Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I really think Sameech or Gath are the right choices-I will go along with the town majority on who.
Gath's silence has been questionable to me. He voted for me right after I claimed to be Doc, and when I told him that those who vote for a claimed role are usually the first to get suspected, he quickly took his vote off me. He hasn't been saying much, which for me is a sign of Scum that is new and doesn't really know what to say. I was in the position in Game 3, and I wasn't saying a whole lot because I was afraid of saying something that would definitely give me up.
Without a partner (Avi), I would think a newbie would have a very difficult time figuring out what to do.

Okay, I can see how that makes sense.
Gath will out who he have them to. Regardless lynching Sameech is the right play.

Scum will be forced to kill me and Cafe or clear the towns. Shooting Mertex is poor because of the prisoner's dilemma.

I don't know what that means - "prisoner's dilemma".
It is when two prisoners have a button. Push it other goes free but you die. Both push you die. Neither push you both walk out. What is the right solution?
You know, I've never made it this far in the games. I'm usually in the dz or modkilled by now. Only mildly joking here. LOL

So clueless?????
I am willing to be jailed, lynched, shot, or whatever the town decides. Still rereading but it looks like I fucked up. We will see if I really did after tonight but I really think I did now.

And I am VT but I am willing to be lynched if it helps get people to focus on scum.

IF you are town, help us find scum. We will not lynch town today.
My assumptions were clearly wrong.

The problem is everyone besides TSO to me is confirmed town or pretty damn near close to it with Wolf's actions. I don't want to lead anyone astray in this time of having to be sure.

Then some of your "confirmed" town cannot be. Sameech's claim is absolutely inconsistent with a watcher. This is something you said you might be able to explain but have not.

Gath is not confirmed town at all.
The proper move here is to lynch Sameech. There is no defense of Sameech. Mathblade has refused to give one because she was too busy trying to ram through my lynch.

You take the sure scum. Mertex heals Cafe or me. If Mertex heals me, we go after the fire scum. If Mertex heals Cafe, we go after the ice scum. Given I am 90 percent sure that Mathblade is the icescum with Sameech, I would recommend Mertex heal Cafe.

We lynch Math tomorrow.

After that, we should be able to lynch Gath as fire scum.

Given scum kills cancel each other out, it is a risky gambit for scum to go after Mertex.

I don't wa
Strange how Wolf disappears after pushing and pushing... or not. More chat in the scum QT, Wolf?

I'm right here Cafe and explained why I pushed. You do realize that I just helped SR because now I won't vote her, mathblade will lay off, and the others voting her or suspicious of her will move on. This was absolutely necessary. I already apologized for having to push this but I had to.

I have been helping SR and others. You could not take a hint.

If we miss fire. We lose TWO strong PRs because you could not stop or take a hint. I don't care if I die, that is why I have been active on the thread and trying to draw Fire shot. I thought this needed to stay put for another night or if you all were going to lynch SR.

I really feel Sam is a strong suspect and we did not have to go here with me reveling yet. But you could not let it go.

I would of voted SR if you didn't do this because I suspected her of fire for her PR claim. Now, I know you are both town. I had to do this so we don't lynch town. Yes, I needed to be hit over the head with at 2 x 4 but now those voting SR, can move on.

Don't forget, We have a Dr. and a jail key unused.

I did not think of doc or the keys to be honest. I only saw scum having a clear shot at both me and SR>

With that said, I actually believe scum probably has the last set of keys. So, the only thing we have is the doc, unless there is a PR who has not claimed and hiding behind VT. WHICH should remain that way IMO.
Gath will out who he have them to. Regardless lynching Sameech is the right play.

Scum will be forced to kill me and Cafe or clear the towns. Shooting Mertex is poor because of the prisoner's dilemma.

I don't know what that means - "prisoner's dilemma".

A prisoner's dilemma is a dillema where a pair of people are best off if they cooperate. However, if you don't trust the other person/party with the dilemma you act in your own best interest.

Here, it is in each scum's collective interest to shoot the opposite proof townie. However, if they don't trust each other, they can shoot you Mertex instead. If they both fail to trust each other, then they get zero kills. IF they both trust each other, then at least one immune townie is dead.
We should jail either Gath or Mathblade as a cop check. Wolf or Aye should be the keeper.

I have not been given the keys.

You were kinda my second hope if scum did not have the keys, now I am sure of it. And I am pretty sure it was Gath who handed the keys to his most likely dead partner, Avatar. I hope I am not wrong about that. I had him as scum Before I went for surgery, ( which you would know since I posted it in Central) but I had the wrong partner. I thought it was Rosie.

Fine wolf

I'm a fire proof townie.

You happy?

If we don't lynch fire today, both SR and I are dead.

You can't read between the freaking lines!

I want to believe you Cafe, but what if you and SR are the Ice Team and concocted this fire-proof immunity as part of your cover? Shit, I don't know what to believe anymore.

I know it may be hard to Mertex, heck I did not believe you at first. BUT that was because of TN's actions and a few other things. But that is why I was confused. I am being truthful and I really hope I did not just screw up our chances to win by telling everyone my PR. If I did I am very sorry to all.

Fine wolf

I'm a fire proof townie.

You happy?

If we don't lynch fire today, both SR and I are dead.

You can't read between the freaking lines!

I want to believe you Cafe, but what if you and SR are the Ice Team and concocted this fire-proof immunity as part of your cover? Shit, I don't know what to believe anymore.

I know it may be hard to Mertex, heck I did not believe you at first. BUT that was because of TN's actions and a few other things. But that is why I was confused. I am being truthful and I really hope I did not just screw up our chances to win by telling everyone my PR. If I did I am very sorry to all.

No you did not. It would be my fault if that happened. I really felt I had to make sure on SR. Now we won't mislynch her. It's best to just play to win now. It is absolutely NOT your fault at all.
I can see how the "prisoner's dilemma" SR brought up would work if we leave one from each Mafia team alive. That way they won't be able to coordinate and may end up killing no one. But I need to be around to protect someone, in case they decide to go after the immune twins. I'll be traveling all day tomorrow and Friday, so won't be able to log in, probably at all. Just saying that maybe we should wait till Saturday to lynch one of them.

Are we of the opinion that Gath is Fire, and Sameech and "?" are Ice?
I'll follow you guys until I can get my head back in the game.

Still thinking about my daughter, and enjoying the night we had.
I really think Sameech or Gath are the right choices-I will go along with the town majority on who.
Gath's silence has been questionable to me. He voted for me right after I claimed to be Doc, and when I told him that those who vote for a claimed role are usually the first to get suspected, he quickly took his vote off me. He hasn't been saying much, which for me is a sign of Scum that is new and doesn't really know what to say. I was in the position in Game 3, and I wasn't saying a whole lot because I was afraid of saying something that would definitely give me up.
Without a partner (Avi), I would think a newbie would have a very difficult time figuring out what to do.

What are you talking about, dude?

I already explained my reasoning for doing that; multiple times, in point of fact. My vote was contingent on your answering my questions and explaining your behavior, and you answered them and gave an explanation which I found to be plausible.

No one had counter-claimed your doc claim, and you healed TN.

What's so hard to remember about that?

Frankly, I'm still not sure if you're completely "townfirmed," as we haven't yet seen a night kill fail because of your ability.
As far my absence goes, I've got some work I've got to take care of this week. I said as much the other day.

If that's lynch worthy, go right on ahead. However, I don't think it'll help your cause here.
As far my absence goes, I've got some work I've got to take care of this week. I said as much the other day.

If that's lynch worthy, go right on ahead. However, I don't think it'll help your cause here.

You have no idea how badly I want to lynch you but you don't lynch likely scum over scum in the hand.

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