Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Not going to talk about Gath because I think it is stupid to talk about people I think are town. Focus should be on scum.
[Vote]Sgt. Gath[/vote]

Vote: Sgt Gath

Vote: Sgt. Gath

I'm pretty sure we all got it the first time. There's no reason to have a conniption fit over it.

In any case, I explained my reasons for voting for Grandma when I made the vote. Mertex's argument that, if she were not the Doc, someone would have counter-claimed, made sense. Her claim that she chose not to use her meat shield ability because she was using her doctor ability instead was also plausible.

Given the fact that Grannie was just as high on my scum list as Mertex to begin with, and Mertex had provided workable answers to my questions, it seemed logical to shift pressure onto her instead. It's hardly my fault that she subsequently threw a temper tantrum over it and basically asked to be lynched before she did something stupid to get herself modkilled.

Frankly, I fail to see how my votes are any worse than most of the rest of the people here anyway. Pretty much the whole town thought Grannie was scummy, and after she blew up on everyone, there really wasn't much of a choice but to lynch her.
Not going to talk about Gath because I think it is stupid to talk about people I think are town. Focus should be on scum.

What about Gath made you think he's town ? You had him as solid null with no reasoning last night.

Sounds like you don't want Gath discussed because you are scumbuddies.

Your treatment of Wolf is off as well. You treated them as town until they did not sheep you.
[Vote]Sgt. Gath[/vote]

Vote: Sgt Gath

Vote: Sgt. Gath

I'm pretty sure we all got it the first time. There's no reason to have a conniption fit over it.

In any case, I explained my reasons for voting for Grandma when I made the vote. Mertex's argument that, if she were not the Doc, someone would have counter-claimed, made sense. Her claim that she chose not to use her meat shield ability because she was using her doctor ability instead was also plausible.

Given the fact that Grannie was just as high on my scum list as Mertex to begin with, and Mertex had provided workable answers to my questions, it seemed logical to shift pressure onto her instead. It's hardly my fault that she subsequently threw a temper tantrum over it and basically asked to be lynched before she did something stupid to get herself modkilled.

Frankly, I fail to see how my votes are any worse than most of the rest of the people here anyway. Pretty much the whole town thought Grannie was scummy, and after she blew up on everyone, there really wasn't much of a choice but to lynch her.

I am not challenging the belief that Mertex is doctor. I am challenging how quick you turned from your vote on Mertex to Grandma. All of that was available when you voted Mertex. You changed to Grandma when that wagon took off because you suddenly believed Mertex's claim despite zero stuff between your votes.

As for the second vote, I do not think it stands out enough given only you and Mathblade are reacting.
Not going to talk about Gath because I think it is stupid to talk about people I think are town. Focus should be on scum.

I'll respond to your other post about me when I have more time, but who are your top scum suspects?

SR, me, is that about it?

SR, you, and TN yes. Those are my scumspects.

This is such complete and utter bullshit. The more townie I come off, the more you want to peg me as scum. You've been after me since you joined the game. Clearly you want another mislynch. Mine.

Vote: mathblade
I am not challenging the belief that Mertex is doctor. I am challenging how quick you turned from your vote on Mertex to Grandma. All of that was available when you voted Mertex. You changed to Grandma when that wagon took off because you suddenly believed Mertex's claim despite zero stuff between your votes.

If you don't like my voting habits, that's on you. I have already more than explained my reasoning.

I placed a vote on Mertex contingent on her providing some meaningful answers to my questions. She did as I asked, and so I removed my vote in favor of another scum worthy candidate.

As for the second vote, I do not think it stands out enough given only you and Mathblade are reacting.

It's 1 PM on a Sunday, and the thread's been open for less than 24 hours. Chill.

Besides, you didn't even tag me. How did you expect me to see that you had voted for me?
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Not going to talk about Gath because I think it is stupid to talk about people I think are town. Focus should be on scum.

I'll respond to your other post about me when I have more time, but who are your top scum suspects?

SR, me, is that about it?

SR, you, and TN yes. Those are my scumspects.

This is such complete and utter bullshit. The more townie I come off, the more you want to peg me as scum. You've been after me since you joined the game. Clearly you want another mislynch. Mine.

Vote: mathblade

This is just OMGUS here for me putting pressure on you. For Mertex I said town and I voted Avi scum. I was on Grandma for the sanity of the game. I have had suspicions about you. That does not mean I am out to "mislynch" you.
Secondly my vote is on SR. I just want you to pressure people and figure out where your mistake is. If anyone lynches me I will use my bah post to put together the scum teams. I am clearly town trying to solve the game and advising newer players such as yourself. People need to put their opinions out there.
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.
VOTE: ScarletRage

I've been suspicious of SR ever since her claim of being ice proof. She wanted someone else to come out and claim being fire proof, which seemed way off to me. If town, why would she want another townie to make such a claim that early in the game? It seems to me the only way she can be ice proof is if she's scum. Scum can't kill each other, so her wanting someone to claim fire proof could have been a ploy to get someone from the other scum team to say something. Bold move, but a big fail in theory.

Trying to start a wagon on Gath is another indicator. Scum needs town to lynch scum, since they can't NK each other. However, I do not believe Gath is scum at this time. His posts say more than SR's do.
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Again -- misrep -- As I explained earlier and in the neighborhood my read was not null. You just revealed who you wanted to IMO mislynch and I didn't want to reveal to likely scum what I thought.
Really Gath's posts say more than mine? I said Grandma was town, mislynch while ignoring me. Gath has said popular opinion entirely. Point where once Gath has an unpopular opinion. He micraculously changes onto what is popular.

Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Sooo... You just switched your vote on a whim?

Isn't that what you claimed I did?
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Again -- misrep -- As I explained earlier and in the neighborhood my read was not null. You just revealed who you wanted to IMO mislynch and I didn't want to reveal to likely scum what I thought.

I will one v one you right here right now. Gath you said Null in neighborhood 190. 193 Gath is a townfirm. You can mislynch me but then it leads to the fast lynch of you and your buddy.
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Sooo... You just switched your vote on a whim?

Isn't that what you claimed I did?

Nope. My stances did not change. Your stance on Mertex and Grandma did a fast 180.
Really Gath's posts say more than mine? I said Grandma was town, mislynch while ignoring me. Gath has said popular opinion entirely. Point where once Gath has an unpopular opinion. He miraculously changes onto what is popular.


Isn't that what you did a few minutes ago by changing your vote off Gath and moving it to Mathblade?

Gath is trying to find scum by asking questions and putting some of his opinions out here for all to see. You are trying to throw confusion out (and early on in the game) by harping on the 'ice proof' townie claim.

I didn't vote for Grandma simply because I believed she was town. I also believe Mertex is town and refuse to vote for her. Same with Math.
Vote: Mathblade

Wolf, I would rather Gath swing today but I am fine with Mathblade. Gath is more obvious but Mathblade's behavior (sudden null to town read on gath) seems to defend scumbuddy.

Again -- misrep -- As I explained earlier and in the neighborhood my read was not null. You just revealed who you wanted to IMO mislynch and I didn't want to reveal to likely scum what I thought.

I will one v one you right here right now. Gath you said Null in neighborhood 190. 193 Gath is a townfirm. You can mislynch me but then it leads to the fast lynch of you and your buddy.
OMG explained and answered. I lied to you. Gath was not and never was a null read. See prior posts. I don't know what 1v1 means but I am not giving cards to scum when I don't have to.
I'm just a little irritated right now. I have voted for and pressured people a lot in other games as town. This one, all you have to do is ask Moonglow, Mertex, TN, and House even if I've pressured anyone this game. I want to get scum lynched this time. When someone is calling me scum, they are wasting town's time. It's ridiculous. My scum game sucks and needs work. If I was scum, I would of been caught by now. Let's move on to catching scum. Changing votes is not alignment indicative. It is the reason for those changes that is.

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