vBulletin is riddled with bugs, is slow, has poor support and most importantly it isn't very secure. We were constantly patching, tweaking and patching security holes. I explained earlier that we have a responsibility to give users the best and most secure experience while here. updating to the latest vBulletin would only bring us more problems and staying where we were would have eventually caught up to us. It was time to move forward.

I'm sure you can already 'feel' how much faster the software is.

Indeed I can. I do hope you add custom skins soon, because right now it is literally the sun. Also, your favicon only works on the home page for some reason.
The multiquote is one of the better implementations of multi-quoting that I've seen.
I happen to own a legitimate copy of VB5 and I know why you wouldn't prefer it.

I'm having problems with Multi-Quote. I chose Pixie Stix and Skye yes, when I clicked 'Reply', only Skye's post was there.

I've tried it a few times, with no luck.

When you quote someone it adds the quote to a list. When you get ready to post you have to click 'add quotes', which pops up a box and shows you the posts you've quoted. You click "reply to these" or something like that to put the quotes in the post writing area.

How do I delete old pm's?

I have a thread dedicated to this.

Deleting Conversations?
Where are y'all getting this "leaderboard" thing? I have yet to see it.
And...on any page...scroll down to bottom...right side....there is a 3 line thingy. Click that. It will take you to another area to 'splain who did what, where, when, how many, etc.
@cereal_killer : Would you mind looking at the Delete Conversations thread? There seems to be a bug with leaving more than one conversation at once.

Edit: And for the love of all that is holy, please stop killing my cereal.
Is the server under a lot of strain? There seems to be a latency when composing comments. If you type quickly then there is a lag before the comment appears.
Is the server under a lot of strain? There seems to be a latency when composing comments. If you type quickly then there is a lag before the comment appears.

It doesn't seem laggy to me at all. Especially not compared to a day or two ago.
Is the server under a lot of strain? There seems to be a latency when composing comments. If you type quickly then there is a lag before the comment appears.

That has nothing to do with the server and everything to do with your browser (possibly getting choked up over leftover cookies and/or cache).

Delete your cookies, dump your cache, and try again.
@cereal_killer Thanks and that will help. It would be much better if it was out there for all the world to see though without having to click on anything but I'll take small gifts as I can get them. :)

That could get ugly on very popular posts that would have several lines of names under the post.

A bit of a distraction from the content itself.
BUG: when I go to "Conversations", check three of four messages to delete, then click "Leave Messages", software has something like "Accept future messages" autoselected and I click "Okay"...software redirects me to a page url "US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum", which is completely blank and leaves me there.

EDIT: that url in longhand is usmessageboard(.)com/inline-mod/conversation/leave

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