Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Mathblade's statements regarding lying about her reads make no sense from a town perspective. No one should be lying about reads if our goal is to collaborate to catch scum. The sudden switch is just horrendously bad. Her push on Wolf is a giant pile of shit. She's latching onto FA's "How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?" leaving out that Wolf likely simply deduced it.

When I push Mathblade for her thought processes, particularly lying about townreads, not looking town at all. Gath comes right back with an attack saying it looks "desperate". If it's "desperate" why can't Gath highlight the town motivation?

These two have been bouncing to the most popular suspect all game long. Mathblade had myself and TN as suspects at the start of the day. I'm a threat and someone she's been doubtcasting all game long. TN could be pitched as a lurker lynch. Then she's doubtcasting Wolf who I've townread most of the game.


As for Fire scum, I highly doubt Sameech is fire scum. I cannot quite eliminate him though because scum haven't tried to attack him yet. The best theory for Sameech scum makes him ice scum. He claimed "night watcher" as a method of sussing lynching the actual target for their kill (when I thought it was me).

Aye is a decent suspect for Fire Scum given his over sensitivity in the thread lately and his general appearance of not wanting to ruffle feathers. It is also consistent with the scum killed Rosie for being a Macho cop theory.
The fact Gath gave the keys to a townie in Shaitra townfirms him. Scum would have kept the keys or pretended not to have them.

No. Scum giving the keys to their buddy automatically confirms them if either flip. Gath couldn't really pretend not to have the keys given the setup we have where everyone has a green dot ability.

...Of course nothing townfirms the mislynch you want. :(
I do trust FA.

Between my suspicion of Wolf the entire game which is in my hood and the Wolf reasons mentioned earlier they are on my radar.

Mathblade's statements regarding lying about her reads make no sense from a town perspective. No one should be lying about reads if our goal is to collaborate to catch scum. The sudden switch is just horrendously bad. Her push on Wolf is a giant pile of shit. She's latching onto FA's "How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?" leaving out that Wolf likely simply deduced it.

Then she's doubtcasting Wolf who I've townread most of the game.

OK, Mathblade is even more suspicious. Lying about your reads is nonsense. Then not being willing to question me about FA's suspicions of me but instead say they are in the neighborhood is withholding information and making it impossible for me to defend myself. Obviously she is not paying the least bit of attention to the fact that Cafe questioned me about how I knew her and TN were neighbors just recently in the thread, where I said Sameech told me in post 206 in the QT and House confirmed it. So her continuing to doubt me over that means she is looking for an excuse to cast me as scum which is something scum will do to fabricate a read on a townie. I also explained how I figured out who was in what neighborhood and how they were north, south, east, and west. I asked sgt_gath outright and he told me which one he was in. Otherwise, I figured it out and kept track based not only on what was said in the thread but also said what was said by my neighbors, some of whom are in Central.
Another thing about Mathblade is she seems set on causing conflict with townies based on the excuse of pressuring people. I wonder how much she's thought about the fact that most townies don't really give a shit if someone thinks they are scum. They are not going to waste a bunch of time trying to look town. That's scum's job. A townie will do everything in their power to get and share info. Which is what I have been doing the whole time and getting slapped for it for sharing about the neighborhoods. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.
She also mentions House as a suspect in her last posts in my hood.

Did she say why? o_O

Post 764, Central - I say you are coming off as town, have been helping, and seem to think things through.

That doesn't sound like I've called House a suspect, or am I missing something?

I was speaking about Shaitra suspecting House not you. I was going back into my neighborhood to see what her reads were and relaying them here so we could work those suspected by those we lost last night.

It may be helpful for those in FA's neighborhood to do the same I know he suspected Sameech in Central.
I do trust FA.

Between my suspicion of Wolf the entire game which is in my hood and the Wolf reasons mentioned earlier they are on my radar.

Mathblade's statements regarding lying about her reads make no sense from a town perspective. No one should be lying about reads if our goal is to collaborate to catch scum. The sudden switch is just horrendously bad. Her push on Wolf is a giant pile of shit. She's latching onto FA's "How did Wolf know about the neighborhoods?" leaving out that Wolf likely simply deduced it.

Then she's doubtcasting Wolf who I've townread most of the game.

OK, Mathblade is even more suspicious. Lying about your reads is nonsense. Then not being willing to question me about FA's suspicions of me but instead say they are in the neighborhood is withholding information and making it impossible for me to defend myself. Obviously she is not paying the least bit of attention to the fact that Cafe questioned me about how I knew her and TN were neighbors just recently in the thread, where I said Sameech told me in post 206 in the QT and House confirmed it. So her continuing to doubt me over that means she is looking for an excuse to cast me as scum which is something scum will do to fabricate a read on a townie. I also explained how I figured out who was in what neighborhood and how they were north, south, east, and west. I asked sgt_gath outright and he told me which one he was in. Otherwise, I figured it out and kept track based not only on what was said in the thread but also said what was said by my neighbors, some of whom are in Central.
Lying about my reads to suspected scum is smart. She was trying to get support for a Gath mislynch. If I said town she would try to counter that here. It just comes from knowing SR really well.

@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.
The fact Gath gave the keys to a townie in Shaitra townfirms him. Scum would have kept the keys or pretended not to have them.

Nothing town confirms anyone. Abilities were given out randomly. I'm not sure Gath is scum but if he was, he'd look as town as he could by giving the jailer's keys to another townie. It would be downright stupid of them to give them to scum or hold them because we've been pretty much asking in this thread over and over what people are doing with their abilities.
Another thing about Mathblade is she seems set on causing conflict with townies based on the excuse of pressuring people. I wonder how much she's thought about the fact that most townies don't really give a shit if someone thinks they are scum. They are not going to waste a bunch of time trying to look town. That's scum's job. A townie will do everything in their power to get and share info. Which is what I have been doing the whole time and getting slapped for it for sharing about the neighborhoods. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Looking town is also a townie's job if you want to have influence. I am set on finding scum. Conflict can help to do that. I want people to take me seriously in what I say so I reserve certain actions (e.g lynch leading) until I can take the responsibility for them.
She also mentions House as a suspect in her last posts in my hood.

Did she say why? o_O

Yes, as has been discussed in both of my neighborhoods, you are playing as if you know the game too well to be new. This has been said in both of my hoods by several people. The same has been said of Gath as well, but you seem to be the focus of this more than Gath.
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.
@MathBlade No. That is wrong. Lying to scum cannot also be done without lying to town. You have lied to a "townread" for little to no reason in the hood. You are just trying to justify your reads shifting on your buddy.
I'm just a little irritated right now. I have voted for and pressured people a lot in other games as town. This one, all you have to do is ask Moonglow, Mertex, TN, and House even if I've pressured anyone this game. I want to get scum lynched this time. When someone is calling me scum, they are wasting town's time. It's ridiculous. My scum game sucks and needs work. If I was scum, I would of been caught by now. Let's move on to catching scum. Changing votes is not alignment indicative. It is the reason for those changes that is.

Everyone gets looked at Wolf, your stating you are irritated because people questions your play style for 'pressuring' people comes off as insincere to me. You know this is what we have to do to find scum. You are by no mean off the table because you insist its ridiculous to look at you and this 'is not your scum game' and we are "wasting time". Everyone should be looked at, we are getting to a critical point here, if we lose two more townies tonight and mislynch we are going to be pretty bad off IMO.
She also mentions House as a suspect in her last posts in my hood.

Did she say why? o_O

Yes, as has been discussed in both of my neighborhoods, you are playing as if you know the game too well to be new. This has been said in both of my hoods by several people. The same has been said of Gath as well, but you seem to be the focus of this more than Gath.
I have been coaching the lot of you since I started playing. All of you should sound less new but for Gath.
Thought we should be looking at Aye due to inconsistencies with her abilities and when she activated it.

What inconsistencies with the ability I had?

Shai said you misrepresented what your ability was and your timing of using your ability was questionable to her, given you were in no danger of being lynched she can't figure why you activated it and expected any info from activating the ability.
@Wolfsister77 the thread was going quickly. I will review that post later. And if I give you everything that I see scummy you will change your play to try to "look townie". I am waiting for townie tells without you having to be told what those are.

If you want townie tells from me, you are going to have to go find them yourself. It isn't my job to show you how town I am. Especially if you are scum. Figure it out for yourself. I'm not wasting time proving myself to you or anyone here. If you lynch me, another townie is gone, one that's been going out of her way to get and share info. with town. That may just be your goal. Eliminate a townie.

It is absolutely everyone's job to convince town they are town if they are. People scumhunt.

What you are doing is saying "I act scummy but don't lynch me just take my word for it." That is not the way mafia works.

@Scarlet Rage You've been doing a weird job of it. You run a gambit where you intentionally lie to town repeatedly and then I lie intentionally to perceived scum and it is now lynchable. You are acting very hypocritical.
She also mentions House as a suspect in her last posts in my hood.

Did she say why? o_O

Yes, as has been discussed in both of my neighborhoods, you are playing as if you know the game too well to be new. This has been said in both of my hoods by several people. The same has been said of Gath as well, but you seem to be the focus of this more than Gath.
I have been coaching the lot of you since I started playing. All of you should sound less new but for Gath.

You have not coached House before, he claims this is his first game. It just does not come off as his first game, the same with Gath.

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