Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Go ahead Shaitra, I won't hold it against you and I'm sure town won't either since I am asking you to do it. Town can still win easy.

You know it is my time and so do I. :)

I am ready for this and I want it. Go ahead and hammer please.
This stinks. I have a 1pm meeting so in about 25 minutes, I'll be gone until after the deadline most likely. I don't want to see a no lynch but I really don't want to vote for Wolf.

Why do you think Aye is a better vote than Wolf right now?
This stinks. I have a 1pm meeting so in about 25 minutes, I'll be gone until after the deadline most likely. I don't want to see a no lynch but I really don't want to vote for Wolf.

Why do you think Aye is a better vote than Wolf right now?

Neither vote is a good option. They both read town to me. But it would be virtually impossible to come up with a better candidate at this time.

Bottom line why I'm leaning Aye is to my perception, she is causing a lot of the drama and crap. It definitely doesn't help though that Wolf responds to it though.
This stinks. I have a 1pm meeting so in about 25 minutes, I'll be gone until after the deadline most likely. I don't want to see a no lynch but I really don't want to vote for Wolf.

Why do you think Aye is a better vote than Wolf right now?

Neither vote is a good option. They both read town to me. But it would be virtually impossible to come up with a better candidate at this time.

Bottom line why I'm leaning Aye is to my perception, she is causing a lot of the drama and crap. It definitely doesn't help though that Wolf responds to it though.

You are right. I'm not helping. Go ahead and hammer. I will see you in the next game. I can't self vote or I would be banned from playing game 3.

I'm not trying to be dramatic. I have had enough. I want out of this game.
Why do you think Aye is a better vote than Wolf right now?

Neither vote is a good option. They both read town to me. But it would be virtually impossible to come up with a better candidate at this time.

Bottom line why I'm leaning Aye is to my perception, she is causing a lot of the drama and crap. It definitely doesn't help though that Wolf responds to it though.

You are right. I'm not helping. Go ahead and hammer. I will see you in the next game. I can't self vote or I would be banned from playing game 3.

I'm not trying to be dramatic. I have had enough. I want out of this game.

OK. :smiliehug:

Vote: wolfsister
See ya guys later, no hard feelings here. I'll be curious to see how the game goes from the sidelines.

~Peace out

Vote Count 4.14​
“Study the past if you would define the future.”

Not Voting (0):

Wolfsister77 (6): strollingbones♀, Luissa♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Mebelle60♀, manifold♂, Shaitra♀
AyeCantSeeYou (4): tn5421♂, Mertex♀, R.D.♀, Wolfsister77♀

~ With 10 players, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline expires 6/16/14, @ 2pm central.
~ I am planning to enact Zone 1 USMB rules in our games.

A majority vote has been reached!

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4
3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4
4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 | 4.12 | 4.13 | 4.14



"I am NOT Scum!"

The mob flew upon Wolfsister intent on making this evil Scum pay dearly for the deaths of their fellow Townies. They gave her a good trouncing and then dragged her up to the deathly gallows. The hangman man cometh...

"It's not like I ATE anyone, you know. Not even the annoying ones. I did snarf a few chickens, though..."

"HEY, hangman, get the f@^& away from that lever! I'll blow your friggin' house dow—!!!!"



And with that, Wolfsister howled her last. Finally, the evil Scum had been dealt another blow.

Upon inspection, Town discovered that Wolfsister was innocent!

Wolfsister, Vanilla Townie, has been lynched.

As for game 3...


Night 4 begins.

Deadline expires 6/18/14, @ 2pm central.

Please submit your night actions via PM.




With another puff from her blunt, strollingbones sank her teeth into the reefer rainbow.

"O is tough...and those scum are real assholes... lol.....i have to save them all....they may be shitheads but their clever.....i am like.... a fucking unicorn...why would scum want to mess with me when i'm awesome...hee hee....wheres my chickens..."


The two scum slowly emerge from the shadows...

"O hai you two...did ya know that if a squirrels family member dies...the squirrels will take in the babies...? hey...bring me that roach over there will ya...?"

With a simple flick, one of the evil Scum stabs the helpless stoner in her neck with an ice-pick. On the floor, the helpless Townie is left to flop about in her bright pink snuggie....

strollingbones, Town Bodyguard, has been moidered!

The sounds strollingbones saw in her dying moments were indeed magnificent...

Pineal.jpg if nothing even happened, the wicked scum stalk off into the night...

It is now Day 5.

With 8 players alive, it take 5 to lynch!

Deadline expires 6/25/14, @ 4 pm central.
Last edited:
Wow! I have learned so much with the last two kills and how people play this game.
Can you list who is left?
So RD, Mertex, and Luissa didn't vote for scum.

TN, I like that chart!
The Road So Far...​

Town Cop ~
Town Doctor ~
Town Jailkeeper ~ Grandma
Town Bodyguard ~ strollingbones
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Sameech
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Avatar4321
Vanilla Townie ~
Vanilla Townie ~ Wolfsister77
Mafia Godfather ~
Mafia Roleblocker ~
Mafia Goon ~ RosieS

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