How does one find one's thread and post history?
Now I know what Leaderboard is. It is those who have the most posts of the day
Well it has been real, but if the white background is our only option then thanks for the memories. My astigmatism has kicked into overdrive with this color scheme and dimming my screen isn't helping.

There are color schemes available, but I think you have to buy the next 8 encyclopedias in the set before you're eligible for them.

oh, and this reply box for some reason is in a font size appropriate for writing the gettysburg address on the head of a pin.

fix that.
Halp. HOvering over my name or avie on the upper right side does nothing. Clicking my avie or my name shows just the mundane stuff...not preferences like it did before.
Nix that last post. I was hovering over the wrong spot. UPPER Gracie. UP. HIGH UP. Duh on me.
How does one find one's thread and post history?
Hover over your name then click CONTENT from the drop down menu. Make sure you hover over the TIPPY TOP of the page where your name and avie is..right side. In the black box section. That will show you your posts and stuff.
Hover over your name then click CONTENT from the drop down menu. Make sure you hover over the TIPPY TOP of the page where your name and avie is..right side. In the black box section. That will show you your posts and stuff.

I see the posts, but not a list of threads. Also, I'm VV Unhappy that my picture albums have disappeared...along with my favorite smilies.
I see the posts, but not a list of threads. Also, I'm VV Unhappy that my picture albums have disappeared...along with my favorite smilies.
Sorry...I didn't browse in there long enough to see thread posts weren't included.

Sigh. Did I say I am not a happy camper? But..I'm tryin to be.
CK said he was going to bring some smilies over. I'd rather insert my own from TinyPic and exchange the old smilies for a darker background.

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