting the letter, you're probably right, it's probably fake.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:
You're probably right, since CNN and other real news outlets are reporting the letter. But, if it's real, and he is not permitted to give his self serving speech in the Democrat controlled House of Representatives, I have a great alternative site, and one that Trump should be lusting for:

The Russian Parliament in Moscow, Russia! What better place for him to brag about how he has Made Russia Great Again!
It's not her call to make.
Yes it is.

Article II, Section 3, Clause 1
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.

He can make a speech any time he wants to. He can't do it in the House unless Nancy lets him.

You realize this makes Pelosi and the Dem's look like spoiled brat 2 year olds throwing a tantrum in the super market.
Pelosi Goes Full 'Immature' / 'Partisan Obstructionist' In Childish Un-Precedented / Historic Refusal To Let President Give SotU From House Floor.

Last week Pelosi LIED HER ASS OFF by claiming DHS and the SS could not provide security for the SotU speech, causing both agencies to quickly come out publicly to declare what Pelosi had said was WRONG / FALSE.

Her attempt to sneak out of the country after that failed, so now Pelosi has just gone full-blown 'Immature' / 'Petty Partisan'.

Nancy Pelosi, seeking to deny the President of the United States the opportunity to give the SotU Speech on time from the House floor due to petty partisanship and political hatred, is a DISGRACE.

After lying to the country, getting caught, attempting to sneak out of the country rather than do her job, and now refusing to allow the President to give the SotU speech to the country before the House, Nancy Pelosi is an EMBARASSMENT to the position of Speaker, to the House, and to the entire United States.

Trump sends letter to Pelosi pledging to go ahead with State of the Union address
Man, when these two get feuding, they don't mess around. It's the Hatfields vs. McCoys.

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