Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

.......... this whole discussion is noise. The only one that needs to explain how Sam could "know" FA is town from N1 is Sam.

Noise is also another way to say 'distraction'. I agree with Sameech being the only person that can speak for himself on the matter. If some don't want to give him time to do so, then they are the ones that need to be looked at.
.......... this whole discussion is noise. The only one that needs to explain how Sam could "know" FA is town from N1 is Sam.

Noise is also another way to say 'distraction'. I agree with Sameech being the only person that can speak for himself on the matter. If some don't want to give him time to do so, then they are the ones that need to be looked at.

And who has said they don't want to give Sameech time to speak for himself on the matter?
I wish some other's would give input here. Like TSO for one.

I have called out TSO already to give us input, I think last night, but so far, NADA!!!! Looks like we got a TN twin.
.......... this whole discussion is noise. The only one that needs to explain how Sam could "know" FA is town from N1 is Sam.

Noise is also another way to say 'distraction'. I agree with Sameech being the only person that can speak for himself on the matter. If some don't want to give him time to do so, then they are the ones that need to be looked at.

And who has said they don't want to give Sameech time to speak for himself on the matter?

Re-read what I wrote above, in bold, the word IF. I did not say anyone in particular.
I wish some other's would give input here. Like TSO for one.

I have called out TSO already to give us input, I think last night, but so far, NADA!!!! Looks like we got a TN twin.

I didn't want to join this game. It wasn't really a personal option. Wake asked me to as a favour and I said that if I could make a slot which was 100% inactive slightly less so, I'd help.

The posting is too much for me. I have exactly 1 hour in the entire day for Mafia - at least half of which I devote to MafiaScum. It is physically not possible for me to be active in this game to the extent that I can be in others. You don't have to like that - it's just the way it is.
I'm beginning to come around to Titus being town, but it's conditional. I still think that the majority of the last 15 pages is needless bullshit which solves nothing. We can't have productive discussion regarding Sameech unless Sameech is actually here.

I can't remember the last time that Gath has done anything I liked. I still feel we should comprise a fucking list of claims because we're nearly at MyLo and I have no idea when we're meant to do it if not now.
I was originally townreading MathBlade but I'm not so sure. I don't understand where the hell the townread on Gath is from. If we claim, which is what I've been championing for the last ~15 pages, then we can actually get information. There's no real way to analyse Sameech's claim at present - it's a coinflip or worse.
I'm a Vanilla Townie.

Vote: Gath

One final thing, yeah? I have no idea what the theory of "ying to PR yang" is but I'm fairly sure it's wrong.
I'm beginning to come around to Titus being town, but it's conditional. I still think that the majority of the last 15 pages is needless bullshit which solves nothing. We can't have productive discussion regarding Sameech unless Sameech is actually here.

I can't remember the last time that Gath has done anything I liked. I still feel we should comprise a fucking list of claims because we're nearly at MyLo and I have no idea when we're meant to do it if not now.

First, thank you for posting.
Second, several of us have claimed. I'm a VT.
Last, I agree with your second and third sentence.
TSO-1/2 hr. a day is more than enough. As long as you give input, it doesn't matter how long you take to give it. The issue we had with TN is he would disappear for days here while still posting like mad at mafiascum.

I have also advocated massclaiming. Now that you have claimed, the only 3 who have not claimed are Cafe, mathblade, and Sgt_Gath.

List of claims is easy:

-Avatar: Dead, fire scum
-Moonglow: Dead, VT
-Shaitra: Dead, VT
-FA: Dead, VT
-Rosie: Dead, macho cop
-Mertex: Doctor
-SR: Ice proof townie
-Sameech: Night Watchman
-House: VT
-Aye: VT
-House: VT
-myself: VT
TSO-1/2 hr. a day is more than enough. As long as you give input, it doesn't matter how long you take to give it. The issue we had with TN is he would disappear for days here while still posting like mad at mafiascum.

I have also advocated massclaiming. Now that you have claimed, the only 3 who have not claimed are Cafe, mathblade, and Sgt_Gath.

List of claims is easy:

-Avatar: Dead, fire scum
-Moonglow: Dead, VT
-Shaitra: Dead, VT
-FA: Dead, VT
-Rosie: Dead, macho cop
-Mertex: Doctor
-SR: Ice proof townie
-Sameech: Night Watchman
-House: VT
-Aye: VT
-House: VT
-myself: VT

House is listed twice:

-Grandma: Dead VT
I'm a Vanilla Townie.

Vote: Gath

One final thing, yeah? I have no idea what the theory of "ying to PR yang" is but I'm fairly sure it's wrong.

I said that because I've only played here.. This is my 3rd game with one of those three scuttled due to it being compromised. Anyway, all the games I've been in and those I've read here, Wake has had a ying yang set up. So Sameech claims odd night watchman then we may have an even night watchman. SR claims ice proof, then there Is a fireproof, odd night tracker, even night tracker and so on , etc. There was one game we played where we had an odd night cop then an even night cop and also a regular cop. This is why I thought there may be an even night watchman- until Sams possible scum flub.
He says it right here on the game thread.

"Rosies night one visitors".

I never claimed to be the tracker. I am a night watchman. Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA.
rt him out as scum of Rosie's night 1 visitors.

VisitorS with an S.

Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 136 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think that is just a typo. Sameech isn't one of the best typists around here.

Sam said as watchman he could see who visited Rosie. Was Avatar a tracker, maybe? Sam is saying "Avatar made it easy to sostion of tracking FA". What does he mean by that statement?

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