Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I still need to know who you protected Mertex. I can't figure out why you are alive. Fire should of burned you to a crisp but it is possible that ice didn't know about Rosie and fire felt the cop was a thread. Scum's biggest fear is a cop. And if Rosie couldn't be protected anyway, then that is likely what they decided and it couldn't be stopped. Ice very likely hit a jailed target or fire mafia in which case they know who one of their enemies is.

I question if the jailer should say if they used their ability or not. It's a one shot deal so telling us who they protected would be helpful but if they didn't use it, then it might be better if that info. isn't out there so scum doesn't know how many keys were used or who is safe to leave alone because they used it.

I don't know for sure. Lot's of WIFOM going on regardless.

I suspect that she didn't protect anyone.

Rosie outed that she was the Cop, but she did not out that she was a Macho Cop.

Mertex was told to protect her in the neighborhood thread.

Had Mertex used the Meat Shield, I'm sure she would have volunteered the info who she used it on.

My vote will not change.
But that's why I have to find out who Mertex protected. If she protected Rosie, it wouldn't have worked. But I don't know if she would of been spared then. I do not know how that works at all.

Macho is a role modifier that prevents players from being protected from kills in any way.

So can fire just kill Rosie then and bypass a Meat Shield? I have no clue.
Still, some Mafia that knew Rosie was a cop killed her and that is likely someone she told in one of the two neighborhoods that knew.
Rosie told us in Post 86 of our neighborhood QT that she could not be protected due to the type of role she has.

If Mertex saw that, she would have known her shield wouldn't have done any good if she had used it on Rosie. So going after Mertex just because of that would make no sense.
Rosie wasn't in the Central neighborhood. She was in the Southern one.
That's right. OK, I'm confused. So really, this narrows things down a bit to who could of taken a shot at Rosie unless it was a lucky guess by someone else.
As far as the neighborhood goes, it's a cluster*uck. Rosie, Grandma, and Mertex were arguing with each other. I stopped posting in it because I want no part of that mess. I told Mertex in there that I believed she was town, even though her posts come off as the opposite. When she's played town in other games, she's always been quite abrasive when responding to others, just like she has been in this game. When she played scum, she was quiet and not so in-your-face, hiding out.

That's because I am town. I've been telling you all, Grandma is Scum. She knew Rosie was the Cop and was acting all protective, but she is in one of the Scum Teams. That's why she got all aggressive when I accused her, just like she did in game 4. That's why she made up that lie about me in the neighborhood, because she wanted everyone to think I am Scum. You all are ready to point the finger at me, and you'll be sorry to see another Townie go down.

Rosie probably investigated me and found out that I was telling the truth, and they couldn't let her come back and tell you all.

Grandma is playing you all, and just like in Game 4, you all are ignoring all her dirty tactics.
I can't believe Rosie not only told her neighborhood but Central as well. WTF? Of course scum is going to target you when you let others know you are the cop. No way in hell is scum gonna keep you alive. This is why you NEVER tell your neighbors things like this. And Mertex, why the hell didn't you protect Rosie? If you were town, you should of been more than willing to sacrifice yourself to save the cop. And those of you who had jail keys, that's a tougher call because you would prevent Rosie from investigating anyone also. This sucks so bad. We really needed Rosie alive.

@Mertex Who did you protect last night?

Wolf, the fact that Rosie said she was Cop raised a red flag for me. That's why I didn't jump on Grandma's request for me to reveal my ability immediately, until I checked with Wake to make sure I wasn't doing something I wasn't supposed to. My first inclination when Rosie came out with the fact that she was Cop, was that Rosie was Mafia and she was just trying to lure me into revealing any power role if I had any. The fact that Grandma and Aye went and revealed it in another neighborhood should make you suspicious of them, not me.

Why do you want me to reveal who I shielded? Obviously it wasn't Rosie, or I would be dead.
I still need to know who you protected Mertex. I can't figure out why you are alive. Fire should of burned you to a crisp but it is possible that ice didn't know about Rosie and fire felt the cop was a thread. Scum's biggest fear is a cop. And if Rosie couldn't be protected anyway, then that is likely what they decided and it couldn't be stopped. Ice very likely hit a jailed target or fire mafia in which case they know who one of their enemies is.

I question if the jailer should say if they used their ability or not. It's a one shot deal so telling us who they protected would be helpful but if they didn't use it, then it might be better if that info. isn't out there so scum doesn't know how many keys were used or who is safe to leave alone because they used it.

I don't know for sure. Lot's of WIFOM going on regardless.

Why do you need to know Wolf? There were many possibilities for my being alive. For one, Rosie outing herself as cop would put her ahead of anyone else in Mafia's priorities. Look at the people in both of Grandma's neighborhoods, because they are the only ones that were aware of that information. The other Scum team, if they were not in either neighborhood, they wouldn't have known that Rosie was Cop and maybe they went after a person that was protected. Jumping to conclusions is only going to cause us to lose another Townie.
As far as the neighborhood goes, it's a cluster*uck. Rosie, Grandma, and Mertex were arguing with each other. I stopped posting in it because I want no part of that mess. I told Mertex in there that I believed she was town, even though her posts come off as the opposite. When she's played town in other games, she's always been quite abrasive when responding to others, just like she has been in this game. When she played scum, she was quiet and not so in-your-face, hiding out.

That's because I am town. I've been telling you all, Grandma is Scum. She knew Rosie was the Cop and was acting all protective, but she is in one of the Scum Teams. That's why she got all aggressive when I accused her, just like she did in game 4. That's why she made up that lie about me in the neighborhood, because she wanted everyone to think I am Scum. You all are ready to point the finger at me, and you'll be sorry to see another Townie go down.

Rosie probably investigated me and found out that I was telling the truth, and they couldn't let her come back and tell you all.

Grandma is playing you all, and just like in Game 4, you all are ignoring all her dirty tactics.

( emphasis added)

Strange, given both of your other neighbors claim she was investigating someone else. You would know that if they are being truthful, right? You claiming this is confusing to me, given you should know who she was investigating. Why would you pretend she was investigating you and not the other person?
Rosie told us in Post 86 of our neighborhood QT that she could not be protected due to the type of role she has.

If Mertex saw that, she would have known her shield wouldn't have done any good if she had used it on Rosie. So going after Mertex just because of that would make no sense.

Mertex has had plenty of time to tell us who she "protected."

She did not use the Shield, Mertex plays only to her own win condition, not Town's.

Rosie outed that she was the Cop, but she did not out that she was a Macho Cop.

Mertex was told to protect her in the neighborhood thread.

Had Mertex used the Meat Shield, I'm sure she would have volunteered the info who she used it on.

My vote will not change.

You were eager for everyone to share what powers/roles they had in the neighborhood. That you went and blabbed Rosie's role in the other neighborhood only made her more of a target. And now you are trying to act as if you were protecting her. Letting everyone know that someone has a power role does nothing but help Scum.

You may be able to fool everyone else, but you don't fool me. I'm voting for you Day 2.
Look at the people in both of Grandma's neighborhoods, because they are the only ones that were aware of that information.

No one in the Central QT knew that Rosie was the Cop. Neither Aye nor myself told them.

Keep spinning, Mertex.
First-Mertex, why are you so hesitant to tell us who you shielded?

Second-Does the Central neighborhood know Rosie was a cop?
You were eager for everyone to share what powers/roles they had in the neighborhood. That you went and blabbed Rosie's role in the other neighborhood only made her more of a target. And now you are trying to act as if you were protecting her. Letting everyone know that someone has a power role does nothing but help Scum.

You may be able to fool everyone else, but you don't fool me. I'm voting for you Day 2.

This is Day 2, Einstein.
@CafeAuLait - Did either AyeCan'tSeeYou or I tell you guys that Rosie was the Cop?

I shared my power in the neighborhood, as did Rosie and Aye. You posted yours in the QT when the rest of us were offline, then left the QT, came here and activated it.

Rosie outed her PR in the QT. The rest of us did not until 6pm on the 27th when I outed my role. At no point in time in either neighborhood, or here in the Game did I ask anyone to reveal their role.

Mertex is Scum and she's grasping at straws.
wolf your going to have to expand your search. Aye and grandma told central that we needed to protect Rosie and that's why she was laying low.

and honestly I think Rosie practically outed herself to the entire group in one of her squabbles with mertex. I didn't draw attention to it at the time because I was hoping people missed it. Let me find it and I'll let you see for yourself.

Any luck finding this, Avvie? :)
First-Mertex, why are you so hesitant to tell us who you shielded?

Second-Does the Central neighborhood know Rosie was a cop?

No. No one knew she was the cop. The only thing which was said was she was a PR and needed to be protected.
First-Mertex, why are you so hesitant to tell us who you shielded?

Second-Does the Central neighborhood know Rosie was a cop?

No, no one knew. The other suspect thing is, apparently Rosie stated who she was investigating in their QT as well, something which was not stated in Central until AFTER Rosie was NKed.

And thirdly,

It was stated that she was a PR. But both grandma and Aye have stated she could not be protected but one of them insisted we protect her if we could.
You were eager for everyone to share what powers/roles they had in the neighborhood. That you went and blabbed Rosie's role in the other neighborhood only made her more of a target. And now you are trying to act as if you were protecting her. Letting everyone know that someone has a power role does nothing but help Scum.

You may be able to fool everyone else, but you don't fool me. I'm voting for you Day 2.

This is Day 2, Einstein.
@CafeAuLait - Did either AyeCan'tSeeYou or I tell you guys that Rosie was the Cop?

I shared my power in the neighborhood, as did Rosie and Aye. You posted yours in the QT when the rest of us were offline, then left the QT, came here and activated it.

Rosie outed her PR in the QT. The rest of us did not until 6pm on the 27th when I outed my role. At no point in time in either neighborhood, or here in the Game did I ask anyone to reveal their role.

Mertex is Scum and she's grasping at straws.

No, none of us in Central knew she was the Cop, it was said she was a PR. And IIRC either you or Aye stated she should be protected. None of us knew who she was investigating until the thread was reopened ( after she NK) and it was reveled it was discussed in the QT by you, mertex, rosie and possibly aye.

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