Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I will admit right now, I'm confused. There's a lot coming out, I know nothing about. It's all neighborhood stuff I didn't have access to. I need to process.
( emphasis added)

Strange, given both of your other neighbors claim she was investigating someone else. You would know that if they are being truthful, right? You claiming this is confusing to me, given you should know who she was investigating. Why would you pretend she was investigating you and not the other person?

Rosie first said she didn't know who she would investigate. Then she mentioned that she had investigated Shaitra and had not received anything from Wake, but she never mentioned again if she got something from Wake or not. It made sense since she was voting for her earlier.

Rosie came after me toward the end, and that is why I said she "probably" was investigating me. And, my neighbors would have no way of knowing who Rosie decided to investigate at the last minute, and neither do I.
Rosie told us in Post 86 of our neighborhood QT that she could not be protected due to the type of role she has.

If Mertex saw that, she would have known her shield wouldn't have done any good if she had used it on Rosie. So going after Mertex just because of that would make no sense.

Mertex has had plenty of time to tell us who she "protected."

She did not use the Shield, Mertex plays only to her own win condition, not Town's.

And you know this how? You have no idea who I shielded, you are just trying to cover your own scumminess.
Look at the people in both of Grandma's neighborhoods, because they are the only ones that were aware of that information.

No one in the Central QT knew that Rosie was the Cop. Neither Aye nor myself told them.

Keep spinning, Mertex.

Are you saying that Avatar is lying? He's the one that brought it up. Here are the posts, Grandma. You keep lying and digging yourself in deeper.

wolf your going to have to expand your search. Aye and grandma told central that we needed to protect Rosie and that's why she was laying low.

and honestly I think Rosie practically outed herself to the entire group in one of her squabbles with mertex. I didn't draw attention to it at the time because I was hoping people missed it. Let me find it and I'll let you see for yourself.

Central is the new neighborhood Cafe created
First-Mertex, why are you so hesitant to tell us who you shielded?

Second-Does the Central neighborhood know Rosie was a cop?

Because I'm not sure that revealing it is good for Town. I don't know if the Scum teams even targeted the person, but if one of the teams did, and that person didn't die, my revealing it may just be the information that Scum needs.
Rosie first said she didn't know who she would investigate. Then she mentioned that she had investigated Shaitra and had not received anything from Wake, but she never mentioned again if she got something from Wake or not. It made sense since she was voting for her earlier.

Rosie came after me toward the end, and that is why I said she "probably" was investigating me. And, my neighbors would have no way of knowing who Rosie decided to investigate at the last minute, and neither do I.

No, Rosie listed who were "probably" on the Scum teams. She was very clear on having investigated Shaitra.
aye or grandma said she had investigative abilities in central. Rosie hinted at having a pr in post 1917
And you know this how? You have no idea who I shielded, you are just trying to cover your own scumminess.


Had you used the shield you would have readily said so. You aren't smart enough to come up with a cover story. You should have popped right up and said "Yeah, I used the shield on (name) but (name) and I are both still alive so obviously (name) wasn't targeted."

If you look at everyone in Rosie's neighborhood and the Central 'hood, I think that's a good place to start for a more focused scum hunt.
You were eager for everyone to share what powers/roles they had in the neighborhood. That you went and blabbed Rosie's role in the other neighborhood only made her more of a target. And now you are trying to act as if you were protecting her. Letting everyone know that someone has a power role does nothing but help Scum.

You may be able to fool everyone else, but you don't fool me. I'm voting for you Day 2.

This is Day 2, Einstein.
@CafeAuLait - Did either AyeCan'tSeeYou or I tell you guys that Rosie was the Cop?

I shared my power in the neighborhood, as did Rosie and Aye. You posted yours in the QT when the rest of us were offline, then left the QT, came here and activated it.

Rosie outed her PR in the QT. The rest of us did not until 6pm on the 27th when I outed my role. At no point in time in either neighborhood, or here in the Game did I ask anyone to reveal their role.

Mertex is Scum and she's grasping at straws.

Go ahead and name-call Grandma, that is so pro-town. You are just angry because I've got my radar on you and the last time I let others distract me and you ended up getting away with being Scum. This time, not so much.

And, I know this is Day 2, I'm just letting you know that you're going to have my vote this day. And you are lying again. You kept pressuring me in the QT to reveal my power/role.

You're the one that is Scum and grasping at straws. I am not the one making up any lies. I'm not the one that had to change from one lie "she never revealed" to "she only revealed after she initiated it" which was another lie. Rosie even told you that I revealed 1 1/2 hour before I activated, and your response was "it's the same as not revealing"

And now, you are calling Avatar a liar. Keep on lying Grandma, you're running scared and that makes you "aggro" when you are Scum. That's what Rosie told you in the QT, didn't she. Even Rosie finally asked you why you were making such a big deal over something that wasn't even mandatory.
No, none of us in Central knew she was the Cop, it was said she was a PR. And IIRC either you or Aye stated she should be protected. None of us knew who she was investigating until the thread was reopened ( after she NK) and it was reveled it was discussed in the QT by you, mertex, rosie and possibly aye.

Please post the post where I ever said that Rosie needed to be protected. Cafe, if it was in your QT, you are confusing me with Grandma or Aye, I am not part of any QT (neighborhood) that you are a member of. I wasn't the one that was made part of Central, Grandma and Aye were, so you are either confusing the issue on purpose or just not being careful, but you are hurting Town when you do that.

And the only thing I ever said to Rosie in the QT (where we were neighbors) regarding who she was investigating was that it didn't matter to me who she investigated.
No, none of us in Central knew she was the Cop, it was said she was a PR. And IIRC either you or Aye stated she should be protected. None of us knew who she was investigating until the thread was reopened ( after she NK) and it was reveled it was discussed in the QT by you, mertex, rosie and possibly aye.

Please post the post where I ever said that Rosie needed to be protected. Cafe, if it was in your QT, you are confusing me with Grandma or Aye, I am not part of any QT (neighborhood) that you are a member of. I wasn't the one that was made part of Central, Grandma and Aye were, so you are either confusing the issue on purpose or just not being careful, but you are hurting Town when you do that.

And the only thing I ever said to Rosie in the QT (where we were neighbors) regarding who she was investigating was that it didn't matter to me who she investigated.

( emphases added to my quote above)
The quotes are screwed up and in fact it did not include the ones I wanted. If you read my last sentence I was speaking to grandma not you, that is why you name is listed. the 'you' in my sentence is Grandma. I am having difficulty getting used to the multiquote feature.
I will admit right now, I'm confused. There's a lot coming out, I know nothing about. It's all neighborhood stuff I didn't have access to. I need to process.

Wolf, you keep telling me that you can't use what I say from the QT, but you sure seem to believe when Grandma accused me of refusing to reveal my ability in the QT. If it hadn't been for Rosie and Aye revealing the fact that Grandma was lying, you probably would have voted for me to be lynched.

Why is it that Grandma's lie doesn't seem to raise a red flag for anyone. I'm sure that Rosie wasn't lying when she announced to everyone that I was saying the truth. Now that we know she was Town it should carry more weight. But, you rather believe Grandma. Well, that's how she was able to win Game 4.....everyone overlooks her scumminess.

Why would you claim Rosie was probably investigating you, when you knew her target per your QT and neighbors, this is coming off as highly suspect to me.

Cafe, why do you keep using words that are not true? I never claimed that she was investigating me. I said "probably"......don't you know the definition of probably? The one that is coming highly suspect is you. You keep saying stuff that is not even halfway true.

And, FYI go back and check the votes. I was her Target. Are you even reading the posts? Especially the VC's. If you are, why are you coming up with such weird comments?
I will admit right now, I'm confused. There's a lot coming out, I know nothing about. It's all neighborhood stuff I didn't have access to. I need to process.

Wolf, you keep telling me that you can't use what I say from the QT, but you sure seem to believe when Grandma accused me of refusing to reveal my ability in the QT. If it hadn't been for Rosie and Aye revealing the fact that Grandma was lying, you probably would have voted for me to be lynched.

Why is it that Grandma's lie doesn't seem to raise a red flag for anyone. I'm sure that Rosie wasn't lying when she announced to everyone that I was saying the truth. Now that we know she was Town it should carry more weight. But, you rather believe Grandma. Well, that's how she was able to win Game 4.....everyone overlooks her scumminess.

I don't believe Grandma over you. I just think Rosie was a target of someone who knew she was a cop and I'm trying to figure out who knew this because that is likely why Rosie is dead. Because scum knew she was an investigative power and there is no way scum will let someone like that live. So if I can narrow that down, I can go from there to figure out who is likely scum.
Rosie first said she didn't know who she would investigate. Then she mentioned that she had investigated Shaitra and had not received anything from Wake, but she never mentioned again if she got something from Wake or not. It made sense since she was voting for her earlier.

Rosie came after me toward the end, and that is why I said she "probably" was investigating me. And, my neighbors would have no way of knowing who Rosie decided to investigate at the last minute, and neither do I.

No, Rosie listed who were "probably" on the Scum teams. She was very clear on having investigated Shaitra.

And that is exactly what I said. Grandma, keep on lying, you're just digging yourself in deeper and deeper. But, you don't know for a fact that she might have changed her mind at the last minute, and investigated me, after all, she voted for me.

Rosie first said she didn't know who she would investigate. Then she mentioned that she had investigated Shaitra and had not received anything from Wake, but she never mentioned again if she got something from Wake or not. It made sense since she was voting for her earlier.

Rosie came after me toward the end, and that is why I said she "probably" was investigating me. And, my neighbors would have no way of knowing who Rosie decided to investigate at the last minute, and neither do I.

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