Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Sigh - that is a MASSIVE blow to town. We lost our cop because she simply could not keep from announcing her role to scum...

I would guess that frost hit fire or a jailed target. I cant fathom them not targeting - it does not make any sense to not target - particularly when Mertex was wide open to take the fire target. That makes me even more suspicious of Mertex - she is possible fire mafia. That fits the bill here - Mertex is fire, knows Rosie's role and ends up protected from ice. Otherwise, I don't have a real solid reason as to why fire would not have targeted Mertex because she would have been guaranteed to not be targeted by frost because of TN. I was fairly certain that she would have been killed solely for that reason - TN made her the PERFECT target.

AND she knew that Rosie was the cop - one that could not be protected nonetheless.
It might fall into place a little too well but it certainly stinks like scum to high heaven to me...

Vote: Mertex
I second that claim that we need to know if any of the jailers actually used their ability last night. As a single shot ability, it does not help scum to know that you used it and it might shed a some light to town as well as tell us who might have been the frost targets/poss frost mafia.

I will out the fact that I targeted Rosie with mine so that key is gone :(

That means there were 2 others though they didn't necessarily get used. I hope you didn't give one of those to Rosie as well gath....
Sigh - that is a MASSIVE blow to town. We lost our cop because she simply could not keep from announcing her role to scum...

I would guess that frost hit fire or a jailed target. I cant fathom them not targeting - it does not make any sense to not target - particularly when Mertex was wide open to take the fire target. That makes me even more suspicious of Mertex - she is possible fire mafia. That fits the bill here - Mertex is fire, knows Rosie's role and ends up protected from ice. Otherwise, I don't have a real solid reason as to why fire would not have targeted Mertex because she would have been guaranteed to not be targeted by frost because of TN. I was fairly certain that she would have been killed solely for that reason - TN made her the PERFECT target.

AND she knew that Rosie was the cop - one that could not be protected nonetheless.
It might fall into place a little too well but it certainly stinks like scum to high heaven to me...

Vote: Mertex

That's exactly what Fire wants you to think. I still think Grandma is Scum, why she lied about me in the neighborhood and she knew about Rosie being Cop. If Rosie investigated her or me she would have been able to point the finger at the right one, and it wouldn't have been me.
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wolf your going to have to expand your search. Aye and grandma told central that we needed to protect Rosie and that's why she was laying low.

and honestly I think Rosie practically outed herself to the entire group in one of her squabbles with mertex. I didn't draw attention to it at the time because I was hoping people missed it. Let me find it and I'll let you see for yourself.

Aye and Grandma told central that Rosie needed protection? Who is central? Rosie outed herself in my neighborhood, which included Aye and Grandma. The fact that either one would make such a statement (protect Rosie) does not guarantee that they are not Scum. It would seem obvious to me that if they were Scum they would want to act like they were protecting Rosie while broadcasting that she had a PR.

I don't understand why Rosie would do such a thing. Every game I've read up on claims that you never divulge your role no matter how much you think you are among Townies. That's why I was uncomfortable with her coming out so trustingly, why I thought Rosie might be scum. I really thought she was using it as a means to get information.
I felt that the Moonglow power thing would help us with information. I initially blamed wolfsister for shutting that thing down to keep the discussion from happening, but she was not the only one in on that. I guess I was inclined to blame her given what happened in the TN lynch.

At 2:00 (All times my time yours may vary) I posted in Central that I would be willing to hammer Moonglow if he got to L-1 and gave my reason. At 2:03 Avatar put moonglow at L-1 and posted it in Central at 2:04 that he had put him at L-1. so I hammered him as I said I would do. Avatar then later, about 2:40 started talking about how he wish I had given notice. I gave notice and Avatar immediately bumped Moonglow to L-1 and went out of his way to point that out in the Central thread. Avatar was also in on the sub-vote thing and could have kept it from ending had he been willing to hold his vote until FA and SR showed up, but did not, and then commented after it ended that he had hoped we could have gotten info out of it.

Avatar is playing both sides of the fence on the same issues. Anyone in Central can look at the posts and time stamps, and compare them to the GT and see this.

I can't believe Rosie not only told her neighborhood but Central as well. WTF? Of course scum is going to target you when you let others know you are the cop. No way in hell is scum gonna keep you alive. This is why you NEVER tell your neighbors things like this. And Mertex, why the hell didn't you protect Rosie? If you were town, you should of been more than willing to sacrifice yourself to save the cop. And those of you who had jail keys, that's a tougher call because you would prevent Rosie from investigating anyone also. This sucks so bad. We really needed Rosie alive.

@Mertex Who did you protect last night?
I can't believe Rosie not only told her neighborhood but Central as well. WTF? Of course scum is going to target you when you let others know you are the cop. No way in hell is scum gonna keep you alive. This is why you NEVER tell your neighbors things like this. And Mertex, why the hell didn't you protect Rosie? If you were town, you should of been more than willing to sacrifice yourself to save the cop. And those of you who had jail keys, that's a tougher call because you would prevent Rosie from investigating anyone also. This sucks so bad. We really needed Rosie alive.

@Mertex Who did you protect last night?
Did you even bother to read the role? Rosie could not be protected by ANYONE. Her role "Macho Cop" prevents it from working. even if Mertex targeted her she would have still been killed.
btw Sam I announced moonglow was at L1 here and on both hoods because I didn't want anyone ignorantly hammering him.

I didn't take it to mean you were going to immediately hammer anyone.
I can't believe Rosie not only told her neighborhood but Central as well. WTF? Of course scum is going to target you when you let others know you are the cop. No way in hell is scum gonna keep you alive. This is why you NEVER tell your neighbors things like this. And Mertex, why the hell didn't you protect Rosie? If you were town, you should of been more than willing to sacrifice yourself to save the cop. And those of you who had jail keys, that's a tougher call because you would prevent Rosie from investigating anyone also. This sucks so bad. We really needed Rosie alive.

@Mertex Who did you protect last night?
Did you even bother to read the role? Rosie could not be protected by ANYONE. Her role "Macho Cop" prevents it from working. even if Mertex targeted her she would have still been killed.

Well, I had no clue that's what that meant. Never heard of it.
I still need to know who you protected Mertex. I can't figure out why you are alive. Fire should of burned you to a crisp but it is possible that ice didn't know about Rosie and fire felt the cop was a thread. Scum's biggest fear is a cop. And if Rosie couldn't be protected anyway, then that is likely what they decided and it couldn't be stopped. Ice very likely hit a jailed target or fire mafia in which case they know who one of their enemies is.

I question if the jailer should say if they used their ability or not. It's a one shot deal so telling us who they protected would be helpful but if they didn't use it, then it might be better if that info. isn't out there so scum doesn't know how many keys were used or who is safe to leave alone because they used it.

I don't know for sure. Lot's of WIFOM going on regardless.

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