Oh and by the way. There are only 3 pages of my posts, on here now. Out of 14,000?
negative. Only one skin that we know will work across all devices and platforms.

Well it has been real, but if the white background is our only option then thanks for the memories. My astigmatism has kicked into overdrive with this color scheme and dimming my screen isn't helping.
OK. Bottom Right-hand corner, Quick Navigation. Click it.

Click 'Notable Members'.

It should default with Most Messages: Mr. Jake Starkey is the poster with the moster.

But you can choose 'Most Points' and 'Most Positive Ratings'. Neither figure corresponds to the old Pos Rep, so I don't know what each mean, or their significance, or how you increase your Points/Ratings.

Unfortunately no.

Regarding the box underneath the comment box, what is that, what is it supposed to be doing? How does the software decide which threads to place into that box?

At first I thought it was a form of advertising because the first thread had to do with house boats for rent but that was just a coincidence.

Could you put a title on that box so we know it's purpose?

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