OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

So if democrats boycott the SOTU are they going to whine for equal time for a rebuttal?
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.
You are absolutely correct. No one is preventing him from doing so.
letter is legit, pretty sure she sent it via twitter

the optics continue to turn against the left

I'm eager to see how the SOTU showdown turns out

IMO, Trump must give it, even if he has to do it from the Senate floor instead of the traditional venue in the House Chambers

media will be forced to cover it, unless they want to cede a ratings bonanza to Fox...

as Senator Cruz pointed out, the exposure will give Trump the chance to highlight how untenable the Democrat position really is & if Nancy forces trump into another venue; it will be another black eye for her

Either way, she is screwed, once again painting herself into a corner.

If she let's Trump speak at the House, she has backed down

If he goes to the Senate and makes a reasonable speech; she looks like a shill & a vindictive c... (rhymes with runt)
Pelosi Goes Full 'Immature' / 'Partisan Obstructionist' In Childish Un-Precedented / Historic Refusal To Let President Give SotU From House Floor.

Last week Pelosi LIED HER ASS OFF by claiming DHS and the SS could not provide security for the SotU speech, causing both agencies to quickly come out publicly to declare what Pelosi had said was WRONG / FALSE.

Her attempt to sneak out of the country after that failed, so now Pelosi has just gone full-blown 'Immature' / 'Petty Partisan'.

Nancy Pelosi, seeking to deny the President of the United States the opportunity to give the SotU Speech on time from the House floor due to petty partisanship and political hatred, is a DISGRACE.

After lying to the country, getting caught, attempting to sneak out of the country rather than do her job, and now refusing to allow the President to give the SotU speech to the country before the House, Nancy Pelosi is an EMBARASSMENT to the position of Speaker, to the House, and to the entire United States.

Trump sends letter to Pelosi pledging to go ahead with State of the Union address
Man, when these two get feuding, they don't mess around. It's the Hatfields vs. McCoys.

Trump is standing fast on policy and his campaign promise to the American people. Pelosi is being a spoiled brat.
Roads, Military, Parks, Police, Firemen, Coast Guards... Border Patrol is Social Program.

Actually lads, building the Wall is socialist
How is ANY of that taking the means of production from individuals and placing it under the power of government?

Nobody seems to recall the meaning of socialism. Especially the fucking socialists.

It is production of infrastructure? The Government is a single payer for a wall on the southern border...

It will take land off individuals for the government infrastructure production...

I agree with you... But since the right have coerced the word socialism to mean anything from the left I am just throwing it back in the same light...

For starters Sanders & Co are actually Democratic Socialists like the ones in Nordic Countries, nothing like Venezula...

US and many other first world countries have many Democratic Socialist programs...

A truly free market approach would allow anyone to work anywhere they like without interference by the Government...

The Wall is just apart of Big Government....
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


The applause track playback device is on it's way to the Oval Office, and will be operable by the time Trump speaks.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:
JUST heard her say the same thing on tv No state of union until gov't opens
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
The only childlike attitude displayed here would be trump going to the the House of Congress uninvited. Like the vampire he is.
The child is Nancy....The President has every right to go and you know what?....I think he is going to....there are not enough paper towels in the world to wipe all of that egg off of Pelosi's face if he does.....
She doesn't have to provide the House chamber as a venue....but no one is stopping tiny donnie from having his SOTU.

Its not her House chamber its the peoples House.
Well, you go right in there and tell them to let tiny donnie in.

I love that you Dem's are throwing a tantrum, here's you

Yes it is.

Article II, Section 3, Clause 1
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.

He can make a speech any time he wants to. He can't do it in the House unless Nancy lets him.

You realize this makes Pelosi and the Dem's look like spoiled brat 2 year olds throwing a tantrum in the super market. more that tiny donnie's every move.
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
The only childlike attitude displayed here would be trump going to the the House of Congress uninvited. Like the vampire he is.
I think they're both being baaaaadddddd baaaaaaddddd children.
It's like an old peanuts cartoon with Lucy the football and Charley Brown
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


The applause track playback device is on it's way to the Oval Office, and will be operable by the time Trump speaks.
Yes it is.

Article II, Section 3, Clause 1
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.

He can make a speech any time he wants to. He can't do it in the House unless Nancy lets him.

You realize this makes Pelosi and the Dem's look like spoiled brat 2 year olds throwing a tantrum in the super market.

No. It's responding to Trump in his own style.

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