Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

He says it right here on the game thread.

"Rosies night one visitors".

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors.

VisitorS with an S.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 136 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think that is just a typo. Sameech isn't one of the best typists around here.

Sam said as watchman he could see who visited Rosie. Was Avatar a tracker, maybe? Sam is saying "Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA". What does he mean by that statement?

I might agree if it just were the S, however he said he knew where FA was night on. I quoted Wakes posts where he ( our mod) said:

A. Vanilla townies can't be tracked and FA was a vanilla townie.
B. the jailer keys were a day action.

So Sam could not have seen or knew where FA was. Sam made the claim here on the GT and in his QT chat as verified by Wolf and House.

I'd like to know the post # because I went through all 10 pages of Sam's posts and didn't find any one post where he mentioned FA. I could have missed it, but I sure didn't find one.

You have already quoted it Mertex. "Sosition of FA post, you quoted.. Then of course we have Wolf and House making the same claims here on this thread. They both state Sam said he knew where FA was night one and was town because of it.
The post number is in my vote for Sam.. Then of course Mertex already quoted that same post and house and wolf state the same from their neighborhood QT.
The only way that SR can be ice immune is if she is Avi's partner.... which then, she wouldn't be lying. Or, she could be the Ice Queen.....which also would make her ice immune.

If she was fire scum, she'd be ice immune. It would explain her survival. And if there is no fireproof townie, there's no iceproof townie. I also doubt such a powerful role exists. If it did it would be a one shot deal.

And the reason for our other two claimed PRs surviving the last couple days Wolf? I'll tell you another reason I think she may be telling the truth, she made that claim without any reason, she was not up for lynch, unless I forgot but she came in with guns a blazing to draw Scum to save town- unless she is some great actress, If I am wrong, time will tell, but for now I am willing to believe.

What you are doing IMO is setting up SR and another townie, if he/she claims he is fireproof to die tonight, especially if we don't get fire or ice, in our lynch and if we don't hit fire then we lose those two possible PRs and town is really screwed because the doc will be next and it's game over the way I count. I could be off being new but that is my count.

Right, Cafe. SR claims to be Ice immune and Fire hasn't even made an attempt at her? If she is Ice immune, and Ice believes her, Ice wouldn't make an attempt at her, and would sure make it easy for Fire to target her and get her. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.
Your protectiveness of SR and your refusal to help town narrow down scum is duly noted Cafe.


I'm not understanding your sudden irritation when this will give us a huge clue if SR is scum or not. Seriously, why is this a problem for you? You are the only one who hasn't claimed. There is no point in not. I'd rather you told me then just assume you are VT. I want to be sure of SR. Don't you?

Maybe she's afraid of being found out. I've had suspicions for a while now.

Really? Funny I voiced my suspicious of you on Central and also relayed Shai' as well, but you never said as much to me, or you did not think to bother? Or have I missed it?
Some things are better left unsaid for the time being. Why you have suspected me over the ability I was given, I don't know. But, to each his own. Just because someone openly says they believe I'm suspicious doesn't mean I must jump into the BS and start something. Not every player is going to fall for it; I am one that despises the drama.
The only way that SR can be ice immune is if she is Avi's partner.... which then, she wouldn't be lying. Or, she could be the Ice Queen.....which also would make her ice immune.

If she was fire scum, she'd be ice immune. It would explain her survival. And if there is no fireproof townie, there's no iceproof townie. I also doubt such a powerful role exists. If it did it would be a one shot deal.

And the reason for our other two claimed PRs surviving the last couple days Wolf? I'll tell you another reason I think she may be telling the truth, she made that claim without any reason, she was not up for lynch, unless I forgot but she came in with guns a blazing to draw Scum to save town- unless she is some great actress, If I am wrong, time will tell, but for now I am willing to believe.

What you are doing IMO is setting up SR and another townie, if he/she claims he is fireproof to die tonight, especially if we don't get fire or ice, in our lynch and if we don't hit fire then we lose those two possible PRs and town is really screwed because the doc will be next and it's game over the way I count. I could be off being new but that is my count.

Right, Cafe. SR claims to be Ice immune and Fire hasn't even made an attempt at her? If she is Ice immune, and Ice believes her, Ice wouldn't make an attempt at her, and would sure make it easy for Fire to target her and get her. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.

And how do you know if you or Sam have been targeted? Strange that you both are alive too eh? I've said before I think scum are keeping you all alive to have us doubt ALl, until that is last night when I have questioned Sam.

But you miss my point above, SR claim ice immunity right, or fire? Another claims fire or ice. Tonight scum will have a clear shot at both if he/she claims, because they won't have to worry about missing , they will take their respective opposites. I think those claiming VT need to keep their mouth shut for now. That's my two cents.
Some things are better left unsaid for the time being. Why you have suspected me over the ability I was given, I don't know. But, to each his own. Just because someone openly says they believe I'm suspicious doesn't mean I must jump into the BS and start something. Not every player is going to fall for it; I am one that despises the drama.

I did not suspect you over you ability, that is minimizing it and neither did Shai. It was timing. But this is the game, we are all paranoid and suspecting one another.
He says it right here on the game thread.

"Rosies night one visitors".

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors.

VisitorS with an S.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 136 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think that is just a typo. Sameech isn't one of the best typists around here.

Sam said as watchman he could see who visited Rosie. Was Avatar a tracker, maybe? Sam is saying "Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA". What does he mean by that statement?

I might agree if it just were the S, however he said he knew where FA was night on. I quoted Wakes posts where he ( our mod) said:

A. Vanilla townies can't be tracked and FA was a vanilla townie.
B. the jailer keys were a day action.

So Sam could not have seen or knew where FA was. Sam made the claim here on the GT and in his QT chat as verified by Wolf and House.

I'd like to know the post # because I went through all 10 pages of Sam's posts and didn't find any one post where he mentioned FA. I could have missed it, but I sure didn't find one.

You have already quoted it Mertex. "Sosition of FA post, you quoted.. Then of course we have Wolf and House making the same claims here on this thread. They both state Sam said he knew where FA was night one and was town because of it.

That's it? What does "sostion of tracking FA" do you get that Sam said FA was Town from that.
I've looked up sos and cannot find anything on it, sorry, but I've never heard that term used, don't know what he is talking about.
I honestly feel the best thing to do regarding Sameech, is let him talk. If necessary, I can bring up all the posts where this was discussed last night. He did claim Night Watchman in the hood and said FA was town N1 and he did say here in thread he knew Avi killed Rosie. He can't do both in one night and he can't see FA if FA is VT.
He says it right here on the game thread.

"Rosies night one visitors".

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors.

VisitorS with an S.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 136 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think that is just a typo. Sameech isn't one of the best typists around here.

Sam said as watchman he could see who visited Rosie. Was Avatar a tracker, maybe? Sam is saying "Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA". What does he mean by that statement?

I might agree if it just were the S, however he said he knew where FA was night on. I quoted Wakes posts where he ( our mod) said:

A. Vanilla townies can't be tracked and FA was a vanilla townie.
B. the jailer keys were a day action.

So Sam could not have seen or knew where FA was. Sam made the claim here on the GT and in his QT chat as verified by Wolf and House.

I'd like to know the post # because I went through all 10 pages of Sam's posts and didn't find any one post where he mentioned FA. I could have missed it, but I sure didn't find one.

You have already quoted it Mertex. "Sosition of FA post, you quoted.. Then of course we have Wolf and House making the same claims here on this thread. They both state Sam said he knew where FA was night one and was town because of it.

That's it? What does "sostion of tracking FA" do you get that Sam said FA was Town from that.
I've looked up sos and cannot find anything on it, sorry, but I've never heard that term used, don't know what he is talking about.

NO, that is not it. He was speaking about FA. AND again, both Wolf and House state he said HE knew where FA was night 1
Oh fuck that means all my reads may be off this entire game if Cafe is telling the truth. Dammit! :(

I think I want to go hide in a ball of shame now :(
Oh fuck that means all my reads may be off this entire game if Cafe is telling the truth. Dammit! :(

I think I want to go hide in a ball of shame now :(

I am telling the truth. And we will be killed tonight if we don't get Fire, scum will have a clear shot at both of us. At least it will only be me going down if we get Fire.
Oh fuck that means all my reads may be off this entire game if Cafe is telling the truth. Dammit! :(

I think I want to go hide in a ball of shame now :(

I am telling the truth. And we will be killed tonight if we don't get Fire, scum will have a clear shot at both of us. At least it will only be me going down if we get Fire.
It explains your protectiveness of SR for one thing. I know I have homework to do that is for sure.
I'll tell you another reason I think she may be telling the truth, she made that claim without any reason

Nobody does nothing for no reason. There is a notable difference between not having a reason and not comprehending it.

Not having one is fiction.
With that, I am getting surer Wolf and maybe even you are scum Math.
I'll tell you another reason I think she may be telling the truth, she made that claim without any reason

Nobody does nothing for no reason. There is a notable difference between not having a reason and not comprehending it.

Not having one is fiction.

She is telling the truth House. I am her yang.

Fine wolf

I'm a fire proof townie.

You happy?

If we don't lynch fire today, both SR and I are dead.

You can't read between the freaking lines!

This means you and SR are town. I had to be sure of this. I am sorry. But if we would of lynched town today, we'd be screwed. Sometimes this is necessary. Now, I will not vote for SR and you and she are now for sure town to me.

I want the last fire scum. It isn't Aye-jailed when fire shot someone, it isn't SR or Cafe. It isn't Mertex. I doubt it is House who is in the same hood as fire scum Avi. Who is left? Mathblade, Sameech, TSO, Sgt-Gath. I know it isn't me and I suspect mathblade and sameech of ice out of the group that is left. So that leaves TSO and Sgt_Gath. Of the two, Sgt_Gath is more suspicious then TSO.

Vote: Sgt_Gath

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