Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Sgt_Gath, you played a good game. It is difficult to stay alive at the end, being scum. Hope you play again sometime. No need to do a vc. You are now dead.

It would be best if Wake does the final vc and death scene.

And Mertex's reads are good. Mathblade or Aye are the last. It will be easy to figure it out in the end.

Sameech is good humor. I'll give him credit for trying.

Town has got this one. GG guys.

You are wrong, again, about me, and I also believe you are wrong about Math. Go ahead and lynch me though, since I'll enjoy watching people look at you after they find out how wrong you are.

I'm not the least bit worried about this. One of you is the last. I am only willing to consider math because my other town reads are. And there is plenty of time because Sameech is tomorrow's lynch. Then you or Mathblade. If we are wrong about one, the other is lynched next. Town still wins.

Get your 'drama' on, because you are wrong about me, and when Math flips town as well, what will your excuse be then?
So you think ice scum is trying to fool us. So we get another scum tonight, one i had already pegged as fire. I don't get why you refuse to vote for someone claiming to be scum. Makes no sense Sam.

Do we leave a claiming scum in the game cause you think he may be lying about his being Fire? You are not making a lick of sense imo.

I think you do your game and I will do mine and town will win. My vote stays where it is. Gath is lying about me and he is lying about carrying out the night kill. If I were to hammer him it would be all "See Sammech killed him so his scum team would win". There is no winning with you paranoid freaks so I am not even bothering with your false choice. I never vote against the math. If you want to vote with liars and WIFOM, you will make it harder for town to win, but we still will win. When Gath flips goon, you will see he is lying about me. As a newby, he seemed to have also forgotten that there would be no way for him to know who was on the other scum team anyway. Besides, even when you mislynch me, you will know by my flip that I am telling truth about Wolf. I gots me lots of angles and she is so boxed in there is no way for her to escape whether I am alive or dead.

Sameech, you need to go back and read the "rules" to this game. It is clearly stated:

Ice Mafia cannot kill Fire Mafia. Fire Mafia cannot kill Ice Mafia. Their elemental powers cancel each other out. However, if one Scum team attempts to NK another Scum team, the player attempting the NK will be informed that the target's elemental powers canceled out the attack. Meaning the enemy teams will know if their targets were enemy Scum.

Also: Scum Do have Daytalk. They may talk in their thread both Dand and Night phases. So, Gath was able to talk to Avatar and knew who they were targeting.
The last part of my previous post should be:

Also: Scum do have Daytalk. They may talk in their thread both Day and Night phases. So, Gath was able to talk to Avatar and knew who they were targeting.

Vote Count 4.5
Sgt_Gath (LYNCH): T S O, House, CafeAuLait, Wolfsister77, Mertex, ScarletRage
Sameech (1): Sgt_Gath
Wolfsister77 (1): Sameech

Not Voting (2):
AyeCantSeeYou, Mathblade

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is 9/14/14, @ 9AM central.

[CafeAuLait] - Neighborize!
Select five other players. You and them will now be Neighbors, and have your very own Neighborhood. This effect lasts until the end of the game. This ability cannot be activated if less than six players are alive.

[Mertex] - Nimble Fingers
Select one player and steal his or her "
" ability. You may not target a player who has already used an "
" ability. You may only activate this ability during Day 1 or 2.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

[House] - Revelation!
Target two players. The Mod publicly reveals their "" abilities for all to see.

[Shaitra] - Human Shield
Gain "1-Shot Meat Shield" status. You may guard one player during the Night, and if he or she would die, you will die instead.

[tn5421] - Elementalism
Select one player, and select either "Ice" or "Fire." That player will be protected from being killed by a Mafia team of that element the following Night. May only be activated during Day 1 or Day 2.

[Sgt_Gath] - Jailer's Keys
Select and give one player "1-Shot Jailkeeper" status. This means your target can jail one person once during the Night. A person that is jailed cannot be killed during that Night, but he or she also isn't able to use any abilities.

[RosieS] - Double Trouble
Target and give one player another chance to use his or her "" ability again. Cannot be used on players who haven't used an "" ability. May only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[FA_Q2] - Recycle
Take one "" ability that has already been activated, and activate it as your own. You may only use this effect during Days 1 or 2.

[Wolfsister77] - Blockade
Select one player with two or more votes on his or her wagon. Remove two of those votes, and the players who had cast those two votes may not vote for that player again during this Day. This ability may only be activated during Day 1 or 2.

[ScarletRage] - Swapper
Select two other players who haven't used their "" abilities. The Mod will swap them. This power may only be used once, during Days 1, 2, or 3.

[MeBelle60] - Forceful Swipe
Select and force one player to activate his or her "" ability.

[Moonglow] - Tough Decision
Select five other players. Those five must cast special votes to decide which one of them will be roleblocked the following Night. They will vote by posting "Roleblock: Player's Name." Failure to come to a majority vote that Day results in all five players being roleblocked the following Night. This ability may only be activated during Days 1 or 2.

[Sameech] - Inspection
Choose one player. The Mod will secretly tell you via PM what that player's "" ability is. To activate, post "Inspect: Player's Name."

[AyeCantSeeYou] - Revengeance
If you are lynched this Day, you may then select and kill one player. You may not activate this ability after you've been lynched. This ability may only be used during Day 1 or 2.

[Avatar4321] - Negation
Select one player. He or she will not be able to use his or her "" ability until the following Day.






Sgt_Gath, Fire Mafia Goon, has been uprooted. No more will he spend his days roasting innocent Townies alive, or making them go stupid with fear and paranoia. Nope, them days are over. It's time to hog-tie this murderous ne'er-do-well and swing him from the gallows. And, what's that? Something else? Oh, right.


Half of the puzzle is now solved. Town has fought hard to try to work together to share each piece of the game. Fire Mafia is now eliminated. All you have left is the Ice Mafia. Good luck, brave Townies of Windgale. You are in for the fight of your lives.

It is now Night 4.

Deadline expires 9/15/14, @11AM central.

Today's mystery action manifests Day 5.

Please submit your Night Actions via PM.


tso!, Vanilla Townie, has been murdered! He was found in the meat freezer, with icicles hanging off of his britches and jitters. Brr!


It is now Day 5.

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline expires 9/22/14, @1PM central.

Good luck brave Townies of Windgale!!!
RIP tso! and I'm glad you are a townie. I was 99% certain but glad to know I did not protect scum way back when. It was nice playing with you!!

Second, I cannot think of a worse kill choice for scum in this game. That was a seriously bad move.

This game is won for town. Lets just make sure before we vote out Sameech, that there is no more discussion to be had this day.

His partner is either Aye or mathblade. We all know that now.

The only thing Sameech said in the hood was that Aye and Cafe are going to kill me next because of:

A) If he flips town, they will quickhammer me or
B) if he flips scum, they will quickhammer me because he is going to backhand town confirm me in Central

Yeah, I don't get it either. I do enjoy being called scumzilla though-giving credit where credit is due, that was pretty clever. :biggrin:
RIP tso! and I'm glad you are a townie. I was 99% certain but glad to know I did not protect scum way back when. It was nice playing with you!!

Second, I cannot think of a worse kill choice for scum in this game. That was a seriously bad move.

This game is won for town. Lets just make sure before we vote out Sameech, that there is no more discussion to be had this day.

His partner is either Aye or mathblade. We all know that now.

The only thing Sameech said in the hood was that Aye and Cafe are going to kill me next because of:

A) If he flips town, they will quickhammer me or
B) if he flips scum, they will quickhammer me because he is going to backhand town confirm me in Central

Yeah, I don't get it either. I do enjoy being called scumzilla though-giving credit where credit is due, that was pretty clever. :biggrin:

I agree, Sameech is Ice, but we better take it very slow with the partner. Ice thinks they are being very clever by not going for a more expected target....but that just gives us a little more time to figure this out, plus I have one more night to protect one more person. I have a feeling it is not going to be that easy, to just say Aye or Math......we have to consider all the angles.

Who was Sameech going after so rigorously? Was he trying to misdirect us? I'm thinking now that it is not Aye nor Math. I want to hear from others on the Ice Partner.

Guys before we quicklynch Sameech, I should announce the day action. I am no longer iceproof. The scums replaced my vest with a fake

This furthers my belief that the last scum is in House/Mathblade.
I am out for quite awhile. However I do feel that is important since we planned on conftown alive during lylo. Heaven forbid.
It only takes 5 to lynch. If you want to hear from everyone on his partner, don't lynch him too quick. I'm holding my vote until all have spoken. There is no one else it could be except Aye or math. I had tso as an outside possibility but that is no longer an option so scum just made this much easier for us. They should have taken you out Mertex. That would of been the smart move. And I was already told the plan in my hood by Sameech. They are going to try to set me up as the last. I really don't care. Town can afford a mislynch now. And I have no problem being scum's target. Actually town can afford 2 mislynches and still win but I would not recommend it. It would be bringing everything down to the wire.

There are currently 8 players with 2 scum so 6 townies and 2 scum.

We take out Sameech-one ice scum down. Someone likely dies overnight.

D6-1 scum, 5 town, at least 2 of which are basically confirmed town.

So let's just say hypothetically speaking, Aye succeeds and I am lynched. Someone dies overnight.

D7-1 scum, 3 town. Now town lynches Aye. Let's just say, she isn't scum. Not likely but let's just say that's the case.

D8-lylo/mylo-1 scum, 2 town. Vote out mathblade and the game is won.

If it's House, then the game is lost. If it's Cafe or SR, the game is lost. If it's Mertex, the game is lost.

I am not worried about that in the least. Scum wants us to be paranoid. We can afford 2 mislynches and still win.

Unless town does a really goof move, we have won this one.

I would recommend coming to a consensus on the next lynch before the day is over or at least everyone putting out who they think it is.
Guys before we quicklynch Sameech, I should announce the day action. I am no longer iceproof. The scums replaced my vest with a fake

This furthers my belief that the last scum is in House/Mathblade.

I am out for quite awhile. However I do feel that is important since we planned on conftown alive during lylo. Heaven forbid.

Well, that kind of sucks. We are supposed to get a town win and Wake decided to screw us. :mad-61:

Well, When Mertex protects someone overnight, she shouldn't say who then. So scum doesn't know.

I was hoping the action would NOT be something that helps scum when we are this close to victory.

So let's keep track: Who is the last?

-Me: Aye or Mathblade
-Last I heard form Aye she thinks it is me.
-Mertex hasn't said but now does not think it is Aye or mathblade when she did before and wants to hear other input-still want to know who she decided on before day ends
-SR: House or mathblade
-House: Last he told me he thought tso-now not possible-want to know who he decides on before day ends
-Cafe-mathblade unless she's changed her mind-need to hear from her
-Sameech-thinks it's me and SR-more me than her
-mathblade-thinks it is me or Aye

I'll vote when everyone has given their input.

Still annoyed.
RIP tso! and I'm glad you are a townie. I was 99% certain but glad to know I did not protect scum way back when. It was nice playing with you!!

Second, I cannot think of a worse kill choice for scum in this game. That was a seriously bad move.

This game is won for town. Lets just make sure before we vote out Sameech, that there is no more discussion to be had this day.

His partner is either Aye or mathblade. We all know that now.

The only thing Sameech said in the hood was that Aye and Cafe are going to kill me next because of:

A) If he flips town, they will quickhammer me or
B) if he flips scum, they will quickhammer me because he is going to backhand town confirm me in Central

Yeah, I don't get it either. I do enjoy being called scumzilla though-giving credit where credit is due, that was pretty clever. :biggrin:

You are dead wrong on me. Count on it!
It only takes 5 to lynch. If you want to hear from everyone on his partner, don't lynch him too quick. I'm holding my vote until all have spoken. There is no one else it could be except Aye or math. I had tso as an outside possibility but that is no longer an option so scum just made this much easier for us. They should have taken you out Mertex. That would of been the smart move. And I was already told the plan in my hood by Sameech. They are going to try to set me up as the last. I really don't care. Town can afford a mislynch now. And I have no problem being scum's target. Actually town can afford 2 mislynches and still win but I would not recommend it. It would be bringing everything down to the wire.

There are currently 8 players with 2 scum so 6 townies and 2 scum.

We take out Sameech-one ice scum down. Someone likely dies overnight.

D6-1 scum, 5 town, at least 2 of which are basically confirmed town.

So let's just say hypothetically speaking, Aye succeeds and I am lynched. Someone dies overnight.

D7-1 scum, 3 town. Now town lynches Aye. Let's just say, she isn't scum. Not likely but let's just say that's the case.

D8-lylo/mylo-1 scum, 2 town. Vote out mathblade and the game is won.

If it's House, then the game is lost. If it's Cafe or SR, the game is lost. If it's Mertex, the game is lost.

I am not worried about that in the least. Scum wants us to be paranoid. We can afford 2 mislynches and still win.

Unless town does a really goof move, we have won this one.

I would recommend coming to a consensus on the next lynch before the day is over or at least everyone putting out who they think it is.

If the other townies listen to you, then the game is lost and scum win. Simple as that.
It only takes 5 to lynch. If you want to hear from everyone on his partner, don't lynch him too quick. I'm holding my vote until all have spoken. There is no one else it could be except Aye or math. I had tso as an outside possibility but that is no longer an option so scum just made this much easier for us. They should have taken you out Mertex. That would of been the smart move. And I was already told the plan in my hood by Sameech. They are going to try to set me up as the last. I really don't care. Town can afford a mislynch now. And I have no problem being scum's target. Actually town can afford 2 mislynches and still win but I would not recommend it. It would be bringing everything down to the wire.

There are currently 8 players with 2 scum so 6 townies and 2 scum.

We take out Sameech-one ice scum down. Someone likely dies overnight.

D6-1 scum, 5 town, at least 2 of which are basically confirmed town.

So let's just say hypothetically speaking, Aye succeeds and I am lynched. Someone dies overnight.

D7-1 scum, 3 town. Now town lynches Aye. Let's just say, she isn't scum. Not likely but let's just say that's the case.

D8-lylo/mylo-1 scum, 2 town. Vote out mathblade and the game is won.

If it's House, then the game is lost. If it's Cafe or SR, the game is lost. If it's Mertex, the game is lost.

I am not worried about that in the least. Scum wants us to be paranoid. We can afford 2 mislynches and still win.

Unless town does a really goof move, we have won this one.

I would recommend coming to a consensus on the next lynch before the day is over or at least everyone putting out who they think it is.

If the other townies listen to you, then the game is lost and scum win. Simple as that.

You can help town by telling us who you think it is then instead of just telling me I'm wrong.

The fact you are fighting this so hard is telling. I could care less if people think it is me. Meh, unless my math is way off, we can afford 2 mislynches.

I really, really hope town doesn't go that route but town is good at snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory so a lot depends on who is still alive at the end. Which is why I'm still annoyed scum can now kill SR. Grrrr.........

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