Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Really Gath's posts say more than mine? I said Grandma was town, mislynch while ignoring me. Gath has said popular opinion entirely. Point where once Gath has an unpopular opinion. He miraculously changes onto what is popular.


Isn't that what you did a few minutes ago by changing your vote off Gath and moving it to Mathblade?

Gath is trying to find scum by asking questions and putting some of his opinions out here for all to see. You are trying to throw confusion out (and early on in the game) by harping on the 'ice proof' townie claim.

I didn't vote for Grandma simply because I believed she was town. I also believe Mertex is town and refuse to vote for her. Same with Math.

No. I always scumread Math ever since the D1 gambit.

Gath was voting Mertex then suddenly changed to Grandma. He never got the answer towho Mertex healed N1 either.
I'm just a little irritated right now. I have voted for and pressured people a lot in other games as town. This one, all you have to do is ask Moonglow, Mertex, TN, and House even if I've pressured anyone this game. I want to get scum lynched this time. When someone is calling me scum, they are wasting town's time. It's ridiculous. My scum game sucks and needs work. If I was scum, I would of been caught by now. Let's move on to catching scum. Changing votes is not alignment indicative. It is the reason for those changes that is.
Exactly. Gath's sucked.

Mathblade's lie in the hood scumfirms her as well.
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Again -- misrep -- As I explained earlier and in the neighborhood my read was not null. You just revealed who you wanted to IMO mislynch and I didn't want to reveal to likely scum what I thought.

I will one v one you right here right now. Gath you said Null in neighborhood 190. 193 Gath is a townfirm. You can mislynch me but then it leads to the fast lynch of you and your buddy.
OMG explained and answered. I lied to you. Gath was not and never was a null read. See prior posts. I don't know what 1v1 means but I am not giving cards to scum when I don't have to.

And why did you lie to me about your read and say null? Why did you lie and not say Gath was a confirmed town to you? Why was your response to lie to me when I am trying sort Gath? Your reads lie hurts town.

This is spinning scum.
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Again -- misrep -- As I explained earlier and in the neighborhood my read was not null. You just revealed who you wanted to IMO mislynch and I didn't want to reveal to likely scum what I thought.

I will one v one you right here right now. Gath you said Null in neighborhood 190. 193 Gath is a townfirm. You can mislynch me but then it leads to the fast lynch of you and your buddy.
OMG explained and answered. I lied to you. Gath was not and never was a null read. See prior posts. I don't know what 1v1 means but I am not giving cards to scum when I don't have to.

And why did you lie to me about your read and say null? Why did you lie and not say Gath was a confirmed town to you? Why was your response to lie to me when I am trying sort Gath? Your reads lie hurts town.

This is spinning scum.
No this is flailing scum mad I didn't share my reads.

@Wolf: only WIFOM defense? Really? Scum get better as time goes on. Plus you may have a better partner advising you. Not buying you would have been caught. And I trust my dead townie neighbor.
Mathblade, why would town lie about reads? The idea is to communicate reach consensus and vote scum. I pull teeth to get reads from you in the hood.

You say null in hood. Then you say conftown here. I say what changed since last night?

You say you said he was town in hood. I say I want either you or me lynched because that is a lie.

Then you say he was town all along.That is not a town thought process.

@CaféAuLait @Shaitra @Wolfsister77 @AyeCantSeeYou @sameech
I'm not sure if you think you're making some kid of point here of not, but you're just coming off as being belligerent, obnoxious, and vaguely desperate.

Just an "FYI"...
I'm not sure if you think you're making some kid of point here of not, but you're just coming off as being belligerent, obnoxious, and vaguely desperate.

Just an "FYI"...
No. You come off as desperate because you have no method of saying that is a town thought process.

All you can do is say desperate.

Mathblade is obvious scum.
I'm not sure if you think you're making some kid of point here of not, but you're just coming off as being belligerent, obnoxious, and vaguely desperate.

Just an "FYI"...
No. You come off as desperate because you have no method of saying that is a town thought process.

All you can do is say desperate.

Mathblade is obvious scum.

Translation: "NOT ME! YOOOUUU!!!!"

Not exactly helping your case here...
@Wolf: only WIFOM defense? Really? Scum get better as time goes on. Plus you may have a better partner advising you. Not buying you would have been caught. And I trust my dead townie neighbor.

I would use wolfsister77 to tag me because there's anther user id with wolf.

You can take the word of some dead neighbor that never said anything here about thinking I'm scum if you want. You can assume I have a scum partner helping me. You an assume whatever you want.

I don't give a shit because I know I am not scum. I don't care if you think I am because you are acting scummy as hell by going after an obvious townie on shit reasons. I'm not going argue whether or not I'm town or scum with you. It is a waste of town's time.

The more you harp on me, the more suspicious you are.
Mathblade, why would town lie about reads? The idea is to communicate reach consensus and vote scum. I pull teeth to get reads from you in the hood.

You say null in hood. Then you say conftown here. I say what changed since last night?

You say you said he was town in hood. I say I want either you or me lynched because that is a lie.

Then you say he was town all along.That is not a town thought process.

@CaféAuLait @Shaitra @Wolfsister77 @AyeCantSeeYou @sameech

You do not pull teeth. Our neighborhood was dead at times. Again nothing changed. I lied about the null read because I wanted you to point out your scumminess to the group without knowing which way I was leaning. Check hood I explained why I said null in there and it was to avoid you having information.
@Wolf: only WIFOM defense? Really? Scum get better as time goes on. Plus you may have a better partner advising you. Not buying you would have been caught. And I trust my dead townie neighbor.

I would use wolfsister77 to tag me because there's anther user id with wolf.

You can take the word of some dead neighbor that never said anything here about thinking I'm scum if you want. You can assume I have a scum partner helping me. You an assume whatever you want.

I don't give a shit because I know I am not scum. I don't care if you think I am because you are acting scummy as hell by going after an obvious townie on shit reasons. I'm not going argue whether or not I'm town or scum with you. It is a waste of town's time.

The more you harp on me, the more suspicious you are.

1) thank you. @Wolfsister77 for the tagging advice.

2) If you do scummy things I think you are scum. If you do townie things I think you are town. Pure and simple.

3) A veiled threat of being suspicious for Scumhunting in a logical manner doesn't scare me and reveals OMGUS. So without doing something townie my suspicion stays.
@Wolf: only WIFOM defense? Really? Scum get better as time goes on. Plus you may have a better partner advising you. Not buying you would have been caught. And I trust my dead townie neighbor.

I would use wolfsister77 to tag me because there's anther user id with wolf.

You can take the word of some dead neighbor that never said anything here about thinking I'm scum if you want. You can assume I have a scum partner helping me. You an assume whatever you want.

I don't give a shit because I know I am not scum. I don't care if you think I am because you are acting scummy as hell by going after an obvious townie on shit reasons. I'm not going argue whether or not I'm town or scum with you. It is a waste of town's time.

The more you harp on me, the more suspicious you are.

1) thank you. @Wolfsister77 for the tagging advice.

2) If you do scummy things I think you are scum. If you do townie things I think you are town. Pure and simple.

3) A veiled threat of being suspicious for Scumhunting in a logical manner doesn't scare me and reveals OMGUS. So without doing something townie my suspicion stays.

Oh please, if you think I haven't been doing townie things this game, then you are just not paying attention. So my suspicion stays on you also.
And why did you lie to me about your read and say null? Why did you lie and not say Gath was a confirmed town to you? Why was your response to lie to me when I am trying sort Gath? Your reads lie hurts town.

This is spinning scum.

I haven't lied to you. I never said anyone is confirmed anything. I'm not a PR and have no way of finding out who is or isn't town or scum. At the beginning of the game, I was suspicious of Gath, enough to ask others in Central about his behavior in his neighborhood. For now, I have him as being confused town.

As far as my reads being a lie, call them whatever you want. I really don't care. I put mine out so others would know what I was thinking at that time. Someone putting a reads list out on Day 1 doesn't mean it'll be the same come Day 4 or any other day in the game.
And why did you lie to me about your read and say null? Why did you lie and not say Gath was a confirmed town to you? Why was your response to lie to me when I am trying sort Gath? Your reads lie hurts town.

This is spinning scum.

I haven't lied to you. I never said anyone is confirmed anything. I'm not a PR and have no way of finding out who is or isn't town or scum. At the beginning of the game, I was suspicious of Gath, enough to ask others in Central about his behavior in his neighborhood. For now, I have him as being confused town.

As far as my reads being a lie, call them whatever you want. I really don't care. I put mine out so others would know what I was thinking at that time. Someone putting a reads list out on Day 1 doesn't mean it'll be the same come Day 4 or any other day in the game.
I was meaning to draw your attention to Mathblade's lies. I never meant to say you lied.
Mathblade, why would town lie about reads? The idea is to communicate reach consensus and vote scum. I pull teeth to get reads from you in the hood.

You say null in hood. Then you say conftown here. I say what changed since last night?

You say you said he was town in hood. I say I want either you or me lynched because that is a lie.

Conveniently, there is no third party to call out the liar, empowering a clever scum to set up a townie with nobody to call them out on it.

Considering your belligerence, do you really want to call for a "me or her" choice right now?
Mathblade, why would town lie about reads? The idea is to communicate reach consensus and vote scum. I pull teeth to get reads from you in the hood.

You say null in hood. Then you say conftown here. I say what changed since last night?

You say you said he was town in hood. I say I want either you or me lynched because that is a lie.

Conveniently, there is no third party to call out the liar, empowering a clever scum to set up a townie with nobody to call them out on it.

Considering your belligerence, do you really want to call for a "me or her" choice right now?
Yes because I am telling the truth and I am 90%sure Mathblade and Gath are the icescum.
Mathblade, why would town lie about reads? The idea is to communicate reach consensus and vote scum. I pull teeth to get reads from you in the hood.

You say null in hood. Then you say conftown here. I say what changed since last night?

You say you said he was town in hood. I say I want either you or me lynched because that is a lie.

Conveniently, there is no third party to call out the liar, empowering a clever scum to set up a townie with nobody to call them out on it.

Considering your belligerence, do you really want to call for a "me or her" choice right now?
Yes because I am telling the truth and I am 90%sure Mathblade and Gath are the icescum.

Interesting, who's your read on fire scum?
beligerance is not necessarily a scum tell, Rosie's town game is a perfect example of it

I mainly jumped on mathblade for going after a townie on a continual basis with faulty reasoning. Scum will do that.

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