Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

I don't understand why it wouldn't go into obstruction of justice; didn't Mueller's team say it was looking into that
It surely did. But theres a little problem, there. The report cannot release possibly incriminating information against people who have not been charged with a crime. And the president cannot be indicted.

You said it better than I did.
I know this will be uncomfortable information for some, but please know that Mueller is prevented from issuing an indictment to Trump himself. That’s due to DOJ rules.

So him not being indicted is not news.

The fact that Jr. wasn’t indicted did surprise me. He was never interviewed by Mueller. That made me think that he had plans to indict him.
In fact, no one has been indicted for collusion or crimes that involved the President, so if is fair to say Mueller found no evidence of collusion or criminal activity involving the President. When it is made public the Mueller report will prove there has been nothing to all the allegations made by Democrats and that there are no legitimate grounds for the House investigations.
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We are finally at the very beginning.

Everything so far was just the initial investigation.

With Democrats in control of the house you can bet this report will be made public.

It may take a while and they can run but they can’t hide.
Also correct.

The completion of the Mueller report is the start of the actual investigation of Trump and his failed, corrupt misadministration.

An investigation conducted by elected members of the House reflecting the will of the majority of the American people.
I don't understand why it wouldn't go into obstruction of justice; didn't Mueller's team say it was looking into that
It surely did. But theres a little problem, there. The report cannot release possibly incriminating information against people who have not been charged with a crime. And the president cannot be indicted.
According to what you just said, Trump has never been the target of this investigation, then. At all. It's kind of strange that people have been talking about it as if he was.
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
Chances are at some point in your life YOU have worked for someone who broke a law, any law. Does that then make you a co conspirator? Guilty by association? Don't be such a fucking tard. Everyone close to Trump that was indicted was indicted for shit that had nothing to do with Trump or Russian collusion.

I once contracted for a company who's CEO was busted for embezzlement. Does not infringe on me in any fashion.
I have also had EMPLOYEES who had been convicted of criminal conduct and yet it had nothing to do with me.

Just give it up tard. You guys had your shot at a coup and you failed. Game is over.
It is now time for you to BE SMART and focus on a 2020 platform that can appeal to a wide array of Americans. As it stands now your party is in complete disarray and you ain't got a lot of time to sort it out, ditch the stupid bullshit and bring something of SUBSTANCE before the people
Time to go after Strok and Page. Let the backlash begin.
Mueller's report handed off to DOJ; won't recommend any further indictments: Source
“Someone needs to fix this shit!”

Mueller has indicted everyone he can indict. He can't indict the President, so just because Mueller isn't indicting anyone else does not mean Trump is off the hook yet. There may be information in the report which can provide a basis for impeachment by the House.

Have to wait and see.

It’s done. If anything it will expose the misconduct of Justice Department and FBI under Obama.
The stupid Moon Bats were hoping against all hope that Trump would be indicted.

Then Mueller said "no further indictments".

The Moon Bats are devastated. They are going to cry themselves to sleep tonight wonder why life is so unfair. Their girl lost. It wasn't suppose to happen.
The details of exactly how the Russians interfered in our election will be interesting.

That none of you parroting tards has ever expressed any anger over a foreign enemy state interfering in our election is most certainly disappointing, yes. It is very disappointing to see just what sad and submissive little lickspittles you are.

You'd better stock up on the anti-depressants, bub.
You will find it impossible to quote me saying Donald Trump colluded with Russia, retard.

In fact, I have posted quite plainly and clearly many times I don't believe he personally did.

So keep on jerking off to yet another manufactured bullshit fantasy...bub.

More doubletalk from this clown. What a loser.
Go ahead. Find a post from me claiming Comrade Donald colluded with Russia.

I'll wait here.

Reading your posts kills more brain cells than alcohol. And you calling him Comrade alludes to it so you just double talked again. LMAO. Moron

Not true.
Trump has lied repeatedly about how he has had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia,
Nothing, nada, zip. Rinse. Repeat.
Then lo and behold:

Documents indicate detailed plans for Trump Tower Moscow: report ...
Jan 22, 2019 - But other documents show that plans for Trump Tower Moscow were ... plans for how the Russian property could look, imagining a building that ...
Trump signed letter of intent for Trump Tower in Moscow, Giuliani ...
Dec 19, 2018
(CNN)A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward ...
Documents Show Serious Trump Tower Moscow Push | Committee to ...
Documents Show Serious Trump Tower Moscow Push. News | Feb 5, 2019. Share: BuzzFeed News has published documents showing plans for Trump Tower ... texts, emails, and plans for Trump to travel to Russia to meet Putin offer an ...
Time to go after Strok and Page. Let the backlash begin.
Mueller's report handed off to DOJ; won't recommend any further indictments: Source
“Someone needs to fix this shit!”

Mueller has indicted everyone he can indict. He can't indict the President, so just because Mueller isn't indicting anyone else does not mean Trump is off the hook yet. There may be information in the report which can provide a basis for impeachment by the House.

Have to wait and see.

The talking heads on MSDNC are grasping at straws to find something on Trump. Too fucking bad. Now Barr gets to do his investigation into the deep state coup.
Trump may have obstructed justice. He may have suborned perjury. He may have conspired to violate campaign finance laws. He may have laundered money. He may have defrauded insurance companies and filed false tax returns.

Mueller would not indict him for any of those crimes, but the House could decide to impeach him.

Have to wait and see.
Trump may have obstructed justice. He may have suborned perjury. He may have conspired to violate campaign finance laws. He may have laundered money. He may have defrauded insurance companies and filed false tax returns.

Mueller would not indict him for any of those crimes, but the House could decide to impeach him.

Have to wait and see.

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