Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

OK, Since Cafe didn't claim on her last post and mathblade isn't online, let me spell it out:

You two are the only ones who have not claimed. We need to know if SR is being honest with her ice proof townie claim. If there is no fireproof townie, she's likely scum.

I also have a hard time believing an ice or fireproof wouldn't just be a one-shot deal. I just allowed myself to be sidetracked with the Sameech stuff and the argument that fireproof should stay hidden or it will help scum.

I've changed my mind. This can help
I'm a Vanilla Townie.

Vote: Gath

One final thing, yeah? I have no idea what the theory of "ying to PR yang" is but I'm fairly sure it's wrong.

I said that because I've only played here.. This is my 3rd game with one of those three scuttled due to it being compromised. Anyway, all the games I've been in and those I've read here, Wake has had a ying yang set up. So Sameech claims odd night watchman then we may have an even night watchman. SR claims ice proof, then there Is a fireproof, odd night tracker, even night tracker and so on , etc. There was one game we played where we had an odd night cop then an even night cop and also a regular cop. This is why I thought there may be an even night watchman- until Sams possible scum flub.

You do realize this is exactly why you and mathblade, the last two who haven't claimed, need to do so.

Right? Because if neither of you is fireproof townie, then SR is likely fire scum.

I also have a hard time believing if ice or fireproof is in this setup, that they wouldn't be one-shot deals.

I really hope and I have a feeling i am right some claiming VT are not telling their PR if they have one and if I had one I don't think I would sit here possible giving scum clues as to what my role was. I'm town as well. I was pretty sure yesterday there seemed to be a consensus that our town PRs should not claim and I hope they did not and it looks like they have not.

I also find it strange you say Sameech got you sidetracked with SR. I don't recall you being after SR or questioning her the last few pages. We have three PRs claimed and they have ALL survived scum attacks, not just SR. Mertex since day 1 and Sam and SR since day 2.

I am inclined to believe SR and I've laid my reasons out prior. I believe Wake gave out PRs to balance the game since fire and ice can kill one another, if he had not then this game is even more unbalanced than I had imagined in scums favor. I don't think we need to give them any more information as of now. I believe Mertex and I believed Sam until his possible scum slip.

I'll wait for his explanation and weigh it and move on from there. That is my two cents on the matter and I think everyone claiming VT as they are doing is the smartest thing they can do right now.

I never said Sameech got me sidetracked. I said I got sidetracked with the Sameech stuff. That top quote wasn't even supposed to be here but of course the stupid software put it here even when I put a new one below it because even though I deleted it for being redundant, it is still here.

Same thing to me Wolf. Sidetracked, either way. I just don't recall SR being a point of contention until now. That is what I meant.
A point of contention for you, is what I meant in the last bit, I get why she may not be believed or questioned. But I've said what I think about that above.
The PR's are out already. Next day, if we don't get fire and 3 more townies die, we are in lylo. There is no more reason not to claim. AND, it can tell us if SR is lying about her claim and if she is, then she's likely scum.

You do want to catch scum right Cafe?

Ask House how many times I suspected SR in the hood. He'll tell you this is nothing new.
The PR's are out already. Next day, if we don't get fire and 3 more townies die, we are in lylo. There is no more reason not to claim. AND, it can tell us if SR is lying about her claim and if she is, then she's likely scum.

You do want to catch scum right Cafe?

Ask House how many times I suspected SR in the hood. He'll tell you this is nothing new.

Of course I want to get scum wolf. I also don't want put unclaimed PRs or PRs hiding behind VT to be sitting ducks for scum.
The PR's are out already. Next day, if we don't get fire and 3 more townies die, we are in lylo. There is no more reason not to claim. AND, it can tell us if SR is lying about her claim and if she is, then she's likely scum.

You do want to catch scum right Cafe?

Ask House how many times I suspected SR in the hood. He'll tell you this is nothing new.

Of course I want to get scum wolf. I also don't want put unclaimed PRs or PRs hiding behind VT to be sitting ducks for scum.

The game is close to being over. Many PR's are out. There is no good reason not to claim. Especially if it can catch us scum.
The PR's are out already. Next day, if we don't get fire and 3 more townies die, we are in lylo. There is no more reason not to claim. AND, it can tell us if SR is lying about her claim and if she is, then she's likely scum.

You do want to catch scum right Cafe?

Ask House how many times I suspected SR in the hood. He'll tell you this is nothing new.

Of course I want to get scum wolf. I also don't want put unclaimed PRs or PRs hiding behind VT to be sitting ducks for scum.

The game is close to being over. Many PR's are out. There is no good reason not to claim. Especially if it can catch us scum.

Ok, that's great. I'll wait for Sam to come back, because right now, I think we have a scum on the line.
And those claiming VT are very likely to be actually VT.

Okay, that is your take on the matter, I've played this game enough to see people claim VT to hide from scum, oh and BTW, I already KNOW, they all can't be VT, some Have to be SCUM!

Not if SR is scum or Sameech is scum or mathblade is scum who I suspect also.

Nope, there are three scum left. One claiming VT has to be scum in my estimation. Or maybe you are right. I've felt Math was scum, cause I read Mebelle as scum. Sam made his slip that's another scum and I've a third in mind, but they claimed VT.
And those claiming VT are very likely to be actually VT.

Okay, that is your take on the matter, I've played this game enough to see people claim VT to hide from scum, oh and BTW, I already KNOW, they all can't be VT, some Have to be SCUM!

Not if SR is scum or Sameech is scum or mathblade is scum who I suspect also.

Nope, there are three scum left. One claiming VT has to be scum in my estimation. Or maybe you are right. I've felt Math was scum, cause I read Mebelle as scum. Sam made his slip that's another scum and I've a third in mind, but they claimed VT.

I agree with you on math and sameech. I think the 3rd is SR unless there is a fireproof townie, then SR is town and we can confirm anther town-the fireproof one.

This helps us narrow down and catch scum. I am not sure why you object to this?
TSO-1/2 hr. a day is more than enough. As long as you give input, it doesn't matter how long you take to give it. The issue we had with TN is he would disappear for days here while still posting like mad at mafiascum.

I have also advocated massclaiming. Now that you have claimed, the only 3 who have not claimed are Cafe, mathblade, and Sgt_Gath.

List of claims is easy:

-Avatar: Dead, fire scum
-Moonglow: Dead, VT
-Shaitra: Dead, VT
-FA: Dead, VT
-Rosie: Dead, macho cop
-Mertex: Doctor
-SR: Ice proof townie
-Sameech: Night Watchman
-House: VT
-Aye: VT
-House: VT
-myself: VT
Correction I already claimed VT I believe. If not I am claiming it now. I know I did either neighborhood or here. Still reading thread.
You're welcome. Since pants dropping is occurring I feel it is derp but not much can be done. I really feel SR is scum and that she should be seriously looked at.

As for Wolf I am starting to warm up to their townieness but a part of me still doubts. They are posting more clear cut arguments and less what I felt to be chaotic. I want to see where this trend goes so either SR or TSO will likely have my vote today. I am not saying I believe Wolf is town yet I just am not as sold on as scum based on recent posts.
Your protectiveness of SR and your refusal to help town narrow down scum is duly noted Cafe.


I'm not understanding your sudden irritation when this will give us a huge clue if SR is scum or not. Seriously, why is this a problem for you? You are the only one who hasn't claimed. There is no point in not. I'd rather you told me then just assume you are VT. I want to be sure of SR. Don't you?
Your protectiveness of SR and your refusal to help town narrow down scum is duly noted Cafe.


I'm not understanding your sudden irritation when this will give us a huge clue if SR is scum or not. Seriously, why is this a problem for you? You are the only one who hasn't claimed. There is no point in not. I'd rather you told me then just assume you are VT. I want to be sure of SR. Don't you?

Maybe she's afraid of being found out. I've had suspicions for a while now.
He says it right here on the game thread.

"Rosies night one visitors".

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors.

VisitorS with an S.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 136 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think that is just a typo. Sameech isn't one of the best typists around here.

Sam said as watchman he could see who visited Rosie. Was Avatar a tracker, maybe? Sam is saying "Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA". What does he mean by that statement?

I might agree if it just were the S, however he said he knew where FA was night on. I quoted Wakes posts where he ( our mod) said:

A. Vanilla townies can't be tracked and FA was a vanilla townie.
B. the jailer keys were a day action.

So Sam could not have seen or knew where FA was. Sam made the claim here on the GT and in his QT chat as verified by Wolf and House.

I'd like to know the post # because I went through all 10 pages of Sam's posts and didn't find any one post where he mentioned FA. I could have missed it, but I sure didn't find one.
He says it right here on the game thread.

"Rosies night one visitors".

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors.

VisitorS with an S.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 136 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think that is just a typo. Sameech isn't one of the best typists around here.

Sam said as watchman he could see who visited Rosie. Was Avatar a tracker, maybe? Sam is saying "Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA". What does he mean by that statement?

I might agree if it just were the S, however he said he knew where FA was night on. I quoted Wakes posts where he ( our mod) said:

A. Vanilla townies can't be tracked and FA was a vanilla townie.
B. the jailer keys were a day action.

So Sam could not have seen or knew where FA was. Sam made the claim here on the GT and in his QT chat as verified by Wolf and House.

I'd like to know the post # because I went through all 10 pages of Sam's posts and didn't find any one post where he mentioned FA. I could have missed it, but I sure didn't find one.
That is what I want to find too and I suspected I could have been missing things. But because my eye sight sucks and I sped read a lot of the thread I didn't want to post that especially because it was an absence.

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