Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I will go along with what town thinks is best for a vote. Meaning Mertex, SR, Cafe, House-you are my top 4 town reads. I will listen to your recommendations. I do agree that Sameech and mathblade are the likely ice and Gath is the likely fire. So if you want me to switch to Sameech I will. I will go along with you 4.
Don't forget, We have a Dr.

Do we?

Do we, really?

I haven't seen any verifiable evidence of one.

Shouldn't there be something besides a claim to point to the existence of a doctor?

Especially a doctor that scum apparently has zero interest in killing.

A night or two, sure... but 3?
If we don't lynch fire today, both SR and I are dead.

If that were true, why is Mertex still alive?

What I'm saying is, if she can't protect one of you, she's obviously riding a fake claim.

I'm not riding a fake claim, and perhaps it is just that I've never seen that role before, that SR claimed, why I'm having a difficult time believing that it is real. We still have until the 14th, I don't see any need to rush anything until we hear from everyone.

If Sameech fails to post between now and the 13th, I say we believe SR and Cafe, but I'm for waiting and seeing what the more experienced players have to say. This game is way too complicated for most of us noobs, at least for me because I don't know if all the roles being claimed are even real.

I am willing to be jailed, lynched, shot, or whatever the town decides. Still rereading but it looks like I fucked up. We will see if I really did after tonight but I really think I did now.

And I am VT but I am willing to be lynched if it helps get people to focus on scum.

Fine wolf

I'm a fire proof townie.

You happy?

If we don't lynch fire today, both SR and I are dead.

You can't read between the freaking lines!

I want to believe you Cafe, but what if you and SR are the Ice Team and concocted this fire-proof immunity as part of your cover? Shit, I don't know what to believe anymore.

How do you explain Sameech's behavior but for being ice scum? There is no other watchman.

Mertex yes I doubted you. I thought there was no doctor and Grandma was the doctor. However if you understand optimal play, you would understand why I am upset.

The fact is I haven't gone into a lot about optimal PR play because of Wake doing diffusion setup where each player in the setup had roughly the same importance.

In the future, if you draw doctor or cop, do not draw attention to yourself. Your immediate crumbing should have caused scum to shoot you sooner.

In contrast, if you are immune to kills, the goal is to draw attention. If you think you drew a bullet, claim 1 shot immune. One shot immune generally are notified if they have lost their vest. Full immune are not. However by claiming one shot, scum may shoot you again, thus helping you do your job.

This setup is doubly unique in that I am immune to half the scums. So by claiming, those scums will want to lynch me. Hence my self vote nonsense to draw the icescum.
I will go along with what town thinks is best for a vote. Meaning Mertex, SR, Cafe, House-you are my top 4 town reads. I will listen to your recommendations. I do agree that Sameech and mathblade are the likely ice and Gath is the likely fire. So if you want me to switch to Sameech I will. I will go along with you 4.
I think taking or fire is more important, personally.

We need to stem the bleeding.

That said, I'm not convinced Gath is scum.
Don't forget, We have a Dr.

Do we?

Do we, really?

I haven't seen any verifiable evidence of one.

Shouldn't there be something besides a claim to point to the existence of a doctor?

Especially a doctor that scum apparently has zero interest in killing.

A night or two, sure... but 3?

Yes. Macho means likely doctor. Macho generally means unhealable. Why say that if no doctor?
If we don't lynch fire today, scum will screw up if they NK any of us. They have to use town to get rid of the opposing team if they expect to win, meaning they will be the ones driving the lynch after today.

Those I'm unsure of:
We always take the certain scum first. Mertex heals one of us. We target whichever scum can kill our living proof townie. If both are alive, our jailor did well or both scum hunted Mertex.
I am willing to be jailed, lynched, shot, or whatever the town decides. Still rereading but it looks like I fucked up. We will see if I really did after tonight but I really think I did now.

And I am VT but I am willing to be lynched if it helps get people to focus on scum.

We can't afford to lynch our own at this point.
Don't forget, We have a Dr.

Do we?

Do we, really?

I haven't seen any verifiable evidence of one.

Shouldn't there be something besides a claim to point to the existence of a doctor?

Especially a doctor that scum apparently has zero interest in killing.

A night or two, sure... but 3?

Well, it might just be that Scum would rather you lynch me and do the job for them, with your kind of thinking.
I protected you on N2 and only because you were one that was defending me. But since there was a failed kill, I'm prone to believe that both teams went after a known PR. But, think what you want, I am totally, completely in the dark now with this new development, dying may be a relief.
I am willing to be jailed, lynched, shot, or whatever the town decides. Still rereading but it looks like I fucked up. We will see if I really did after tonight but I really think I did now.

And I am VT but I am willing to be lynched if it helps get people to focus on scum.

We can't afford to lynch our own at this point.
Precisely why Sameech must be the lynch.
Don't forget, We have a Dr.

Do we?

Do we, really?

I haven't seen any verifiable evidence of one.

Shouldn't there be something besides a claim to point to the existence of a doctor?

Especially a doctor that scum apparently has zero interest in killing.

A night or two, sure... but 3?

Yes. Macho means likely doctor. Macho generally means unhealable. Why say that if no doctor?
Idk... I make no assumptions on what roles should or should not be in a stop because... dun dun dun... THIS IS MY FIRST GAME.

It still strikes me as weird that we have nothing of substance to indicate a doctor.

Just assumptions and WIFOM.
I am willing to be jailed, lynched, shot, or whatever the town decides. Still rereading but it looks like I fucked up. We will see if I really did after tonight but I really think I did now.

And I am VT but I am willing to be lynched if it helps get people to focus on scum.

IF you are town, help us find scum. We will not lynch town today.
Don't forget, We have a Dr.

Do we?

Do we, really?

I haven't seen any verifiable evidence of one.

Shouldn't there be something besides a claim to point to the existence of a doctor?

Especially a doctor that scum apparently has zero interest in killing.

A night or two, sure... but 3?

Well, it might just be that Scum would rather you lynch me and do the job for them, with your kind of thinking.
I protected you on N2 and only because you were one that was defending me. But since there was a failed kill, I'm prone to believe that both teams went after a known PR. But, think what you want, I am totally, completely in the dark now with this new development, dying may be a relief.
Nothing personal Mertex. (Almost) being on the wrong side of Grandma's lynch has me rethinking a lot of my assumptions.
This explains tn's erratic behavior and also TSO's sudden absence when he took over. He must have read where many of us were pointing at tn.
Don't forget, We have a Dr.

Do we?

Do we, really?

I haven't seen any verifiable evidence of one.

Shouldn't there be something besides a claim to point to the existence of a doctor?

Especially a doctor that scum apparently has zero interest in killing.

A night or two, sure... but 3?

Well, it might just be that Scum would rather you lynch me and do the job for them, with your kind of thinking.
I protected you on N2 and only because you were one that was defending me. But since there was a failed kill, I'm prone to believe that both teams went after a known PR. But, think what you want, I am totally, completely in the dark now with this new development, dying may be a relief.

You will not be lynched. You are the doctor.
With Sam declaring Avi scum, wouldn't that make Sam Ice? If we want to get Fire today, it's between TSO and Gath.

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