Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.
tso!? Idontgetit... o_O

Well, that shoots my theory all to hell.

Wait... why didn't scum take out the doctor? She's a sitting duck, amirite? How is she still alive after the opposing scum team has been eliminated?

Last night's kill choice is just all kinds of weird.

Because Ice wants you all to think that I'm the partner. It's so damn obvious. I wish they had taken me out, so everyone can see that I'm not lying, but too bad for them, unless you all lynch me, I get to protect another person tonight and they don't know good luck to the remaining ice. I'm going to go check the remaining player's posts for clues or slips.

While I can see the logic behind that, it also stands to reason that killing you last night would have been a null info NK because you're the logical choice, meaning there's nothing to deduce from killing the doctor because that would likely happen regardless of who drew scum.

tso! drawing the NK is just... off.

Chasing my tail, here.

tso!, Vanilla Townie, has been murdered! He was found in the meat freezer, with icicles hanging off of his britches and jitters. Brr!


It is now Day 5.

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline expires 9/22/14, @1PM central.

Good luck brave Townies of Windgale!!!

What are jitters? Is that a medical term?

Brave? Hardly.

@EverybodyINThisDamnGame Vote yours truly. I am all swarmy headed and nauseous and would like to see my death scene before I pass out and dream lovingly of taking a flame thrower to giant ticks.
Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.

I am just getting here, not everyone is around as soon as the thread opens.

My two cents on the whole matter regarding Sam.

Sure scum lie. It was long thought Avatar lied on his way to the gallows. BUT then we find out Sam lied about his PR, he says he had to ensure Avatar was lynched. I have been thinking why? would he lie? Why not just convince us Avatar was scum here on the GT if he was so sure Avatar was scum, without lying? Then Gath told me, in what I would call a very candid moment in East, he killed Rosie. This squarely put Sam back in the scum category for me, forget his trying to convince us that there were godfathers in this setup, and telling us in Central Gath was lying about being scum to trick Sammich. His claims are off, his meta has been off the whole game.

So, I am asking Sam, since he is here, why didn't you think you could convince us Avatar was scum without lying, it was not as if you had been trying for days and days, and two, the claim you just made in Central, how does the fact there was a kill last night confirm Wolf as town?
Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.

I am just getting here, not everyone is around as soon as the thread opens.

My two cents on the whole matter regarding Sam.

Sure scum lie. It was long thought Avatar lied on his way to the gallows. BUT then we find out Sam lied about his PR, he says he had to ensure Avatar was lynched. I have been thinking why? would he lie? Why not just convince us Avatar was scum here on the GT if he was so sure Avatar was scum, without lying? Then Gath told me, in what I would call a very candid moment in East, he killed Rosie. This squarely put Sam back in the scum category for me, forget his trying to convince us that there were godfathers in this setup, and telling us in Central Gath was lying about being scum to trick Sammich. His claims are off, his meta has been off the whole game.

So, I am asking Sam, since he is here, why didn't you think you could convince us Avatar was scum without lying, it was not as if you had been trying for days and days, and two, the claim you just made in Central, how does the fact there was a kill last night confirm Wolf as town?

Oh no worries. I know you get on later than the rest of us which is why I suggested you be given the hammer so you can give input. I don't think anyone else will vote before you do at this point.

If you read my post on what he said in the neighborhood, he said based on what he set up in Central, that you and Aye would lynch me next for one of two reasons.

-he's town and then you'd quickhammer me OR
-he's scum and he tried to backhand town confirm me in Central

I don't know why he spelled it out for me but in either case, he wants me gone next. And he said he is actually VT after all.

It's very convoluted and doesn't make much sense.

"Today's mystery action manifests Day 5."

Is this something you are going to tell us?

I think Scarlet already did. Something about losing her ice protection.

That hurts us a little, but scum could have still won without the mystery action by simply leaving her to be the last townie.
Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.

I am just getting here, not everyone is around as soon as the thread opens.

My two cents on the whole matter regarding Sam.

Sure scum lie. It was long thought Avatar lied on his way to the gallows. BUT then we find out Sam lied about his PR, he says he had to ensure Avatar was lynched. I have been thinking why? would he lie? Why not just convince us Avatar was scum here on the GT if he was so sure Avatar was scum, without lying? Then Gath told me, in what I would call a very candid moment in East, he killed Rosie. This squarely put Sam back in the scum category for me, forget his trying to convince us that there were godfathers in this setup, and telling us in Central Gath was lying about being scum to trick Sammich. His claims are off, his meta has been off the whole game.

So, I am asking Sam, since he is here, why didn't you think you could convince us Avatar was scum without lying, it was not as if you had been trying for days and days, and two, the claim you just made in Central, how does the fact there was a kill last night confirm Wolf as town?

Oh no worries. I know you get on later than the rest of us which is why I suggested you be given the hammer so you can give input. I don't think anyone else will vote before you do at this point.

If you read my post on what he said in the neighborhood, he said based on what he set up in Central, that you and Aye would lynch me next for one of two reasons.

-he's town and then you'd quickhammer me OR
-he's scum and he tried to backhand town confirm me in Central

I don't know why he spelled it out for me but in either case, he wants me gone next. And he said he is actually VT after all.

It's very convoluted and doesn't make much sense.

( emphasis added)

LOL Seriously? He told us in Central, based on what he set up in your neighborhood he had YOU as solid scum.
Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.

I am just getting here, not everyone is around as soon as the thread opens.

My two cents on the whole matter regarding Sam.

Sure scum lie. It was long thought Avatar lied on his way to the gallows. BUT then we find out Sam lied about his PR, he says he had to ensure Avatar was lynched. I have been thinking why? would he lie? Why not just convince us Avatar was scum here on the GT if he was so sure Avatar was scum, without lying? Then Gath told me, in what I would call a very candid moment in East, he killed Rosie. This squarely put Sam back in the scum category for me, forget his trying to convince us that there were godfathers in this setup, and telling us in Central Gath was lying about being scum to trick Sammich. His claims are off, his meta has been off the whole game.

So, I am asking Sam, since he is here, why didn't you think you could convince us Avatar was scum without lying, it was not as if you had been trying for days and days, and two, the claim you just made in Central, how does the fact there was a kill last night confirm Wolf as town?

Oh no worries. I know you get on later than the rest of us which is why I suggested you be given the hammer so you can give input. I don't think anyone else will vote before you do at this point.

If you read my post on what he said in the neighborhood, he said based on what he set up in Central, that you and Aye would lynch me next for one of two reasons.

-he's town and then you'd quickhammer me OR
-he's scum and he tried to backhand town confirm me in Central

I don't know why he spelled it out for me but in either case, he wants me gone next. And he said he is actually VT after all.

It's very convoluted and doesn't make much sense.

( emphasis added)

LOL Seriously? He told us in Central, based on what he set up in your neighborhood he had YOU as solid scum.

Wouldn't scum trying to sell scum townfirm their target when they were lynched?
That was before the NK BTW, now he is saying you are town.
Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.

I am just getting here, not everyone is around as soon as the thread opens.

My two cents on the whole matter regarding Sam.

Sure scum lie. It was long thought Avatar lied on his way to the gallows. BUT then we find out Sam lied about his PR, he says he had to ensure Avatar was lynched. I have been thinking why? would he lie? Why not just convince us Avatar was scum here on the GT if he was so sure Avatar was scum, without lying? Then Gath told me, in what I would call a very candid moment in East, he killed Rosie. This squarely put Sam back in the scum category for me, forget his trying to convince us that there were godfathers in this setup, and telling us in Central Gath was lying about being scum to trick Sammich. His claims are off, his meta has been off the whole game.

So, I am asking Sam, since he is here, why didn't you think you could convince us Avatar was scum without lying, it was not as if you had been trying for days and days, and two, the claim you just made in Central, how does the fact there was a kill last night confirm Wolf as town?

Oh no worries. I know you get on later than the rest of us which is why I suggested you be given the hammer so you can give input. I don't think anyone else will vote before you do at this point.

If you read my post on what he said in the neighborhood, he said based on what he set up in Central, that you and Aye would lynch me next for one of two reasons.

-he's town and then you'd quickhammer me OR
-he's scum and he tried to backhand town confirm me in Central

I don't know why he spelled it out for me but in either case, he wants me gone next. And he said he is actually VT after all.

It's very convoluted and doesn't make much sense.

( emphasis added)

LOL Seriously? He told us in Central, based on what he set up in your neighborhood he had YOU as solid scum.

That was before the NK BTW, now he is saying you are town.

He told me he was going to do this. He told me straight out I was scum-called me scumzilla-twice-LOL.

This is exactly what he said he was going to do. I just don't get how it works. But he definitely wants me gone next. I did try to get him to freeze me last night. I pushed and pushed but oh well, tso is just as good a choice because that's one less person to consider as the last. And Mertex is still around.
Vote: Sameech


Cafe is the only one who has given no input. So let's let her be the hammer after she's had her say.

I am just getting here, not everyone is around as soon as the thread opens.

My two cents on the whole matter regarding Sam.

Sure scum lie. It was long thought Avatar lied on his way to the gallows. BUT then we find out Sam lied about his PR, he says he had to ensure Avatar was lynched. I have been thinking why? would he lie? Why not just convince us Avatar was scum here on the GT if he was so sure Avatar was scum, without lying? Then Gath told me, in what I would call a very candid moment in East, he killed Rosie. This squarely put Sam back in the scum category for me, forget his trying to convince us that there were godfathers in this setup, and telling us in Central Gath was lying about being scum to trick Sammich. His claims are off, his meta has been off the whole game.

So, I am asking Sam, since he is here, why didn't you think you could convince us Avatar was scum without lying, it was not as if you had been trying for days and days, and two, the claim you just made in Central, how does the fact there was a kill last night confirm Wolf as town?

Oh no worries. I know you get on later than the rest of us which is why I suggested you be given the hammer so you can give input. I don't think anyone else will vote before you do at this point.

If you read my post on what he said in the neighborhood, he said based on what he set up in Central, that you and Aye would lynch me next for one of two reasons.

-he's town and then you'd quickhammer me OR
-he's scum and he tried to backhand town confirm me in Central

I don't know why he spelled it out for me but in either case, he wants me gone next. And he said he is actually VT after all.

It's very convoluted and doesn't make much sense.

( emphasis added)

LOL Seriously? He told us in Central, based on what he set up in your neighborhood he had YOU as solid scum.

Wouldn't scum trying to sell scum townfirm their target when they were lynched?

They would indeed. However, Sam has been saying Wolf is scum and he had this elaborate set up in his other neighborhood which would become clear as a bell today. Nada, zip, zilch. He is playing each neighborhood off of one another.
When I vote for you and IF it is a mislynch you only have your bag of lies to blame, not town as you have been trying to do in Central and here on the forum.

PLEASE EXPLAIN all of you lies. TIA.

"Today's mystery action manifests Day 5."

Is this something you are going to tell us?

I think Scarlet already did. Something about losing her ice protection.

That hurts us a little, but scum could have still won without the mystery action by simply leaving her to be the last townie.

True, which makes me believe they are removing any barriers or believe she needs to go next. I saw her state she lost her shield, but I was not sure if Wake would make some sort of critical announcement.

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