Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


I apologize. I am in need of replacement. I can't handle the pace of this game.

It is a little slow, but you seemed to handle marathon weekend pretty well. Surprised you couldn't flip over a tab every few... days... to say hello.
I will try to find a replacement.

AyeCantSeeYou, Outed Rosies PR to Central which she knew to possibly have scum, asked others to out their PRs. Activated worthless ability and stated ability was one shot vig but had other requirements to activate

I did not out Rosie's Role to Central. I did not ask anyone to out their PR roles. Go re-read the QT. Saying this over and over is getting really old.

Also, since when was I required to tell anyone what the specific requirements of my ability were? I KNEW better than to tell the specifics of it. For you to think I was wrong in not telling Central the ins & outs of it is wrong in itself.

I apologize. I am in need of replacement. I can't handle the pace of this game.

It is a little slow, but you seemed to handle marathon weekend pretty well. Surprised you couldn't flip over a tab every few... days... to say hello.

I think his issue isn't that it's slow, it's that he can't keep up with it or more likely, doesn't want to. If a replacement can't be found, which wouldn't surpirse me considering we have had 3 already, and ends up modkilled and IF it turns out to be town, unless we very confident we have scum, I'd advocate a NL then.
"How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?"

What was FA saying here? Was this in your neighborhood? Or was it the question I asked about her knowing of TN and myself?

Yeah, this is kind of the frustrating aspect of the game. I know this has been explained and I think posts can very easily get missed with this forum software being difficult to play the game on so I feel like I've explained this at least 3 different times but I don't know if the posts are being missed or if some are determined to use this as a reason they are scumreading me. What was said by dead townies or in hoods I can't see, is tough for me to counter or defend.
I told Wake I was V/La. I'm on vacation, traveling, and haven't been able to get on. I'm using my laptop and forgot that all my bookmarks are on my computer and I am not able to check things out as quickly.

The person I protected was not targeted. My FOS is still on SR. She has been all over the place voting for anyone that votes for her. She did vouch for Grandma but that's only because she is so sure that I am Scum and would like to have me lynched. I've been reading through....too many posts in such a short time but so much of what SR says is just not thought through, she's just waffling.

Vote:Scarlet Rage
Mathblade has been scummy the entire time. The play with Mertex v Grandma was very helpful for scum if y'all believe Mertex is town. I'm leaning that way because Macho but I'm still having my doubts due to day 1 play and no one being healed. That being said, Mertex's presence my be why scum are avoiding the PRs. That fight was a boon for scum. They egg the Mertex v. Grandma fight on. Whichever one is lynched hardly matters to the scumteam, provided they are both town.

Then we turn to my gambit with the one-shot iceproof but really being full. I knew that gambit would get me at least one scum. If Mertex is the doctor and I was going after her, her suspicion of me makes sense a little bit for newish town. That leaves House and Mathblade there. House and I had our dustups, mostly regarding Grandma being town. He hasn't done anything scummy though.

Then we get to Gath's vote on Grandma. That vote was utterly horrendous and Grandma was speedlynched after I changed my vote to Gath in response. I intended to spend most of the night discussing that horrible vote by Gath to see how accurate my read was. FA seems intent to push Wolf for logical deductions though and I could only get Gath is "a solid null" from Mathblade. Given the complaints about the Grandma wagon going to fast, I expected more discussion regarding whose votes sucked in the hood.

Today, I open with the same concern, who voted Grandma for shitty reasons, thus indicating scum. Mathblade is quick to say Gath is confirmed town. This makes me do a double take given her stance last night was "solid null". How does she get to confirmed town from that? How does anyone get confirmed town on Gath given that shitty vote he made on Grandma?

Mathblade claims that she's always felt Gath is town. (Where is the Gath town from Mathblade?) She claims she lied in the hood about Gath being a "solid null" despite providing no other content regarding him. How was I supposed to figure out that Mathblade is lying or why she figures Gath is confirmed town from "solid null" alone?

Mathblade's statements regarding lying about her reads make no sense from a town perspective. No one should be lying about reads if our goal is to collaborate to catch scum. The sudden switch is just horrendously bad. Her push on Wolf is a giant pile of shit. She's latching onto FA's "How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?" leaving out that Wolf likely simply deduced it.

When I push Mathblade for her thought processes, particularly lying about townreads, not looking town at all. Gath comes right back with an attack saying it looks "desperate". If it's "desperate" why can't Gath highlight the town motivation?

These two have been bouncing to the most popular suspect all game long. Mathblade had myself and TN as suspects at the start of the day. I'm a threat and someone she's been doubtcasting all game long. TN could be pitched as a lurker lynch. Then she's doubtcasting Wolf who I've townread most of the game.


As for Fire scum, I highly doubt Sameech is fire scum. I cannot quite eliminate him though because scum haven't tried to attack him yet. The best theory for Sameech scum makes him ice scum. He claimed "night watcher" as a method of sussing lynching the actual target for their kill (when I thought it was me).

Aye is a decent suspect for Fire Scum given his over sensitivity in the thread lately and his general appearance of not wanting to ruffle feathers. It is also consistent with the scum killed Rosie for being a Macho cop theory.

"How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?"

What was FA saying here? Was this in your neighborhood? Or was it the question I asked about her knowing of TN and myself?
I am not really sure I understand the question here. FA suspected Wolf for having too much information about neighborhoods. That got cleaned up.
We need to get fire scum today most importantly to end the possibility of two kills overnight. Here's who is not fire scum:
-I know I'm not, you can believe it or not
-Mertex is not, claims Dr.
-Sameech is not, would not have set his partner up to be lynched
-Aye is not, was in jail when fire scum shot at someone and there's only one

So who's left: TN, mathblade, Sgt_Gath, SR, House, Cafe. From this group, I do not believe it is House or Cafe. They are both coming off town and we have to narrow things down. So Sgt_Gath, TN, mathblade, SR.
If Avi was lying-it is TN or Sgt_Gath, back when I saved TN, he swore he was town thinking I had scum detection, so I'd rather go with Gath then. If Avi is telling the truth, it is likely SR or mathblade and I'd rather go with mathblade then SR. I also, had Gath in fire suspects earlier in a post and mathblade in ice. So by PoE and my strong desire to get fire, I am thinking of changing my vote to Gath. OR I am fine with sticking with mathblade because she's a strong contender for ice scum.

So, I'd like input from the other townies on who they think fire might be so we can eventually come to a consensus. I'd like to take whoever that is out but will settle for any scum if I have to. If TN is modkilled I strongly, strongly, strongly urge NL unless we are very, very sure we are lynching scum. If we are, then we might have to go ahead so we have at least some chance of killing scum without ending up in a mylo, lylo type situation.
Again Wolf I think you, TN, and SR are scum.

This is a quick post as I am having to get a lot of work done today.

I think SR would be fire. You and TN ice.
I kind of doubt TN is scum if he's trying to get out of the game and has been constantly MIA.

Both teams have been fairly active the last few days.

Vote Count 4.1

ScarletRage (3):
Mathblade, AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex
MathBlade (2): Wolfsister77, ScarletRage
tn5421 (1): House
Sameech (1): Sgt_Gath

Not Voting (3):
Sameech, CafeAuLait, tn5421

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is 9/14/14, @ 9AM central.
Seeking a replacement for tn5421.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Wolfsister77] - Blockade
Select one player with two or more votes on his or her wagon. Remove two of those votes, and the players who had cast those two votes may not vote for that player again during this Day. This ability may only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[ScarletRage] - Swapper
Select two other players who haven't used their "" abilities. The Mod will swap them. This power may only be used once, during Days 1, 2, or 3.

[MeBelle60] - Forceful Swipe
Select and force one player to activate his or her "" ability.

[Moonglow] - Tough Decision
Select five other players. Those five must cast special votes to decide which one of them will be roleblocked the following Night. They will vote by posting "Roleblock: Player's Name." Failure to come to a majority vote that Day results in all five players being roleblocked the following Night. This ability may only be activated during Days 1 or 2.

[Sameech] - Inspection
Choose one player. The Mod will secretly tell you via PM what that player's "" ability is. To activate, post "Inspect: Player's Name."

[AyeCantSeeYou] - Revengeance
If you are lynched this Day, you may then select and kill one player. You may not activate this ability after you've been lynched. This ability may only be used during Day 1 or 2.

[Avatar4321] - Negation
Select one player. He or she will not be able to use his or her "" ability until the following Day.

We need to get fire scum today most importantly to end the possibility of two kills overnight. Here's who is not fire scum:
-I know I'm not, you can believe it or not
-Mertex is not, claims Dr.
-Sameech is not, would not have set his partner up to be lynched
-Aye is not, was in jail when fire scum shot at someone and there's only one

So who's left: TN, mathblade, Sgt_Gath, SR, House, Cafe. From this group, I do not believe it is House or Cafe. They are both coming off town and we have to narrow things down. So Sgt_Gath, TN, mathblade, SR.
If Avi was lying-it is TN or Sgt_Gath, back when I saved TN, he swore he was town thinking I had scum detection, so I'd rather go with Gath then. If Avi is telling the truth, it is likely SR or mathblade and I'd rather go with mathblade then SR. I also, had Gath in fire suspects earlier in a post and mathblade in ice. So by PoE and my strong desire to get fire, I am thinking of changing my vote to Gath. OR I am fine with sticking with mathblade because she's a strong contender for ice scum.

So, I'd like input from the other townies on who they think fire might be so we can eventually come to a consensus. I'd like to take whoever that is out but will settle for any scum if I have to. If TN is modkilled I strongly, strongly, strongly urge NL unless we are very, very sure we are lynching scum. If we are, then we might have to go ahead so we have at least some chance of killing scum without ending up in a mylo, lylo type situation.

One other thing to add to this in hunting fire scum is the likelihood of fire being in North is slim since Avi was fire so that just helps me get House out of the equation. That brings it down to Gath and SR. Well, something is nagging at me that taking out FA means it is someone in West. Then that's mathblade and SR. I think mathblade is a good candidate for ice with Gath or Aye most likely. SR would likely take out FA if he was considered a threat in the neighborhood. Shaitra was in East, other ice could be there but not for certain. Best bet is trying to get fire IMO.

But for some reason, I really don't want to vote for SR. Yesterday, she came off incredibly townie. I really, really do not want to vote town this time.

Well, back to my day. I will see what others think before deciding. Keep in mind, SR already has 3 out of 6.
Vote: ScarletRage (L-2)

I've been saying she was scum since the second game day she was in, and have bored everyone to tears with my reasons.

On top of that, she was pointing her finger back at me until she believed I could be a useful sheep for her, then all of a sudden I was no longer a suspect.
Vote: ScarletRage (L-2)

I've been saying she was scum since the second game day she was in, and have bored everyone to tears with my reasons.

On top of that, she was pointing her finger back at me until she believed I could be a useful sheep for her, then all of a sudden I was no longer a suspect.
@House Are you a formal debater by any chance? Bullshit on the sheeping. I do not consider you a sheep. Nor am I considering you likely scum.

@All Really, I had an unpopular opinion Day 1 that Mertex was scum. Given the likelihood of someone else likely opposing Mertex is she was not the doctor, she likely is.

That raises the question, why is Mertex alive if town? Because she is pushing shitty lynches and is a high priority target for the other scumteam.

I said Grandma was town. I get ignored.

I say Mathblade is scum. She admits to lying to both me and FA about reads which stalls progress in the game. I highlight revving up Mertex v Grandma likely helps scum if both are town. My points get dismissed as sibling rivalry.

We all agree that Grandma's wagon was scum driven. Last twilight we agreed to look at the worst votes on the Grandma wagon. No one but me has done that.

I highlight Gath's bad vote. Cafe misses it. No one else has even commented on him beyond Mathblade who jumped from null to town...I mean she lied.

The fact that I am getting run up quickly despite being the only one seeing Grandma as town should be a neon sign I am town.
We need to get fire scum today most importantly to end the possibility of two kills overnight. Here's who is not fire scum:
-I know I'm not, you can believe it or not
-Mertex is not, claims Dr.
-Sameech is not, would not have set his partner up to be lynched
-Aye is not, was in jail when fire scum shot at someone and there's only one

So who's left: TN, mathblade, Sgt_Gath, SR, House, Cafe. From this group, I do not believe it is House or Cafe. They are both coming off town and we have to narrow things down. So Sgt_Gath, TN, mathblade, SR.
If Avi was lying-it is TN or Sgt_Gath, back when I saved TN, he swore he was town thinking I had scum detection, so I'd rather go with Gath then. If Avi is telling the truth, it is likely SR or mathblade and I'd rather go with mathblade then SR. I also, had Gath in fire suspects earlier in a post and mathblade in ice. So by PoE and my strong desire to get fire, I am thinking of changing my vote to Gath. OR I am fine with sticking with mathblade because she's a strong contender for ice scum.

So, I'd like input from the other townies on who they think fire might be so we can eventually come to a consensus. I'd like to take whoever that is out but will settle for any scum if I have to. If TN is modkilled I strongly, strongly, strongly urge NL unless we are very, very sure we are lynching scum. If we are, then we might have to go ahead so we have at least some chance of killing scum without ending up in a mylo, lylo type situation.

One other thing to add to this in hunting fire scum is the likelihood of fire being in North is slim since Avi was fire so that just helps me get House out of the equation. That brings it down to Gath and SR. Well, something is nagging at me that taking out FA means it is someone in West. Then that's mathblade and SR. I think mathblade is a good candidate for ice with Gath or Aye most likely. SR would likely take out FA if he was considered a threat in the neighborhood. Shaitra was in East, other ice could be there but not for certain. Best bet is trying to get fire IMO.

But for some reason, I really don't want to vote for SR. Yesterday, she came off incredibly townie. I really, really do not want to vote town this time.

Well, back to my day. I will see what others think before deciding. Keep in mind, SR already has 3 out of 6.

FA was NK'd.

FYI - I'm a VT. Lynch me if you wish, but town won't like it.
@House Are you a formal debater by any chance? Bullshit on the sheeping. I do not consider you a sheep. Nor am I considering you likely scum.

Formal debater? Not since high school (20+ years ago). A bit of training in critical thinking is about all I've had since. Sad that it's an elective in college. IMHO, it should be required in middle/high school.

@All Really, I had an unpopular opinion Day 1 that Mertex was scum. Given the likelihood of someone else likely opposing Mertex is she was not the doctor, she likely is.

That raises the question, why is Mertex alive if town? Because she is pushing shitty lynches and is a high priority target for the other scumteam.

Why would she be a high priority target for one scum team but not the other? Sounds like you're leaving an invitation for your competition to take her out without your opposing attack blocking them.

I said Grandma was town. I get ignored.

Something we agreed on, once I took the time to think things through and recognize my bias.

I say Mathblade is scum. She admits to lying to both me and FA about reads which stalls progress in the game. I highlight revving up Mertex v Grandma likely helps scum if both are town. My points get dismissed as sibling rivalry.

Which is what compelled me to examine the motive behind my vote. Some may have dismissed your points, but I take information on its own merits regardless of the source.

We all agree that Grandma's wagon was scum driven. Last twilight we agreed to look at the worst votes on the Grandma wagon. No one but me has done that.

VA is something I still have to learn more about. I don't want to make unfounded assumptions due to my lack of experience in the game. I almost participated in the lynching of a townie doing so (Moonglow doesn't count, I didn't care if he was town or not... he was undermining our win condition), and want to avoid making the same mistake twice.

I highlight Gath's bad vote. Cafe misses it. No one else has even commented on him beyond Mathblade who jumped from null to town...I mean she lied.

Gath is a n00b (no offense bro, I am too). Mistakes will be made. That alone does not condemn him.

The fact that I am getting run up quickly despite being the only one seeing Grandma as town should be a neon sign I am town.

People have had their suspicions on you for some time. It doesn't look to me as a quick run up so much as coming to a head.

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