Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

When did this claim from ScarletRage come?

Did it come, say, a day after there was a kill missing?

If it did, I know where my vote's going.

I can't remember but first she claimed one-shot ice proof and said it was gone and then changed to ice proof townie-it was a gambit and I'll admit I don't get it. Hey, 3rd game here, still learning. Wake does test things out on us here before he used them at mafiascum so who knows?
So, we're at 12-2-2. We've probably got medium power, I guess.

@Wake: Neighbourhoods were pre-determined, yeah?

Wake claims neighborhoods are randomly assigned. North-myself, Sameech-Night Watchman, Avatar-dead fire scum, House
South-Rosie-dead cop, Mertex-doc, AyeCan'tSeeYou, Grandma-dead VT
West-SR, FA_Q2-dead VT, mathblade
East-you, Cafe, Sgt_Gath, Shaitra-dead VT
Central-created with ability-Cafe, AyeCan'tSeeYou, Grandma-dead, Avatar-dead, FA_Q2-dead, Sameech
I immediately self-voted Day 2. I did this to draw attention to myself and try to figure out who shot me. House Mathblade and Mertex bit.Mertex is likely doctor (although if anyone had cced at this point I probably would have believed them bc Mertex's votes). House was not part of the bad Grandma wagon. He also has not done anything scummy but vote me.

That leaves Mathblade.
Does anyone know what happened Day 4?

No, but given Wake said we would not know and Idea came to me. He said on this thread he may rethink the scum teams being able to kill one another. This seems like a HUGE disadvantage to us as town given they could not prior. I am wondering if he changed that rule and they can NK one another now and no one knows it yet. I assume they will find out tonight if they happened to target their rivals. This was jut a thought that came to me, I may be way off, but it seems to make some sense to me. We discussed other ideas in Central which seemed way out there but this one that just came to me may be what happened.
Vote: ScarletRage (L-2)

I've been saying she was scum since the second game day she was in, and have bored everyone to tears with my reasons.

On top of that, she was pointing her finger back at me until she believed I could be a useful sheep for her, then all of a sudden I was no longer a suspect.

I don't think she is scum. I know Math is all over her for trying her gambit about the VIG shot, etc, but everything I read of SR reads the way she has always read on this forum.
Well, I am still ice immune. If the scumteams can kill each other, maybe Mathblade and Gath will die tonight because they are pretty obviously scum. Gath moreso but Mathblade is the larger wagon.
@House Are you a formal debater by any chance? Bullshit on the sheeping. I do not consider you a sheep. Nor am I considering you likely scum.

@All Really, I had an unpopular opinion Day 1 that Mertex was scum. Given the likelihood of someone else likely opposing Mertex is she was not the doctor, she likely is.

That raises the question, why is Mertex alive if town? Because she is pushing shitty lynches and is a high priority target for the other scumteam.

I said Grandma was town. I get ignored.

I say Mathblade is scum. She admits to lying to both me and FA about reads which stalls progress in the game. I highlight revving up Mertex v Grandma likely helps scum if both are town. My points get dismissed as sibling rivalry.

We all agree that Grandma's wagon was scum driven. Last twilight we agreed to look at the worst votes on the Grandma wagon. No one but me has done that.

I highlight Gath's bad vote. Cafe misses it. No one else has even commented on him beyond Mathblade who jumped from null to town...I mean she lied.

The fact that I am getting run up quickly despite being the only one seeing Grandma as town should be a neon sign I am town.

I might agree with some of the votes, but given she was melting down and demanding to be lynched and then stating she was going to find a way to be modkilled and then asked that we lynch her several times in Central I feel as if her wagon is going to be a bit off to read.
Not if you have seen that reaction before Cafe. Literally none of you were giving her a chance.

If all factions want to lynch a player then there is a) damning evidence or b) they are town. No one had damning evidence.

I am the exact opposite of Grandma. I have the stomach to stay in until the end.

AyeCantSeeYou, Outed Rosies PR to Central which she knew to possibly have scum, asked others to out their PRs. Activated worthless ability and stated ability was one shot vig but had other requirements to activate

I did not out Rosie's Role to Central. I did not ask anyone to out their PR roles. Go re-read the QT. Saying this over and over is getting really old.

Also, since when was I required to tell anyone what the specific requirements of my ability were? I KNEW better than to tell the specifics of it. For you to think I was wrong in not telling Central the ins & outs of it is wrong in itself.

I never said I wanted you to tell Central what your ability did, ever. I am unsure why you say that. I just said you made it sound like you had the ability to be a one shot VIG. Sam was all over you to use it to kill Avatar, everyone was confused on how your ability worked.
Well, I am still ice immune. If the scumteams can kill each other, maybe Mathblade and Gath will die tonight because they are pretty obviously scum. Gath moreso but Mathblade is the larger wagon.

Taking another break.

@tso! SR claimed Day 2 if memory serves. It was the day after the night phase where Rosie died and no one died an ice death.

@SR -- About the quoted post -- Ice can't kill fire and fire can't kill ice. 1) it is in the rules. 2) you used this logic in your claiming and prior arguments. So you know scum can't kill each other and are Scumhunting. 3) wtf?
Not if you have seen that reaction before Cafe. Literally none of you were giving her a chance.

If all factions want to lynch a player then there is a) damning evidence or b) they are town. No one had damning evidence.

I am the exact opposite of Grandma. I have the stomach to stay in until the end.

I've never seen that reaction before SR. I was not even on Grandma vote, then I found something that read as strange given Mertex's insistence Grandma was a Liar since Day 1. I asked her about it and she melted down- after that it reminded me of her scum play game 4. She was cussing up a storm and demanding to be lynched in our Central neighborhood and if we did not she would find a way to get mod killed and calling us a horrible name ( same thing she did as scum in game 4) I then voted for her after she said "Fuck Town" on the GT and once against asked that we vote for her in Central. She said she was done with the game and wanted out then. If you had read it, you would see what I mean.
Not if you have seen that reaction before Cafe. Literally none of you were giving her a chance.

If all factions want to lynch a player then there is a) damning evidence or b) they are town. No one had damning evidence.

I am the exact opposite of Grandma. I have the stomach to stay in until the end.

I've never seen that reaction before SR. I was not even on Grandma vote, then I found something that read as strange given Mertex's insistence Grandma was a Liar since Day 1. I asked her about it and she melted down- after that it reminded me of her scum play game 4. She was cussing up a storm and demanding to be lynched in our Central neighborhood and if we did not she would find a way to get mod killed and calling us a horrible name ( same thing she did as scum in game 4) I then voted for her after she said "Fuck Town" on the GT and once against asked that we vote for her in Central. She said she was done with the game and wanted out then. If you had read it, you would see what I mean.
The dangerous thing with meta is using it for the wrong reasons.

You have to ask yourself why.

Why would Grandma, as scum, use the same strategy that just got her lynched? Why was no one but me resisting her wagon?

If Grandma was scum, mirroring the same "you are going to regret this" type stance posted by every other player would be more beneficial.

So I ask again Cafe. Who is the scum on Grandma's wagon?
Not if you have seen that reaction before Cafe. Literally none of you were giving her a chance.

If all factions want to lynch a player then there is a) damning evidence or b) they are town. No one had damning evidence.

I am the exact opposite of Grandma. I have the stomach to stay in until the end.

I've never seen that reaction before SR. I was not even on Grandma vote, then I found something that read as strange given Mertex's insistence Grandma was a Liar since Day 1. I asked her about it and she melted down- after that it reminded me of her scum play game 4. She was cussing up a storm and demanding to be lynched in our Central neighborhood and if we did not she would find a way to get mod killed and calling us a horrible name ( same thing she did as scum in game 4) I then voted for her after she said "Fuck Town" on the GT and once against asked that we vote for her in Central. She said she was done with the game and wanted out then. If you had read it, you would see what I mean.
The dangerous thing with meta is using it for the wrong reasons.

You have to ask yourself why.

Why would Grandma, as scum, use the same strategy that just got her lynched? Why was no one but me resisting her wagon?

If Grandma was scum, mirroring the same "you are going to regret this" type stance posted by every other player would be more beneficial.

So I ask again Cafe. Who is the scum on Grandma's wagon?

I don't know what you mean "use the same strategy that got her lynched", she used the forceful, in your face, "stab you in the eye with a chrome bumper" "fuck you" as scum in Game 4 and won as scum. Why not use it again, if it worked the first time?

As far as her wagon.

I felt TNs actions do not match the way he played before, he came into save Mertex- which is uncharacteristic for him. However, he said he was tired of the drama and wanted to lynch Mertex too after the whole Grandma vote. I think I told you about Gath already, he seems to follow, he asks questions. I recall him asking in East, if we should hammer grandma or not. I honestly believed if he was scum he would have given the jail keys to scum. I know he gave one set at least to a townie. I just can't call Gath scum as of now.

Grandma (7): Mertex, Mathblade, Sgt_Gath, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, CafeAuLait, tn5421
Sgt_Gath (1): ScarletRage

Not Voting (5):
Sameech,Grandma, Shaitra,AyeCantSeeYou, House

I believed Mebelle to be scum prior to Math subbing in, So I would have to go with Math. As far as who is not on her wagon, I was leaning House as scum but given he removed his vote from both Grandma wagon and Yours just now, I am changing my mind on him. So my biggest picks are Aye, TN and Math.

Sameech was on my list too because of what Avatar said after he was lynched and the fact he knew about what Aye and grandma were saying in Central. His meta is off but he has a lot of Real life stuff going on right now as well and if he is the PR he claims I can see him lying low. However, I am shocked not a single claimed PR has been killed by scum yet.
Again Wolf I think you, TN, and SR are scum.

This is a quick post as I am having to get a lot of work done today.

I think SR would be fire. You and TN ice.

I don't think tn is Mafia because he was the first one to pick up that I had a PR and then shielded me from Ice.
It can't be coincidence that on that same night Fire was able to kill Rosie, but Ice did not have a NK? I believe Ice aimed for me, and were met with a shield. Avatar, having been discovered to be Fire knew that Rosie was important due to Grandma and Aye's comments in Central to protect her. Ice were aware that I had a PR and probably targeted me that night and failed.

Avatar's scum partner does not need to be in Central, but the only others in Central that knew Rosie had an important PR are Cafe, and Sameech. Avatar said his partner killed Rosie, but we don't have to believe Avatar, he was Scum, after all. He could have been the one that killed her. The rest of Central were FA (Town), Grandma (Town), and Avatar (Mafia). Aye was cleared by Shaitra (jailed) the night that Fire and Ice cancelled each other, so it couldn't be Aye.

I think Avatar and SR are Fire.
Sameech was on my list too because of what Avatar said after he was lynched and the fact he knew about what Aye and grandma were saying in Central. His meta is off but he has a lot of Real life stuff going on right now as well and if he is the PR he claims I can see him lying low. However, I am shocked not a single claimed PR has been killed by scum yet.

Why are you shocked? They cancel each other if they both aim for the same person. Right now I'm the only PR that has claimed. We know they both cancelled each other once ( probably both aimed for me). That is not hard to figure out.

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