Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

@CafeAuLait, I am getting frustrated because I feel like I am not being noticed despite repeating myself.

I was Grandma's sole defender and voting Gath. Yet you couldn't remember me attacking Gath.

You are talking about things now in the hood that I cannot see. These things would be helpful yesterday. How did Gath discuss Grandma? Was he pushing Mertex? Did he ask for permission to vote Grandma? Did he explain why he suddenly shifted off of Mertex? I saw no posts indicating Mertex town before his Grandma vote.

Sorry SR, not trying to ignore you. I have said before you defended Grandma and I think you are town because you tried to stop her lynch. As far as Gath, a lot of his voting has gone along with what is being spoken of. I am sorry I did not see your questions earlier. He has waffled on Mertex, just like I have and Shai. I will go back to read to see if I have missed anything.

The one thing I do have to say about Gath is he seems to be here when something important happens without discussing much unless he is addressed. He kinda pops out of nowhere like he is watching but not too talkative until a major event happens.
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.

This totally comes off as superior and almost scummy Wolf. I don't like it and I don't like you borrowing TN's "I dare you" stuff from game 4, it does not become you. It makes you come off as if you don't have the SAME responsibilities as all of us do here. YOU need to prove you are town just as much as ANY townie here.

@CafeAuLait, Wolf has proven herself to me. She sticks up for her beliefs and has a clear trajectory. I don't see any reason to scumread her. This is the same righteous indignation Grandma had.

Compare to Mathblade and Gath who have been more OMGUS and reactive.
@CafeAuLait, I am getting frustrated because I feel like I am not being noticed despite repeating myself.

I was Grandma's sole defender and voting Gath. Yet you couldn't remember me attacking Gath.

You are talking about things now in the hood that I cannot see. These things would be helpful yesterday. How did Gath discuss Grandma? Was he pushing Mertex? Did he ask for permission to vote Grandma? Did he explain why he suddenly shifted off of Mertex? I saw no posts indicating Mertex town before his Grandma vote.

Sorry SR, not trying to ignore you. I have said before you defended Grandma and I think you are town because you tried to stop her lynch. As far as Gath, a lot of his voting has gone along with what is being spoken of. I am sorry I did not see your questions earlier. He has waffled on Mertex, just like I have and Shai. I will go back to read to see if I have missed anything.

The one thing I do have to say about Gath is he seems to be here when something important happens without discussing much unless he is addressed. He kinda pops out of nowhere like he is watching but not too talkative until a major event happens.
Precisely. That allows him to take the majority position without much attention.
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.

This totally comes off as superior and almost scummy Wolf. I don't like it and I don't like you borrowing TN's "I dare you" stuff from game 4, it does not become you. It makes you come off as if you don't have the SAME responsibilities as all of us do here. YOU need to prove you are town just as much as ANY townie here.

I already have proven myself and worked my ass off for town. Nobody likes doing that and then being accused of being scum for it. I'm not trying to lead town. You can do it if you like.
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.

This totally comes off as superior and almost scummy Wolf. I don't like it and I don't like you borrowing TN's "I dare you" stuff from game 4, it does not become you. It makes you come off as if you don't have the SAME responsibilities as all of us do here. YOU need to prove you are town just as much as ANY townie here.

I already have proven myself and worked my ass off for town. Nobody likes doing that and then being accused of being scum for it. I'm not trying to lead town. You can do it if you like.

I don't think you have worked any harder than anyone else here TBH. You threw out a ton of accusation day one then became a little more quiet following days. We just don't stop working because one might feel as if they have already done enough. I never said you had to lead town. Your statement is I already proved I was town, some may or may not disagree. I am just saying we are all in this together, that's all.
@Wolfsister77 What are your thoughts on Aye and the scum killed Grandma theory?

I know I am not Wolf here, I have wondered over and over if both Aye and Grandma sharing far too much in central may have been the reason for Rosies death. Not saying Aye can't be scum, but it seems our hunt has been focused on that neighborhood only. Avatar figured it out, and told his partner. Sameech figured it out as well as figuring out Mertex was probably Doc Day 1. So thinking here. Fire could kill Mertex day 1 ( TN blocked Ice IIRC) I suppose Sam could be ICE and the shot was blocked, but there would have been no reason he could not have targeted her night 2 or 3. I still have my questions about Mertex, but given there has been no counter on Doc could mean two things. Mertex is doc or they are smart enough not to counter and keep themselves safe.
@Wolfsister77 What are your thoughts on Aye and the scum killed Grandma theory?

Well, I thought it was strange that Rosie outed herself and then Aye and Mertex brought it to Central. I was confused who knew she was a cop and who just knew she was a PR. I was pretty sure someone from South was fire scum. Rosie died by fire scum's hands. South has 4-Rosie, Aye, Mertex, Grandma. Mertex, for now, claims doc, Rosie is dead, Aye was jailed N2 when fire and ice both struck the same target and since only one fire scum is alive, she's not fire. So that's why I voted Grandma. I think fire maybe in Central at this point which is Cafe, FA-dead, Avi-dead, Grandma-dead, Aye-not fire, Sameech. So likely fire scum is in Cafe or Sameech. Well, it's not Sameech, unless he brought down his partner and screwed his wincon. So that leaves Cafe as fire scum. The problem with this theory is that it is certainly possible Avi told his partner and his partner could be from another neighborhood. Avi also said his partner was female and tried to set up sameech as ice. I think he lied about both. His partner probably is not female and isn't Sameech. So fire is likely TN or Sgt_Gath. I believe House is town. So TN or Gath are my top fire suspects.

Ice is tougher and I'm willing to believe Mathblade is ice. Her partner could be Sameech who knew Avi was fire because he shot him and found out but since he's claiming a PR, I will give him the benefit of the doubt because I don't want to lynch a PR. I'm doubting Cafe or Mertex or SR are her partner if she's ice and I don't think House is either. So who's left? Aye is the only one. So Aye and Mathblade are my top ice suspects.

Hopefully, this makes sense and if not, call me out on what doesn't.
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.

This totally comes off as superior and almost scummy Wolf. I don't like it and I don't like you borrowing TN's "I dare you" stuff from game 4, it does not become you. It makes you come off as if you don't have the SAME responsibilities as all of us do here. YOU need to prove you are town just as much as ANY townie here.

I already have proven myself and worked my ass off for town. Nobody likes doing that and then being accused of being scum for it. I'm not trying to lead town. You can do it if you like.

I don't think you have worked any harder than anyone else here TBH. You threw out a ton of accusation day one then became a little more quiet following days. We just don't stop working because one might feel as if they have already done enough. I never said you had to lead town. Your statement is I already proved I was town, some may or may not disagree. I am just saying we are all in this together, that's all.

Where did I say I worked harder than anyone else or that I stopped working? I'm getting accusations of being scummy based on knowing the neighborhoods and finding out that some were saying shit in neighborhoods and not on the main thread where I can't see it and defend myself. When I was finally asked about it by you, I explained how I knew what I knew. Then mathblade says she's suspicious of me because of my knowledge of this and says she trusts FA's suspicions of me because of this. It is beyond frustrating. I figured out the neighborhoods by being told things by some who are in Central, by things being said in the thread, by asking outright, and by people sharing this info including me sharing my hood. So yeah, it seems to me, scum have to fabriate reads on townies and this is just a bunch of BS.
@House Do you have any mafia experience? If so, where?

@Gath, Out of fairness, same question.

@MathBlade, It is not hypocritical. My lies did nothing to hurt town at all. They also draw scum over to me to mislynch me as ice cannot kill me and fire would like me as a lynch shield.

No one can trust your reads. How many "lies" are you telling? Are you going to claim "lie" whenever your read is crap?

Town should only lie when the risk to town is low.

First off, if you're going to tag me, at least take the time to do it properly. I can't be notified if you don't get my screen name right.

As to your question, no. I do not have prior Mafia experience. This is my first game.

I'm catching on to the interpersonal side of things quickly enough. However, I'm still not completely familiar with the rules, or some of the specifics behind the game play.

I'm crossing those bridges as I come to them. lol
Sorry SR, not trying to ignore you. I have said before you defended Grandma and I think you are town because you tried to stop her lynch. As far as Gath, a lot of his voting has gone along with what is being spoken of. I am sorry I did not see your questions earlier. He has waffled on Mertex, just like I have and Shai. I will go back to read to see if I have missed anything.

The one thing I do have to say about Gath is he seems to be here when something important happens without discussing much unless he is addressed. He kinda pops out of nowhere like he is watching but not too talkative until a major event happens.

I will admit to lurking a bit. However, that's just because I want to make sure that I actually have something of value to contribute before chiming in.

A lot of the belligerent finger pointing back and forth between various posters can have a tendency to all blur together, unfortunately. Frankly, I'm not even really sure if I actually have a "read" or "opinion" to offer on most of it.

It just comes off as white noise a lot of the time. lol
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.

This totally comes off as superior and almost scummy Wolf. I don't like it and I don't like you borrowing TN's "I dare you" stuff from game 4, it does not become you. It makes you come off as if you don't have the SAME responsibilities as all of us do here. YOU need to prove you are town just as much as ANY townie here.

I already have proven myself and worked my ass off for town. Nobody likes doing that and then being accused of being scum for it. I'm not trying to lead town. You can do it if you like.

I don't think you have worked any harder than anyone else here TBH. You threw out a ton of accusation day one then became a little more quiet following days. We just don't stop working because one might feel as if they have already done enough. I never said you had to lead town. Your statement is I already proved I was town, some may or may not disagree. I am just saying we are all in this together, that's all.

Where did I say I worked harder than anyone else or that I stopped working? I'm getting accusations of being scummy based on knowing the neighborhoods and finding out that some were saying shit in neighborhoods and not on the main thread where I can't see it and defend myself. When I was finally asked about it by you, I explained how I knew what I knew. Then mathblade says she's suspicious of me because of my knowledge of this and says she trusts FA's suspicions of me because of this. It is beyond frustrating. I figured out the neighborhoods by being told things by some who are in Central, by things being said in the thread, by asking outright, and by people sharing this info including me sharing my hood. So yeah, it seems to me, scum have to fabriate reads on townies and this is just a bunch of BS.

I must have missed where you were being accused of being scummy based on knowledge of neighborhoods. Over a week ago, Central and east had a complete list of neighborhoods complied by Grandma- and she was correct, each list was complete and perfect- she did a great job. I only asked you how you knew I was in a hood with TN since it had not been shared here and I noted the post when re-reading while looking for clues. You answered and I moved on.

You of all people should know how scum operate since you have been scum before, I never have been and I don't recall all of your techniques but if someone is doing something scummy point it out. Stating you are frustrated this is happening almost rings to me as if you are saying you should not expect it. That is all I was saying. I feel you accused me of being scum based a tiny issue of my saying a role is town or scum which Wiki Mafia says. Sameech has been harping on this in Central as a reason he thinks I am scum. Because of that and my saying " Wake sent a second PM role to scum". Sameech says this makes me scum since Wake did not say that but Wake said he sent a 'safeclaim" to me that is a second PM role. I don't see the issue.

Since you and Sam seemed to be harping on these tiny issues it was silly IMO. FYI he just mentioned the same the other night again. So this made me think the two of you may be working together. I still feel Sam may be scum. Avatar could have been lying through his teeth, but the issue I have is we have PR who are staying alive and it is confusing to me, unless scum is using this to confuse us. BUT for them to allow Sam and Mertex to stay alive, it is also or should be a hindrance to scum, but it does not seem to be at all. Just my two cents.
This is not a reads list per se but a list of things which stick out in my mind .

, Claims PR, ignored by scum. Maybe Grandma was right, they will leave her alone to keep causing issue for town. Accused grandma of being scum until she was lynched

Mathblade, Was Mebelle who I had read as scum. Has been accused of lying by SR and keeps accusing SR of lying.

Sgt_Gath, lurkish, but I was as well my first game. Gave at least one set of jailors keys to townie

Wolfsister77, null. saved TN from lynch with ability

CafeAuLait, town

tn5421, totally different meta day 1, aggressive in saving Mertex, does not care if she is lynched now. since Day 1 meta same as last games but claims he had no clue about his hood.

claims PR of being immune to hits from Ice mafia, still alive, has been accused of lying by Math. Seems to be actively scum hunting

Sameech, accused by Avatar of being scum, claims PR, scum leave alive, outed only scum we have hit

AyeCantSeeYou, Outed Rosies PR to Central which she knew to possibly have scum, asked others to out their PRs. Activated worthless ability and stated ability was one shot vig but had other requirements to activate

House plays the game well, seems a little more experienced than a newbie, stayed with Mertex accusing Grandma of being scum but pulled vote on Grandma stating he did not want personal differences to make his vote ( town to me)
Mathblade has been scummy the entire time. The play with Mertex v Grandma was very helpful for scum if y'all believe Mertex is town. I'm leaning that way because Macho but I'm still having my doubts due to day 1 play and no one being healed. That being said, Mertex's presence my be why scum are avoiding the PRs. That fight was a boon for scum. They egg the Mertex v. Grandma fight on. Whichever one is lynched hardly matters to the scumteam, provided they are both town.

Then we turn to my gambit with the one-shot iceproof but really being full. I knew that gambit would get me at least one scum. If Mertex is the doctor and I was going after her, her suspicion of me makes sense a little bit for newish town. That leaves House and Mathblade there. House and I had our dustups, mostly regarding Grandma being town. He hasn't done anything scummy though.

Then we get to Gath's vote on Grandma. That vote was utterly horrendous and Grandma was speedlynched after I changed my vote to Gath in response. I intended to spend most of the night discussing that horrible vote by Gath to see how accurate my read was. FA seems intent to push Wolf for logical deductions though and I could only get Gath is "a solid null" from Mathblade. Given the complaints about the Grandma wagon going to fast, I expected more discussion regarding whose votes sucked in the hood.

Today, I open with the same concern, who voted Grandma for shitty reasons, thus indicating scum. Mathblade is quick to say Gath is confirmed town. This makes me do a double take given her stance last night was "solid null". How does she get to confirmed town from that? How does anyone get confirmed town on Gath given that shitty vote he made on Grandma?

Mathblade claims that she's always felt Gath is town. (Where is the Gath town from Mathblade?) She claims she lied in the hood about Gath being a "solid null" despite providing no other content regarding him. How was I supposed to figure out that Mathblade is lying or why she figures Gath is confirmed town from "solid null" alone?

Mathblade's statements regarding lying about her reads make no sense from a town perspective. No one should be lying about reads if our goal is to collaborate to catch scum. The sudden switch is just horrendously bad. Her push on Wolf is a giant pile of shit. She's latching onto FA's "How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?" leaving out that Wolf likely simply deduced it.

When I push Mathblade for her thought processes, particularly lying about townreads, not looking town at all. Gath comes right back with an attack saying it looks "desperate". If it's "desperate" why can't Gath highlight the town motivation?

These two have been bouncing to the most popular suspect all game long. Mathblade had myself and TN as suspects at the start of the day. I'm a threat and someone she's been doubtcasting all game long. TN could be pitched as a lurker lynch. Then she's doubtcasting Wolf who I've townread most of the game.


As for Fire scum, I highly doubt Sameech is fire scum. I cannot quite eliminate him though because scum haven't tried to attack him yet. The best theory for Sameech scum makes him ice scum. He claimed "night watcher" as a method of sussing lynching the actual target for their kill (when I thought it was me).

Aye is a decent suspect for Fire Scum given his over sensitivity in the thread lately and his general appearance of not wanting to ruffle feathers. It is also consistent with the scum killed Rosie for being a Macho cop theory.

"How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?"

What was FA saying here? Was this in your neighborhood? Or was it the question I asked about her knowing of TN and myself?
Oh and I really hate this forum, its like I go back two pages and or posts are not appearing for me and I miss them. If I miss a question for you please feel free to @ me. I won't mind. I am not sure if it is my ipad or what, but I have just seen posts I had not prior.

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