Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Why would you claim Rosie was probably investigating you, when you knew her target per your QT and neighbors, this is coming off as highly suspect to me.

Cafe, why do you keep using words that are not true? I never claimed that she was investigating me. I said "probably"......don't you know the definition of probably? The one that is coming highly suspect is you. You keep saying stuff that is not even halfway true.

And, FYI go back and check the votes. I was her Target. Are you even reading the posts? Especially the VC's. If you are, why are you coming up with such weird comments?

Given BOTH of your neighbors stated you were not her target for investigation after her kill was reveled. I tend to believe them. They stated it before it became a point of contention in the thread here. Unless you are stating both Grandma and Aye are lying?
( emphases added to my quote above)
The quotes are screwed up and in fact it did not include the ones I wanted. If you read my last sentence I was speaking to grandma not you, that is why you name is listed. the 'you' in my sentence is Grandma. I am having difficulty getting used to the multiquote feature.

Okay, that makes sense. Because I thought you were saying that I said something that I now I didn't. Sorry.
Given BOTH of your neighbors stated you were not her target for investigation after her kill was reveled. I tend to believe them. They stated it before it became a point of contention in the thread here. Unless you are stating both Grandma and Aye are lying?

How could I say that Grandma and Aye are lying when I've said the same thing? Are you purposely being difficult?

I was being facetious when I said "Probably" - because Rosie never came back and told us the results of her investigation. We really don't know for a fact who she investigated. If you want to make a federal case out of it go for it. I could do what you are doing, saying that you accused me of saying something I didn't and then claimed that the software messed you up, but I won't because it's petty and it isn't proving anything.

Do you have any opinion on who could be town or scum at this time?
Why are you trying to make Rosie look bad, Mertex?

Don't deflect. You're Scum, you've told too many lies and you are now just trying to cover your lies.

definitely avatar and probably wolf too. Not sure about the second one but Avatar in addition to all the other be on both sides of everything but strong about nothing play was pondering about the odds of there being two scum in the same neighborhood.
Given BOTH of your neighbors stated you were not her target for investigation after her kill was reveled. I tend to believe them. They stated it before it became a point of contention in the thread here. Unless you are stating both Grandma and Aye are lying?

How could I say that Grandma and Aye are lying when I've said the same thing? Are you purposely being difficult?

I was being facetious when I said "Probably" - because Rosie never came back and told us the results of her investigation. We really don't know for a fact who she investigated. If you want to make a federal case out of it go for it. I could do what you are doing, saying that you accused me of saying something I didn't and then claimed that the software messed you up, but I won't because it's petty and it isn't proving anything.

1. It is obvious I was not speaking to you if you read what is written, I was speaking to someone else.
2. I asked you a rather simple question, you have turned into a federal case Remember this is 2 dimensial, we can't read "facetious" into our posts or it is very hard to read such. You post did not come off as facetious to me, thus my initial question as to why you would claim anyone other than Shaitra was being investigated. it had come up in central, thus the reason it raised my hackles.
And you know this how? You have no idea who I shielded, you are just trying to cover your own scumminess.


Had you used the shield you would have readily said so. You aren't smart enough to come up with a cover story. You should have popped right up and said "Yeah, I used the shield on (name) but (name) and I are both still alive so obviously (name) wasn't targeted."


I'm not the blabbermouth here. I'm not the one that lies, either. And yes, we know that you are the smart one, the one that comes up with cover stories that everyone seems to believe, until the end, when it is revealed that you are Scum.
aye or grandma said she had investigative abilities in central. Rosie hinted at having a pr in post 1917

I just went back through central and searched the word "investigate" and I don't see where either said Roses could investigate someone. I went back because I don't see how post 1917 outs Rosie may have a PR, let alone she may be a cop.
1. It is obvious I was not speaking to you if you read what is written, I was speaking to someone else.
2. I asked you a rather simple question, you have turned into a federal case Remember this is 2 dimensial, we can't read "facetious" into our posts or it is very hard to read such. You post did not come off as facetious to me, thus my initial question as to why you would claim anyone other than Shaitra was being investigated. it had come up in central, thus the reason it raised my hackles.

Again you keep using the word "claim". I never claimed anything. I said "probably". Now you are the one that appears suspect by making accusations such as those.

Do what you want to do with my response. I'm done with your silly inquiry.
aye or grandma said she had investigative abilities in central. Rosie hinted at having a pr in post 1917

I just went back through central and searched the word "investigate" and I don't see where either said Roses could investigate someone. I went back because I don't see how post 1917 outs Rosie may have a PR, let alone she may be a cop.

For all the chatter about how so many people knew she was a cop, I'm not seeing any proof.

Avatar talked about picking up on Rosie being a cop, but won't provide a link to the post that tipped him off.
aye or grandma said she had investigative abilities in central. Rosie hinted at having a pr in post 1917

I just went back through central and searched the word "investigate" and I don't see where either said Roses could investigate someone. I went back because I don't see how post 1917 outs Rosie may have a PR, let alone she may be a cop.

For all the chatter about how so many people knew she was a cop, I'm not seeing any proof.

Avatar talked about picking up on Rosie being a cop, but won't provide a link to the post that tipped him off.

That is why I went back to read Central, I admit to being drugged and may have missed it but I saw no where where Grandma or Aye said she had an 'investigative' role. Unless they used a different word? I went back because I cant see how post 1917 out Rosie is a PR as Avatar claims.
1. It is obvious I was not speaking to you if you read what is written, I was speaking to someone else.
2. I asked you a rather simple question, you have turned into a federal case Remember this is 2 dimensial, we can't read "facetious" into our posts or it is very hard to read such. You post did not come off as facetious to me, thus my initial question as to why you would claim anyone other than Shaitra was being investigated. it had come up in central, thus the reason it raised my hackles.

Again you keep using the word "claim". I never claimed anything. I said "probably". Now you are the one that appears suspect by making accusations such as those.

Do what you want to do with my response. I'm done with your silly inquiry.

Your supposed or claimed "facetiousness" did not read through, so It is coming off as a claim, "Rosie probably investigated me" especially given both your neighbors stated who she realty had investigated.
I remember post 1917.

That was not about Rosie. There was speculation that Mertex is a PR and that's why the stolen ability was useless to her.

1917 read to me like, "If you are a PR, claim it so Town can protect you, otherwise you're likely to either be NK'ed (by scum to get rid of a PR) or lynched (by Town that believed her to be scum for all the talk about her stolen ability being useless when it is a pro-Town ability)."

Nothing in that discussion had anything to do with Rosie's PR.
aye or grandma said she had investigative abilities in central. Rosie hinted at having a pr in post 1917

I just went back through central and searched the word "investigate" and I don't see where either said Roses could investigate someone. I went back because I don't see how post 1917 outs Rosie may have a PR, let alone she may be a cop.

That Rosie was a claiming/rumored to be a PR was the worst kept secret in this game. I would suggest you go back through and look at people who were making. Having two neighborhood QT's and the game thread too has gotten me confused about what was said where, but I recall specifically asking someone why they were talking about Rosie having to make it through Night 2 or something along those lines. I am telling you you are barking up the wrong tree with her. The downside of you trying to pull people from every neighborhood is that Central has become a tool for scum.

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