Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)


Why did you lie about your ability? Why did you use it to draw attention away from Mertex?

I didn't lie about my ability, nor did I activate it to draw attention away from anyone. Ya'll need to go back and see that it had to be used Day 1 or Day 2. Mertex was at L-1 when I activated it. It was then or never. Me activating mine was no different from anyone else activating theirs. Wake explained to me in a PM that I should consider the ability to be a one-shot vig when I asked for clarification on it.

Will you please find out if tn5421 intends to play this game or not? If he doesn't, please replace him.
If anyone used the jailer's keys they were given, they need to speak up and let us know who they were used on.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?
Vote: Sgt Gath

I feel like I just spoke into a cavern of nothingness. Gath's votes were terrible.

I am inclined to believe Aye now, at least for the time being. His ability was real so why are people calling it a gambit?

@MathBlade @Wolfsister77 So I deliberately killed FA, my big fire suspect, as fire scum why? So I would have to explain the concept of wifom and get nothing out of it? That would also leave my hood as myself and Mathblade. There is literally ZERO good that comes out of FA's death from my spot.
Vote: Sgt Gath

I feel like I just spoke into a cavern of nothingness. Gath's votes were terrible.

I am inclined to believe Aye now, at least for the time being. His ability was real so why are people calling it a gambit?

@MathBlade @Wolfsister77 So I deliberately killed FA, my big fire suspect, as fire scum why? So I would have to explain the concept of wifom and get nothing out of it? That would also leave my hood as myself and Mathblade. There is literally ZERO good that comes out of FA's death from my spot.

You get a lot out of it which I explained.
More misrep here. *sigh* Your defense of I wouldn't do it is untrustworthy. You are doing things you never do this game.
Vote: Sgt Gath

I feel like I just spoke into a cavern of nothingness. Gath's votes were terrible.

I am inclined to believe Aye now, at least for the time being. His ability was real so why are people calling it a gambit?

@MathBlade @Wolfsister77 So I deliberately killed FA, my big fire suspect, as fire scum why? So I would have to explain the concept of wifom and get nothing out of it? That would also leave my hood as myself and Mathblade. There is literally ZERO good that comes out of FA's death from my spot.

Sgt Gath's votes were bad but I do believe they were more newbie votes, being unsure than scum votes but I am open minded about this. My votes suck also. I've been in on every single lynch and am not to happy with myself about being so damn wrong all the time. Except Avi and that was Sameech's doing.

Killing FA makes perfect sense if you are ice scum and he was your biggest fire scum suspect. If you wanted to weaken the neighborhood, he makes more sense than killing mathblade because she has been quite open about calling you scum in the open thread and her death would point the finger straight at you.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?

Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, CafeAuLait, tn5421, ScarletRage, Sameech, AyeCantSeeYou, House

It is really tough for me right now because I've thought everyone in this group has been town at one point or another. I thought Avi was town-he wasn't. Just scum whispering in my ear in the neighborhood. I thought Grandma was scum-she wasn't. I was less sure about Moonglow-more of a PL there. I thought Mertex was scum-she's not unless she's being incredibly clever. I keep going back and forth on Sameech. Do I believe Avi who said he was ice-not likely. Do I believe Sam is a Night Watchman like he claims? I was ready to PL tn not even knowing if he's scum or not-but one less townie hurts us a lot. Aye I've mostly thought was town but she's the only one left in South who knew Rosie was a cop except Mertex. Still, Rosie's killer really could be anywhere and narrowing it down to South was the wrong move. I believe House is town, Cafe could be scum but isn't playing much different than her town game so I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure mathblade is town-she's playing like a townie.

So, in other words, I'm clueless and it is really, really important that we lynch scum this time if we want a town win.

I can tell you straight out, if you lynch me, it's another VT down.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?

Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, CafeAuLait, tn5421, ScarletRage, Sameech, AyeCantSeeYou, House

It is really tough for me right now because I've thought everyone in this group has been town at one point or another. I thought Avi was town-he wasn't. Just scum whispering in my ear in the neighborhood. I thought Grandma was scum-she wasn't. I was less sure about Moonglow-more of a PL there. I thought Mertex was scum-she's not unless she's being incredibly clever. I keep going back and forth on Sameech. Do I believe Avi who said he was ice-not likely. Do I believe Sam is a Night Watchman like he claims? I was ready to PL tn not even knowing if he's scum or not-but one less townie hurts us a lot. Aye I've mostly thought was town but she's the only one left in South who knew Rosie was a cop except Mertex. Still, Rosie's killer really could be anywhere and narrowing it down to South was the wrong move. I believe House is town, Cafe could be scum but isn't playing much different than her town game so I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure mathblade is town-she's playing like a townie.

So, in other words, I'm clueless and it is really, really important that we lynch scum this time if we want a town win.

I can tell you straight out, if you lynch me, it's another VT down.

Then PoE on your list dictates:
TN is scum.
SR is scum.
One of your reads of townies has to be wrong.

Why was TN off your list? Are you scum with them and SR and the three of you have to be split up between fire and ice?

My vote is on SR because she is the most likely to me. But I want to see you push people. So you made mistakes. It happens. You are alive so keep hunting scum.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?

Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, CafeAuLait, tn5421, ScarletRage, Sameech, AyeCantSeeYou, House

It is really tough for me right now because I've thought everyone in this group has been town at one point or another. I thought Avi was town-he wasn't. Just scum whispering in my ear in the neighborhood. I thought Grandma was scum-she wasn't. I was less sure about Moonglow-more of a PL there. I thought Mertex was scum-she's not unless she's being incredibly clever. I keep going back and forth on Sameech. Do I believe Avi who said he was ice-not likely. Do I believe Sam is a Night Watchman like he claims? I was ready to PL tn not even knowing if he's scum or not-but one less townie hurts us a lot. Aye I've mostly thought was town but she's the only one left in South who knew Rosie was a cop except Mertex. Still, Rosie's killer really could be anywhere and narrowing it down to South was the wrong move. I believe House is town, Cafe could be scum but isn't playing much different than her town game so I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure mathblade is town-she's playing like a townie.

So, in other words, I'm clueless and it is really, really important that we lynch scum this time if we want a town win.

I can tell you straight out, if you lynch me, it's another VT down.

Then PoE on your list dictates:
TN is scum.
SR is scum.
One of your reads of townies has to be wrong.

Why was TN off your list? Are you scum with them and SR and the three of you have to be split up between fire and ice?

My vote is on SR because she is the most likely to me. But I want to see you push people. So you made mistakes. It happens. You are alive so keep hunting scum.

I pushed people every time. I was rarely in no vote status. That doesn't say much because I have rarely ever been in no vote status in any of these games, even as scum.

Rather than figure out who the 3 are right now, I'm just going to go with my top suspect. I am having problems voting SR when I was defending her as town up until now. Same for TN. I am really missing something. That's why I have to look at ISO's and VCA which is kind of time consuming and it's beautiful here today. But maybe later.

I'm not sure why this is coming off as scummy but my scum game sucks. I lurk like crazy. This game has been anything but that.
Gambits involve lying to the group in order to achieve a specific objective. I lied and claimed one shot iceproof to achieve an objective of drawing more iceshots. That is a gambit. It failed because scum ran me up.

Given the PR balance it would be highly suspect if scum had zero abilities. Macho cop does point towards Mertex being real.

Sammech getting a result on a firescum the only night ice failed to kill is suspect. However, if they wanted to set up Sammech that would mean scum figured I am unlynchable. I really do not see that as the case given the novice skill level of the group.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?

Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, CafeAuLait, tn5421, ScarletRage, Sameech, AyeCantSeeYou, House

It is really tough for me right now because I've thought everyone in this group has been town at one point or another. I thought Avi was town-he wasn't. Just scum whispering in my ear in the neighborhood. I thought Grandma was scum-she wasn't. I was less sure about Moonglow-more of a PL there. I thought Mertex was scum-she's not unless she's being incredibly clever. I keep going back and forth on Sameech. Do I believe Avi who said he was ice-not likely. Do I believe Sam is a Night Watchman like he claims? I was ready to PL tn not even knowing if he's scum or not-but one less townie hurts us a lot. Aye I've mostly thought was town but she's the only one left in South who knew Rosie was a cop except Mertex. Still, Rosie's killer really could be anywhere and narrowing it down to South was the wrong move. I believe House is town, Cafe could be scum but isn't playing much different than her town game so I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure mathblade is town-she's playing like a townie.

So, in other words, I'm clueless and it is really, really important that we lynch scum this time if we want a town win.

I can tell you straight out, if you lynch me, it's another VT down.

Then PoE on your list dictates:
TN is scum.
SR is scum.
One of your reads of townies has to be wrong.

Why was TN off your list? Are you scum with them and SR and the three of you have to be split up between fire and ice?

My vote is on SR because she is the most likely to me. But I want to see you push people. So you made mistakes. It happens. You are alive so keep hunting scum.

I pushed people every time. I was rarely in no vote status. That doesn't say much because I have rarely ever been in no vote status in any of these games, even as scum.

Rather than figure out who the 3 are right now, I'm just going to go with my top suspect. I am having problems voting SR when I was defending her as town up until now. Same for TN. I am really missing something. That's why I have to look at ISO's and VCA which is kind of time consuming and it's beautiful here today. But maybe later.

I'm not sure why this is coming off as scummy but my scum game sucks. I lurk like crazy. This game has been anything but that.
Vote Gath with me. Look at timings. I am pushing Mertex, Mathblade lets me live bc Grandma is designated mislynch. I push Gath dead, no designated ML all of a sudden scum SR theories aee back.

All Mathblade had to say is Gath is null.

We said the train on Grandma was bad. I highlighted the worst vote yesterday and cannot get discussion on it at all.
Vote: Sgt Gath

I feel like I just spoke into a cavern of nothingness. Gath's votes were terrible.

I am inclined to believe Aye now, at least for the time being. His ability was real so why are people calling it a gambit?

@MathBlade @Wolfsister77 So I deliberately killed FA, my big fire suspect, as fire scum why? So I would have to explain the concept of wifom and get nothing out of it? That would also leave my hood as myself and Mathblade. There is literally ZERO good that comes out of FA's death from my spot.

You get a lot out of it which I explained.
More misrep here. *sigh* Your defense of I wouldn't do it is untrustworthy. You are doing things you never do this game.

Gambiting is something I rarely do. Unless someone suddenly claims icevig, town shouldn't care.

There is not misrep. When someone says vague misrep, make them back it up.

Again no Gath discussion.
Vote: Sgt Gath

I feel like I just spoke into a cavern of nothingness. Gath's votes were terrible.

I am inclined to believe Aye now, at least for the time being. His ability was real so why are people calling it a gambit?

@MathBlade @Wolfsister77 So I deliberately killed FA, my big fire suspect, as fire scum why? So I would have to explain the concept of wifom and get nothing out of it? That would also leave my hood as myself and Mathblade. There is literally ZERO good that comes out of FA's death from my spot.

Sgt Gath's votes were bad but I do believe they were more newbie votes, being unsure than scum votes but I am open minded about this. My votes suck also. I've been in on every single lynch and am not to happy with myself about being so damn wrong all the time. Except Avi and that was Sameech's doing.

Killing FA makes perfect sense if you are ice scum and he was your biggest fire scum suspect. If you wanted to weaken the neighborhood, he makes more sense than killing mathblade because she has been quite open about calling you scum in the open thread and her death would point the finger straight at you.

Newbtown don't change their side on Grandma/Mertex in 10 posts.

Wrong. If I was icescum (which is not true) killing the firescum suspect is terrible. Remember scum cannot kill each other in this setup.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?

Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, CafeAuLait, tn5421, ScarletRage, Sameech, AyeCantSeeYou, House

It is really tough for me right now because I've thought everyone in this group has been town at one point or another. I thought Avi was town-he wasn't. Just scum whispering in my ear in the neighborhood. I thought Grandma was scum-she wasn't. I was less sure about Moonglow-more of a PL there. I thought Mertex was scum-she's not unless she's being incredibly clever. I keep going back and forth on Sameech. Do I believe Avi who said he was ice-not likely. Do I believe Sam is a Night Watchman like he claims? I was ready to PL tn not even knowing if he's scum or not-but one less townie hurts us a lot. Aye I've mostly thought was town but she's the only one left in South who knew Rosie was a cop except Mertex. Still, Rosie's killer really could be anywhere and narrowing it down to South was the wrong move. I believe House is town, Cafe could be scum but isn't playing much different than her town game so I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure mathblade is town-she's playing like a townie.

So, in other words, I'm clueless and it is really, really important that we lynch scum this time if we want a town win.

I can tell you straight out, if you lynch me, it's another VT down.

Then PoE on your list dictates:
TN is scum.
SR is scum.
One of your reads of townies has to be wrong.

Why was TN off your list? Are you scum with them and SR and the three of you have to be split up between fire and ice?

My vote is on SR because she is the most likely to me. But I want to see you push people. So you made mistakes. It happens. You are alive so keep hunting scum.

I pushed people every time. I was rarely in no vote status. That doesn't say much because I have rarely ever been in no vote status in any of these games, even as scum.

Rather than figure out who the 3 are right now, I'm just going to go with my top suspect. I am having problems voting SR when I was defending her as town up until now. Same for TN. I am really missing something. That's why I have to look at ISO's and VCA which is kind of time consuming and it's beautiful here today. But maybe later.

I'm not sure why this is coming off as scummy but my scum game sucks. I lurk like crazy. This game has been anything but that.
It comes off as scummy for a couple of reasons:

1) I have not seen any prior games of yours. Therefore I look for what I consider scum tells.

Scum tell one -- Apathy towards the end of the game. Most scum start with a "flash" but as the number of mislynches to win gets smaller they retreat. This is what IMO you are doing.

2) Having information that is hard to explain how you have it. (see prior posts for what)

3) Abandoning the neighborhood fire scum theory when it seems no longer "convenient" for lynches. This could be intentional misdirecting and is something I am considering.

4) In the neighborhood you have been consistently on my radar. Some of this doesn't sit right with your play.
I'm leaning towards SR at this point. I'm going to hold my vote until I'm as sure as I can be that I'm voting for scum. The FA killing is suspect for sure. VCA and ISO when I have time.
Statements like that are really scummy. The VCA and ISO coming later is understandable because RL comes first. However your opinion on who is scum and who isn't scum worries me. Especially with "leaning scum on SR". IMO you should have at least one person you are confident enough in to at least pressure.

Who are your top two/three scum reads Wolf?

Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, CafeAuLait, tn5421, ScarletRage, Sameech, AyeCantSeeYou, House

It is really tough for me right now because I've thought everyone in this group has been town at one point or another. I thought Avi was town-he wasn't. Just scum whispering in my ear in the neighborhood. I thought Grandma was scum-she wasn't. I was less sure about Moonglow-more of a PL there. I thought Mertex was scum-she's not unless she's being incredibly clever. I keep going back and forth on Sameech. Do I believe Avi who said he was ice-not likely. Do I believe Sam is a Night Watchman like he claims? I was ready to PL tn not even knowing if he's scum or not-but one less townie hurts us a lot. Aye I've mostly thought was town but she's the only one left in South who knew Rosie was a cop except Mertex. Still, Rosie's killer really could be anywhere and narrowing it down to South was the wrong move. I believe House is town, Cafe could be scum but isn't playing much different than her town game so I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure mathblade is town-she's playing like a townie.

So, in other words, I'm clueless and it is really, really important that we lynch scum this time if we want a town win.

I can tell you straight out, if you lynch me, it's another VT down.

Then PoE on your list dictates:
TN is scum.
SR is scum.
One of your reads of townies has to be wrong.

Why was TN off your list? Are you scum with them and SR and the three of you have to be split up between fire and ice?

My vote is on SR because she is the most likely to me. But I want to see you push people. So you made mistakes. It happens. You are alive so keep hunting scum.

I pushed people every time. I was rarely in no vote status. That doesn't say much because I have rarely ever been in no vote status in any of these games, even as scum.

Rather than figure out who the 3 are right now, I'm just going to go with my top suspect. I am having problems voting SR when I was defending her as town up until now. Same for TN. I am really missing something. That's why I have to look at ISO's and VCA which is kind of time consuming and it's beautiful here today. But maybe later.

I'm not sure why this is coming off as scummy but my scum game sucks. I lurk like crazy. This game has been anything but that.
Vote Gath with me. Look at timings. I am pushing Mertex, Mathblade lets me live bc Grandma is designated mislynch. I push Gath dead, no designated ML all of a sudden scum SR theories aee back.

All Mathblade had to say is Gath is null.

We said the train on Grandma was bad. I highlighted the worst vote yesterday and cannot get discussion on it at all.

1) Lots of misrep. SR is scum theories never "went away". They just weren't listened to so I had to move on.

2) I wasn't going to say I think someone is a townfirm to scum in the neighborhood. I was waiting until this thread opened so scum has to be forced to more than likely lynch themselves.

Forum List
