OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
There has to be a concurrent resolution in order for a joint session of Congress to convene.

Pelosi can simply prevent such a resolution from ever coming up for a vote.

No concurrent resolution, no joint session. No joint session, Trump will be talking to himself in the dark.

He could talk in the Senate and if the dems don't show, that proves how they can't govern. 2020 should be a walk-over...
Listening to tru
It's probably a fake letter. She hasn't sat down once to negotiate re-opening the government.
Your comment was a fake comment.

That the best you can come up with?

That's weak!
You’re the one with the loony kooky theory that the letter is fake. Is that the best you can come up with?

It wasn't a theory, It was an opinion. And yes it was my best opinion about the fake looking letter at the time.
Oh, he’s flip-flopping. now the letter is suddenly real in his eyes. Did you put on your glasses?


So now honesty is "flip flopping".

At the the time of me writing my first opinion it looked fake. My opinion about it looking fake, has not changed.

I forgot that I need to put things in the simplest of terms or it will confound and confuse you on the left.

I need to treat you like I would my five year old grandchild when I explain things.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
It is petty vindictiveness on Pelosi's part and it was his petty vindictive payback to cancel her flight on Congressional business.
They're both acting like pissed off lunatics.

Agreed, but come on Trump canceling their taxpayer funded vacation was kind of funny.
So was telling him he couldn't give the SOTU in her House. What a bitch.

Its not her house, or the Dem's house, its the peoples house and the people elected Trump POTUS on the promise to secure the border. Pelosi doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Dem's have no respect for the office of POTUS that much is clear.

Lots of respect for the office, just not for the fool that occupies it right now.

I see, if your guy doesn't win then you pout and throw tantrums got it.
ummmmm, the gop just got hammered ... by a majority of voters.

What a crock of shit.

If 40 something Republicans hadn't retired the Dems likely wouldn't have taken back the House.

Notice how Pelosi and Schumer are more worried about having the government closed, having government workers hostage, not caring about out borders, not getting things done, and now dictating the state of the union.
Notice how Pelosi and Schumer are more worried about having the government closed, having government workers hostage, not caring about out borders, not getting things done, and now dictating the state of the union.

Dem's have been stewing over their loss to Trump for 2 long years, they have pent up butthurt.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
It is petty vindictiveness on Pelosi's part and it was his petty vindictive payback to cancel her flight on Congressional business.
They're both acting like pissed off lunatics.

Agreed, but come on Trump canceling their taxpayer funded vacation was kind of funny.
So was telling him he couldn't give the SOTU in her House. What a bitch.

Its not her house, or the Dem's house, its the peoples house and the people elected Trump POTUS on the promise to secure the border. Pelosi doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Apparently there is some tradition that she has to invite him to speak there.
I wonder if anyone ever has done this before.
Yes it is.

Article II, Section 3, Clause 1
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.

He can make a speech any time he wants to. He can't do it in the House unless Nancy lets him.

Again false. It's TRADITION nothing more.

False? Nothing happens in the house unless it is scheduled, and the speaker controls the schedule.
The applause track playback device is on it's way to the Oval Office, and will be operable by the time Trump speaks.
Once it gets there the Trump Staff will just send it back to Hillary with a note that states, unlike her, she doesn't need one. He won his nomination, and he won the WH. She will need it when she runs for office again in 2020. :p
Notice how Pelosi and Schumer are more worried about having the government closed, having government workers hostage, not caring about out borders, not getting things done, and now dictating the state of the union.

Dem's have been stewing over their loss to Trump for 2 long years, they have pent up butthurt.
It’s getting redundant at this point.
Why the FUCK did she do that shit?

This is a HUGE win for Trump. Now Pelosi looks like a petulant crybaby.

She had an opportunity, and got PLAYED. Jesus.
OL: "Not to break your heart, but I really don't think many people watch the SOTU, task. I skipped most of Obama's. "

I agree that normally most people don't watch the SOTU, but this time might be a little different. Won't break my heart though, if it isn't widely watched; I didn't watch his speech last year and didn't watch Obama's either. It's all political theater, high drama in the nation's capital. He's gonna give that speech somewhere, my guess would be to a large audience to show popular support.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
HEY! I just thought of something FANTASTIC!!!!!
The absolutely most aggravating part of the SOTU is the clapping every time the Pres ends a sentence. If he's not presenting this in the Chambers, we can listen to the SOTU without 45 minutes of applause.


I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
I dunno OL, if he gives the speech on the floor of the US Senate, I wouldn't be surprised if the Repubs there will enthusiastically support everything he says that they like, which is probably most if not all of it. Or he can do the speech elsewhere, with a larger and much louder audience.

I think if this goes down like it is now where Pelosi closes the House to him and so he gives the speech elsewhere to a national audience, this is not going to play well in Peoria and everywhere else outside of the deep blue states and districts. I would not be surprised to see public opinion shift against the Dem if they stick to this approach.

Added: I ain't all that happy about the loud applause and roars of approval either.
It is petty vindictiveness on Pelosi's part and it was his petty vindictive payback to cancel her flight on Congressional business.
They're both acting like pissed off lunatics.

Agreed, but come on Trump canceling their taxpayer funded vacation was kind of funny.
So was telling him he couldn't give the SOTU in her House. What a bitch.

Its not her house, or the Dem's house, its the peoples house and the people elected Trump POTUS on the promise to secure the border. Pelosi doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Apparently there is some tradition that she has to invite him to speak there.
I wonder if anyone ever has done this before.

At least since FDR EVERY President has given a SOTU address in front of a joint session of Congress in January.

Of course Nancy the baby wasn't SoH then so............

ANd yes Trump is being a baby too, but that doesn't negate the fact that Nancy Pelosi is acting like a child and it's absolutely ridiculous that by and large only Trump is being called out for his terrible behavior here.
OL: "Not to break your heart, but I really don't think many people watch the SOTU, task. I skipped most of Obama's. "

I agree that normally most people don't watch the SOTU, but this time might be a little different. Won't break my heart though, if it isn't widely watched; I didn't watch his speech last year and didn't watch Obama's either. It's all political theater, high drama in the nation's capital. He's gonna give that speech somewhere, my guess would be to a large audience to show popular support.
Liberals don't....they have the attention span of a gnat ...unless it is a Lib President
Article II, Section 3, Clause 1
I just read the article and it doesn’t say Trump can deliver the State of the Union speech without permission.

He's the President. He doesn't need permission to make a speech.

He can make a speech any time he wants to. He can't do it in the House unless Nancy lets him.

Again false. It's TRADITION nothing more.

False? Nothing happens in the house unless it is scheduled, and the speaker controls the schedule.

You are incorrect. Trump can declare an emergency convene Congress, and even have members who don't show up FORCIBLY made to attend and speak in front of them, that is WELL within the powers of the POTUS.

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