Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Please no one put anyone at L-1 until we area all certain we got scum. I am not yet. Scum can finish this off quick if it's town. If anyone votes for SR before we are ready to hammer-and she ends up lynched and is town, you are going to be lynched next. Seriously, this quick lynching is killing town-literally. She could be scum but let's work together to make sure we are not lynching town. This PoE I've been using sucks because it got me to vote for Grandma.

Grandma's votes:

Grandma (7): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
Sgt_Gath (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (5):
Sameech,Grandma, Shaitra,AyeCantSeeYou, House

Current votes:

ScarletRage (3): Mathblade,AyeCantSeeYou, Mertex
MathBlade (2): Wolfsister77, ScarletRage
tn5421 (1): House
Sameech (1): Sgt_Gath

Not Voting (3):
Sameech, CafeAuLait, tn5421

Gee, Look who is on the Grandma wagon and ready to lynch SR. Could it be ice scum mathblade? Why yes, yes it could. SR could be town or fire scum at this point.

Anyone have anything else to add?


Both teams would want to kill Mertex. That is a factor given scum wouldn't want to kill the other guy. I think that got garbled.

I don't disagree with Gath being new. However, new does not mean town. New scum tend to want to be everyone's friend. Gath has strictly kept out of the fray, planted seeds, and held popular opinions. That is new scum playbook.

Let's suppose I am wrong though (I am not but for argument's sake). Look at the Grandma wagon. We have Mertex, doctor.

Take out Cafe and Wolf, who are both likely town.

That leaves Gath Mathblade and tn54321. Tn54321is an easy "policy" mislynch to go for.

We excluded Gath bc of your noob theory, for argument sake.

That leaves Mathblade.
T S O replaces tn5421 effective immediately.

Please give him a warm welcome, everyone.
Aye, who do you think had the scummiest vote on the Grandma wagon?

Grandma (7): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
Sgt_Gath (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (5):
Sameech,Grandma, Shaitra,AyeCantSeeYou, House

TN flew in long enough to hammer without showing any effort to read and catch up before doing so.

Mertex - town doc - was voting for Grandma the previous day

FA - townie NK'd

Wolf - appeared to be fed up with the arguing between mertex and grandma

Cafe, Math, and Gath - I will look for their reasons when I get home from work later.

I hope y'all don't expect me to read 187 pages. I certainly don't expect me to read 187 pages.

Does this board have an ISO-type feature?


I do NOT want a quick lynch. We can't afford to lose a townie due to stupid reasons. If scum were smart, they'd see that as well, since they must rely on us to lynch the other scum team.

I hope y'all don't expect me to read 187 pages. I certainly don't expect me to read 187 pages.

Does this board have an ISO-type feature?

Up top, go to Search Forums. Put in the name, pick a time frame, and then select the Mafia thread.
again, thanks.

are the activated abilities any way alignment-indicative? it seems pretty gamebreaking if they are, but it's worth asking.

whoever has the blockade/force ability is probably scum if they are. just a quick glance.
again, thanks.

are the activated abilities any way alignment-indicative? it seems pretty gamebreaking if they are, but it's worth asking.

whoever has the blockade/force ability is probably scum if they are. just a quick glance.

Welcome-The abilities were given out randomly regardless of alignment.

Enjoy the game!!
also is the op flips updated? it seems hard to believe you've got one lynch in ~200 pages.
again, thanks.

are the activated abilities any way alignment-indicative? it seems pretty gamebreaking if they are, but it's worth asking.

whoever has the blockade/force ability is probably scum if they are. just a quick glance.

Welcome-The abilities were given out randomly regardless of alignment.

Enjoy the game!!

Wake, this is confirmed, yeah?

also haaay to person above me!
again, thanks.

are the activated abilities any way alignment-indicative? it seems pretty gamebreaking if they are, but it's worth asking.

whoever has the blockade/force ability is probably scum if they are. just a quick glance.

No, the abilities were not alignment indicative.
I have experience of playing with ScarletRage here, and that's about it, so unfortunately meta seems out of the window. eh.
TSO, is this the same TSO from mafiascum?

If so, I am Titus. Mathblade is my sister. The rest of the players are newbies Wake has asked me to help learn. This game, I figured given the n1 lack of ice flip, I would teach gambiting.

Totally got lost.

Moonglow d1 vt
Rosie burned n1 macho doc
ice killed fire scum, me or whoever Mertex healed
Avatar d2 fire goon (caught by night watchman Sameech)
N2 no kill because both fire and ice target same person
D3 Grandma vt speed lynched
N3 shaitra frozen, fa fire kill
D4 scum try to mislynch me

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