Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Its Over...

The only problem is The Swamp backup plan to the Insurance Policy is now with creepy, ugly York Attorney General Letitia James in charge. That grotesque creature is seeking all kinds of private financial documents related to President Trump's businesses over the years in New York City, etc.
Insurance is a good thing Hang that lying pos Trump from the nearest tree
There we go...:wink: :)

nothing burger,anybody?

Latest from Fox News Channel

Mueller submits long-awaited Russia probe report to Justice Department

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted to Attorney General Bill Barr his long-awaited report on the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential race and possible collusion with Trump associates -- marking the end of the politically explosive probe and the beginning of a new battle over its contents and implications.

Mueller is "not recommending any further indictments," a senior DOJ official told Fox News.

The report was delivered Friday afternoon to the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s office and it was delivered to Barr’s office within minutes, a senior DOJ official told Fox News. The White House was notified that the DOJ had received the report around 4:45 p.m., before lawmakers on Capitol Hill were informed. Neither the White House or Congress have seen the actual report.

Both Barr and Rosenstein have seen the report, according to a senior DOJ official.

Attorney General Bill Barr's letter to lawmakers announcing he had received the special counsel's report
I recommend that those who need some calm and reasoned thoughts on this whole thing check out the work of Dan Abrams. He has a one hour show on SiriusXM where he dives into the law surrounding this issue.

The report can be as concise as one sentence or it can be voluminous. It likely won’t tell us about any wrongdoing that Trump himself did unless he directly conspired with Russian agents to influence the election. It won’t go into obstruction or any of the other shit that Trump may have done.

That will all come out in the wash of the SDNY investigations and the Congressional oversight investigations.

Those are just getting started.

Enjoy the ride, Trombies.
I don't understand why it wouldn't go into obstruction of justice; didn't Mueller's team say it was looking into that?
Because they found nothing .
another NOTHING story - = The Report Has Been Delivered !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
cities will fall into the Earth---people will BLOW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wtf ????!!!!!!
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
No further indictments...hahahaha

And no credibility left among the Democrats. Between this grave defeat and the pantheon of whack-jobs they're waggling for president, this election season may well be their long-awaited end.
I know this will be uncomfortable information for some, but please know that Mueller is prevented from issuing an indictment to Trump himself. That’s due to DOJ rules.

So him not being indicted is not news.

The fact that Jr. wasn’t indicted did surprise me. He was never interviewed by Mueller. That made me think that he had plans to indict him.
I don't understand why it wouldn't go into obstruction of justice; didn't Mueller's team say it was looking into that
It surely did. But theres a little problem, there. The report cannot release possibly incriminating information against people who have not been charged with a crime. And the president cannot be indicted.
Inasmuch as i'd love to see Trump take it in the a**, it won't amount to a hill of beans

Now a 'Trump Recession', all prearranged for 2020 i'm told, definitely will slow the buffoon down

Doesn’t matter. All that investigation gave ammunition to states attorneys general that Trump just can’t run from.

Doesn't matter if he's guilty as sin either Dean

The elites of this country are immune

I guess we’ll see won’t we?

Haven't we already Dean?

Isn't there a "====gate" every 'effin administration?

hey i gots an idea, what say we have a WOB (War on Bullsh*t) in America

who's in?

Time to go after Strok and Page. Let the backlash begin.
Mueller's report handed off to DOJ; won't recommend any further indictments: Source
“Someone needs to fix this shit!”

Mueller has indicted everyone he can indict. He can't indict the President, so just because Mueller isn't indicting anyone else does not mean Trump is off the hook yet. There may be information in the report which can provide a basis for impeachment by the House.

Have to wait and see.
I recommend that those who need some calm and reasoned thoughts on this whole thing check out the work of Dan Abrams. He has a one hour show on SiriusXM where he dives into the law surrounding this issue.

The report can be as concise as one sentence or it can be voluminous. It likely won’t tell us about any wrongdoing that Trump himself did unless he directly conspired with Russian agents to influence the election. It won’t go into obstruction or any of the other shit that Trump may have done.

That will all come out in the wash of the SDNY investigations and the Congressional oversight investigations.

Those are just getting started.

Enjoy the ride, Trombies.
I don't understand why it wouldn't go into obstruction of justice; didn't Mueller's team say it was looking into that?

Did they?

Doesn’t matter. They can’t indict for it. So, they can’t say anything about it.
Okay, who here is going to read it for us once it's released? g5000? I'm sure not reading the whole thing but we're in for a LOT of spin, folks. Spin and spit flying.

It may not be very long at all. I don’t expect that it will provide anyone with the closure that they seek.

This shit is just getting started.

And the report will likely be confirmation rather than revelation.

There will be no evidence of Trump criminal wrongdoing – nothing upon which to indict or impeach.

There will be evidence of a Trump campaign and administration rife with corruption and incompetence.

Of a reckless, irresponsible presidential campaign having no regard for political convention and a reckless, irresponsible administration having no regard for ensuring election integrity and safeguarding the American democratic process from foreign interference.

We can only hope that the findings in the report are damning enough to compel the American people to vote Trump out of office next year, putting an end to this corrupt, incompetent, and irresponsible presidency.
Republicans celebrate such long as they won

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