It appears that there is no 'edit' function... . Am I just missing it or are we going to be stuck with incessant snipes regarding missing punctuation, misspelling and every other possible distraction due to hurried responses?

I NEED EDIT! I can't go cold turkey MAN! ... give me just a little.

OHhhh... Never mind. I found it! (Thank you)
I just closed all the tabs & restarted my phone. This time it didn't give me any grief. I think it's a compatibility thing with my phone cause sometimes I would get crazy messages under other peoples names with the old system and the screen would be sliced by 1/3rd
If this post gets through then I haven't found anything to bitch about...yet. I was all prepared to say "I told ya so!" Oh well. It might seem a little colder, a little less intimate. Maybe that's just the shock of the new. Can I still call someone an asshole? There are certain conditions where that is very important to my mental tranquility. Oh yeah, and
linking,hmmm. A little problem formatting that.
I'll take your word for it and hope I adapt.
keep poking/clicking around, especially where your CP is (username/upper right corner)

You'll see a lot of great options and it is all around a lot better than vBulletin. Take some time to get to know it, I promise you'll come to see its very cool software.
On the bottom of the page, underneath the comment box, I see another box and it's filled with links to various threads. Is there a way to shut that off?

Also, is there a way to change the page length. Right now my screen shows 20 comments per page. Can it be changed to 40?
Under Watched Threads, I would rather All Watched Threads be the default.

Currently, it's only showing Watched Threads with New Replies as the default.

Is there any way of moving the "Show All Watched Threads" link from the bottom of the page to the top?
Well....we are all gonna just have to buckle up and get used to it. Or not.
I like CK and staff too much..and how they run this board...to give up. I ain't happy about it, but....I'll deal with it the best I can.
On the bottom of the page, underneath the comment box, I see another box and it's filled with links to various threads. Is there a way to shut that off?

Also, is there a way to change the page length. Right now my screen shows 20 comments per page. Can it be changed to 40?

Yes. It can be changed to 100 if you like (I do!)

Hover/Click your name in the upper right-hand corner and choose Preferences.
On the bottom of the page, underneath the comment box, I see another box and it's filled with links to various threads. Is there a way to shut that off?

Also, is there a way to change the page length. Right now my screen shows 20 comments per page. Can it be changed to 40?
Unfortunately no.

In regards to changing how many posts you see click on your username (op right) and choose preferences. You can manage that all there

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